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Cummins signs up to Obama's new energy efficiency challenge

  • 12 years ago (2011-12-04)
  • Junior Isles
North America 1004

Cummins is following up its success in reducing is greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by becoming a partner in President Obama's new Better Buildings, Better Plants Challenge.

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The challenge, beginning this December, requires partners to commit to several energy efficiency measures including reducing energy use by at least 25 per cent per dollar revenue from 2005-2015 and reporting details on energy use and progress as part of a wider efficiency project.

Cummins joined the US Environmental Protection Agency's similar Climate Leaders Program in 2006. This program set the goal of a 25 per cent reduction of GHG emissions per dollar revenue from 2005 to 2010. In May 2011, Cummins announced that it had exceeded the goal with a 28 per cent reduction.

The company’s new 25 per cent energy efficiency goal over the 2005 to 2015 time frame is equivalent to about a 40 per cent GHG reduction.

"Cummins strongly believes in the business case for energy efficiency," said Tom Linebarger, Cummins President and Chief Operating Officer.

"It is good business, good for our business, and it is the right thing to do. By being a Challenge Partner, Cummins commits to aggressively pursue energy efficiency, which will continue to move our work forward. The Challenge also provides a forum to both share our knowledge and learn from fellow Partners that can encourage other companies to pursue energy efficiency actions," he said.