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EIB to fund renewable energy development in Brazil

  • 4 years ago (2019-09-10)
  • David Flin
Latin America 77 Renewables 757 Solar 249 Wind 240

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has announced that it will provide €150 million credit to boost Brazil’s portfolio of renewable energy. The credit will be issued through EDP Renovaveis (EDPR) to support the development of wind and solar power generation plants. The credit will expand EDPR’s clean energy portfolio to 1.8TWh a year by 2023.

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The funding is expected to help Brazil to reduce its carbon emissions from power generation, accelerate the energy transition, and provide consumers with affordable energy. The solar and wind projects will help Brazil to reduce its fuel import costs, improve energy security, and contribute to the creation of 1900 jobs during the implementation phase.

The credit is in line with the Climate Action and Environmental Facility and the US Sustainable Development Goals, which are pushing the EIB to invest outside Europe to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy while fighting climate change.

Emma Navarro, EIB Vice President responsible for EIB operations in Latin America and for the Bank’s climate action, said: “Climate change is one of the biggest threats to the future of our planet, and we need to join forces to tackle it. Today, we are taking a very important step forward in our commitment to support sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Latin America. Thanks to this project, the EU Bank is boosting wind and solar power generation in Brazil, and therefore contributing to the fight against climate change. Supporting clean and renewable energy, thus helping to reduce CO2 emissions, is a key priority for the EIB in Brazil and in the whole region.”