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EDF to review UK coal plant West Burton’s future after September 2021

  • 4 years ago (2020-04-21)
  • David Flin
Coal 282 Europe 1068

EDF Energy will review the future of its 2GW West Burton A coal-fired power plant in Nottinghamshire, England when its capacity market contracts expire in September 2021. Previously, EDF Energy said generation from all four units at the site would cease between September 2021 and 2025, when UK coal-fired generation would be phased out completely.

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A spokesman for EDF Energy said: “The company’s remaining coal station, West Burton A, has capacity agreements in place for all units for the delivery year ending September 2021, and is committed to honouring these. We will review the future of that station beyond that date.”

Andy Tolley-Smith, energy analyst for S&P Global Platts Analytics, said: “I think it unlikely West Burton A would be successful in a T-1 auction for 2021/22, making EDF’s other option to secondary-trade a contract from another participant, which they’ve done before for contracts held for this year.”