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Climate talks make progress

  • 8 years ago (2015-07-23)
  • Junior Isles
Europe 1068

Environment ministers have made progress with talks to prepare for a global climate deal due to be signed at the UN Climate Change conference in Paris in later this year.

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Ministerial delegations from 46 nations met in Paris on Monday and Tuesday for informal talks on a global agreement to limit average global temperature increases scheduled to be signed at the COP21 Conference in December.

Laurence Tubiana, France’s chief climate official, highlighted the progress made on moves to ensure all countries assess and review their carbon reduction every five years.

In a post-summit press conference Tubiana said: “This is a breakthrough...That was not obvious to get...There are still a lot of details to be worked out, but the idea of everyone accepting to be verified within a common framework is very significant.”

In a statement French foreign minister Laurent Fabius said: “The meeting was constructive… our goal is ambitious, but I am confident.”