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Commonwealth plans world’s first grid-scale fusion power plant in Virginia, USA

  • 2 months ago (2024-12-18)
  • David Flin
North America 1040 Nuclear 678

Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS), a private company formed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said that it is planning to build the world’s first grid-scale fusion power plant in Virginia, USA, scheduled to generate power by the early 2030s.

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However, CFS has yet to obtain local and federal permits, investors to fund most of the plant’s construction, and the answer to some basic technical issues. CFS said that it had raised $2 billion since 2018, mainly for demonstration projects, and is confident that extra financing will be forthcoming.

CFS will start seeking local, state, and federal permits in 2025, and expects to generate its first plasma in 2026 at its demonstration project in Massachusetts. It anticipates reaching positive energy shortly after this.

Bob Mumgaard, CEO of CFS, said in response to a question about starting construction before the science had been resolved: “There is no guarantee in life that all will go according to plan, but it’s pretty sure if you don’t prepare, it won’t.”