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EIA data shows substantial US wind progress

  • 10 years ago (2014-03-11)
  • Junior Isles
North America 1004 Renewables 757
New data from the EIA shows substantial growth in the role of US wind energy, with this renewable energy source making up 30 per cent of new generating capacity over the last five years and supplying over 4 per cent of electricity on the grid during 2013.
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Wind power now makes up over a quarter of total electricity production in Iowa and South Dakota, and provided more than 12 per cent of electricity production in a further nine states.

“Wind energy continues to make inroads as a major contributor to the US power mix,” says Elizabeth Salerno, Vice President of Industry Data and Analysis for the American Wind Energy Association.

“The electricity generated by American wind power has more than tripled since 2008, not only due to significant growth in new wind projects but also technology innovation leading to more productive wind turbines.”

Overall, renewable energy sources, including hydroelectric, make up 13 per cent of the US’s energy mix.

Texas was the state with the most installed wind capacity and also generated the most electricity from wind, with over 35.9 million MWh produced.

These milestones are mostly down to Texas’ status as a huge state with a correlative high power demand, and the main electric grid in Texas, ERCOT, saw 9.9 per cent of its generation sourced from wind energy during 2013.

There is potentially much more to come from US wind generation. A 2010 study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimated that the US has over 10 million MW of potential wind resources, 10 times the current level of electricity demand.