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China still backing overseas coal-fired power plants, despite ban

  • 20 hours ago (2024-10-15)
  • David Flin
Africa 318 Asia 881 Coal 290

According to a report from the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA), Chinese firms and banks continue to support the expansion of coal power overseas three years after President Xi Jinping promised at the United Nations General Assembly to end the practice.

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Over the last 12 months, an additional 3.4 GW from previously unannounced overseas power projects have advanced into the construction phase and 4.9 GW into the pre-permit phase. At least three of these projects for coal-fired power plants, totalling 1.5 GW, in Kyrgyzstan, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, are in direct violation of President Xi’s 2021 pledge.

In addition, 700 MW of China-backed coal-fired power capacity that had been shelved has been pushed forward or revived recently, and 52 power plants remain in the permitted and construction phases, representing a total additional capacity of 49.5 GW.