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EGAT to extend operating lives of two coal-fired power stations

  • 3 months ago (2024-11-12)
  • David Flin
Asia 914 Coal 306

According to a report in the Bangkok Post, the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) is planning to refurbish two coal-fired power units to extend their service life.

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EGAT hopes this will help reduce the cost of electricity. It is currently conducting a feasibility study on refurbishing Units 8 and 9 in Lampang, each unit having a capacity of 320 MW. These two units are currently approaching the end of their planned operational life.

EGAT is carrying out a feasibility study on the rehabilitation and extension, and this study is expected to be completed in 2025.

EGAT wants to use the refurbished plants to reduce Thailand’s use of imported LNG, which is significantly more expensive than coal. The project is scheduled to be operating by 2027, at an estimated cost of $570 million.

EGAT previously called for bids for a project to replace ageing machinery used in Units 8 and 9, but only one company bid. EGAT initiated another bidding process, which did not attract any bidders.