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Denmark ramps up renewable investment in Iran

  • 9 years ago (2016-01-11)
  • David Flin
Middle East 333 Renewables 786

Renewables are at an early stage of development in Iran, contributing less than 1 per cent to the country’s total energy consumption. However, the Iranian Government has said that it plans to install around 4500 MW of wind power and around 500 MW of solar power under its 6 th Development Plan. The Renewable Energy Organisation of Iran (SUNA) has identified some prospective areas in Iran for installing close to 15 GW. Mostafa Rabie from SUNA said: “Iran can supply over two-thirds of its energy through wind power. The long-term policy over the next decade is to supply 50 per cent of required energy through renewables. Renovation and modernisation of existing thermal power plants with green technologies is part of the plan. To meet the challenge, Iran aims to attract foreign financing to ease investment across the country. However, this is not possible unless sanctions are lifted. Currently, over 19 projects, which require over $1.5 billion, have been proposed.”

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