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China limits power in cold spell

  • 15 years ago (2010-01-07)
  • David Flin
Asia 915 North America 1036

, and other regions of are limiting electricity use as record low temperatures boost demand and snowfalls have restricted coal deliveries needed to generate power.

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Power consumption in the provinces of , and rose to record levels, according to the official Xinhua News Agency. Xinhua said that the provinces of , , , and the municipalities of and Chingqing have limited electricity use due to coal shortages.

A cold front in northern that caused the heaviest snowfall in in almost six decades and the lowest temperatures since 1971 began moving south into the provinces of , and , according to the China Meteorological Administration.

Coal stockpiles at power stations in the region dropped by 24 per cent to 8.68 million tons at the end of December. The region has reduced output by 3.35GWh over the last month because of the coal shortfall, according to Xinhua.