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Chia Hui power plant in Taiwan starts commercial operation

  • 2 years ago (2021-08-16)
  • David Flin
Asia 859 Gas 379

GE has announced that Chia Hui Power Corporation’s CHP plant in Minxiong Township, Chaiyi County, Taiwan, has started commercial operations.

WNA 2024
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WNA 2024

GE provided a HA-powered turnkey 535 MW turnkey combined cycle plant covering the full plant lifecycle. The plant also supplies steam for district heating. This supports Taiwan’s Renewable Energy Development Act (REDA) energy policy, which seeks to increase the gas-fired power ratio to 50 per cent by 2025, replacing coal-fired plants.

The power plant is comprised of a single generating block which GE has equipped with a 7HA.02 gas turbine powering an H65 generator, a STF A650 steam turbine powering an H33 generator, and an HRSG. GE manufactured, delivered, and installed the equipment and will provide maintenance services for 10 years.

Overall plant performance will be monitored and enhanced with GE’s Mark Vie Distributed Control System (DCS) software solution. This will help Chia Hui Power Corporation improve asset visibility, reliability, and availability while reducing O&M costs. In addition, Chia Hui power plant will use big data analytics to improve fleet performance and make smarter operational decisions.

Kent Chen, General Manager of Chia Hui Power Corporation, said: “Taiwan’s Renewable Energy Development Act was enacted to promote the utilisation of renewable energy, increase energy diversification, improve environment quality, energise the industry, and drive the national sustainable development. The growth of gas power generation plays a critical role in facilitating Taiwan’s transition to a lower carbon future.”