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Enel Green Power Chile begins construction of wind power plant in La Araucanía

  • 4 years ago (2020-06-17)
  • David Flin
Latin America 77 Wind 240

Enel Green Power Chile, a subsidiary of Enel Chile , has begun construction work in its new Renaico II wind power plant, located in Renaico in the Araucanía region of Chile. This new wind energy plant is made up of two wind farms: the 58.5MW Las Viñas wind farm and the 85.5MW Puelche wind farm, giving it a total installed capacity of 144MW.

WNA 2024
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WNA 2024

With a total investment of $177 million, Renaico II will consist of 32 wind turbines. The units will have hub heights of 130m and blades 75m long. This will allow greater efficiency in wind capture.

It is estimated that Renaico II will generate 516GWh annually when it is in full operation. Construction is scheduled to last 12 months, with full production due by June 2021.

Among the logistical challenges of this project is the transportation of the wind turbines from the ports of Lirquén and Coronel to Renaico, a distance of over 110km.