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$289 million financing agreed to develop solar power in Mauritania

  • 10 months ago (2024-01-29)
  • David Flin
Africa 323 Solar 277 Transmission 195

Mauritania and the African Development Bank (AfDB) have signed financing agreements for two energy sector projects in Mauritania worth $289.5 million. These agreements cover solar power generation, transnational electricity interconnection, and rural electrification.

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The financing, made up of loans and grants, is intended to implement the 225 kV Mauritania-Mali electricity interconnection and associated solar power plants development project, PIEMM, as well as a project to strengthen sustainable energy development of rural areas.

The first project, the PIEMM, will develop solar power plants and establish a 1373 km high-voltage 600 MW power line linking Mauritania and Mali. The objectives of this project are to boost solar power production and provide universal access to electricity in both countries. The project is financed by a $272 million loan from the AfDB and a $1.5 million grant from the Green Climate Fund .

The second project, RIMDIR, is a $16 million grant from the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) for rural electrification for 40 localities in southeastern Mauritania. It involves installation of hybrid mini-PV power plants combining a PV park and a back-up generator, and construction of connecting lines to link the power plants to the village.