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Doosan Enerbility wins $1.2 billion contract for El Dabaa nuclear power plant turbine island

  • 2 years ago (2022-11-18)
  • David Flin
Middle East 334 Nuclear 678

Doosan Enerbility has signed a $1.2 billion contract with Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP) to construct the turbine island at the El Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant in Egypt. This is Doosan Enerbility’s first contract for construction of a nuclear plant, in addition to supplying the main equipment, outside of South Korea.

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El Dabaa will consist of four 1.2 GW reactors at a site located 300 km northwest of Cairo. First construction is scheduled to start in August 2023.

Under the terms of the contract, Doosan Enerbility will build 82 buildings and structures, including the turbine building, water treatment and air conditioning systems, by 2029. Partnerships with local companies are being pursued.

Inwon Park, CEO of Doosan Enerbility’s Plant EPC Business Group, said: “As this is our first nuclear power plant construction won overseas, it is significant for Doosan Enerbility in that we will be able to boast of a nuclear new build track record in not only Korea, but in the global market as well. We will do our utmost to successfully complete this project, so that we may contribute to the government and KHNP’s efforts to win more global nuclear projects in the future.”