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Czech electricity generation and consumption stagnates

  • 11 years ago (2013-05-21)
  • David Flin
Nuclear 643
An annual report by the Czech Energy Regulatory Office (ERO) states that Czech power plants generated 87.6 TWh of electricity in 2012, the same amount as in 2011, and gross consumption of electricity remained at the 2011 level of 70.5 TWh.
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Coal-fired plants supplied 47.3 TWh to the grid, an annual drop of 2 TWh, confirming a long-term downward trend from 2007.

By contrast, the nuclear power plants Dukovany and Temelin generated a record amount of 30.3 TWh in total last year.

Renewable sources produced 7.9 TWh, up 0.7 TWh on the year. However, the rate of growth has slowed. Biogas stations were the main contributor to the rise.