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China to quadruple solar power generating capacity

  • 10 years ago (2013-07-16)
  • David Flin
Asia 859 Renewables 757
China’s State Council has given official backing the State Grid’s target of quadrupling the country’s solar power generating capacity to 35GW by 2015. The State Council said in a statement that China will add about 10GW per year from 2013-2015. At the end of 2012, China’s installed solar power generating capacity stood at 8GW.
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China’s solar panel manufacturing capacity is estimated at about 45GW per year. This compares with a global demand of about 35GW per year.

However, some experts have suggested that reaching the target may prove difficult, due to a lack of funding for solar subsidies and an absence of infrastructure required to harness intermittent renewable energy. Jason Cai, Chief Analyst with the Shanghai-based consultancy Solarzoom, said: “I think China can boost capacity to 21GW, but it will be very difficult to reach 35GW.”