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China plans to build 450 GW of wind and solar in deserts

  • 2 years ago (2022-03-11)
  • David Flin
Asia 897 Solar 277 Wind 261

China has announced its intention to construct 450 GW of solar and wind power, to be built in the Gobi and other deserts. The Chinese government hasn’t specified source percentages of the planned build, nor either completion date or progress plan. It has been suggested that the 450 GW will be completed by 2030.

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There are reports that construction is already underway on 100 GW of the new capacity, despite price rises in required materials. The price of polysilicon, a key raw material for solar cell construction, was 2.5 times higher in June 2021 compared to six months before that. The costs of labour and freight also rose sharply as a result of the effect of the Covid pandemic on supply chains.

The move to develop these plans were boosted by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. China, like many countries, is hurrying to ensure greater security of energy supply. With a volatile world market in gas, depending on gas as a supply is now deemed to be unwise.