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China’s to help build 200 MW solar power plant in Ukraine

  • 6 years ago (2018-04-09)
  • David Flin
Europe 1068 Solar 249

DTEK of the Ukraine and China Machinery Engineering Corporation have signed a contract for the construction of a 200 MW solar power plant in Nikopol, in the Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine. The project cost has been estimated to be €230 million. Construction of the facility is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year, and it is expected that it will start to supply electricity to the Ukraine grid from March 2019.

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Maksym Tymchenko, head of DTEK, said: “The 200 MW project is the beginning of the road. We have ambitious plans to build up to 1000 MW of solar and wind power generation facilities by the end of 2019. The volume of investments for these projects will exceed €1 billion. Tymchenko did not disclose details of securing the financing of the project, but did say that the company will invest tens of millions of euros in the project, while CMEC’s investments will be secured by the Export Credit Agency of China.

Tymchenko also said DTEK is interested in CMEC technologies for upgrading coal-fired power units and making them compliant with EU emission standards.