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Centrus to conduct $15 million Oak Ridge D&D project for US DOE

  • 5 years ago (2018-10-03)
  • David Flin
North America 1004 Nuclear 643

Centrus Energy Corporation has announced a $15 million Work Authorisation from the US Department of Energy (DOE) for decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) to prepare the Department’s K-1600 facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee for demolition.

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Centrus has leased K-1600 from DOE since 2002 to test and demonstrate advanced uranium enrichment centrifuges, while conducting centrifuge manufacturing, engineering, and design at its Technology and Manufacturing Centre (TMC) in Oak Ridge. Earlier this year, Centrus obtained a licence from the State of Tennessee to allow for future testing activities at TMC so that the company can consolidate its future centrifuge development at a single, Centrus-owned facility, obviating the need to continue using K-1600.

Centrus’ work at K-1600 will involve the removal and disposition of all equipment and materials to render K-1600 non-radiologically contaminated and non-possessing. After completion of the work, DOE will be able to turn the facility over to a contractor to demolish the building. Centrus’ work will take place between October 2018 and September 2019.

Centus recently completed similar work at its 120-machine demonstration cascade in Piketon, Ohio, finishing on schedule and under budget.

D&D of K-1600 is part of a larger effort by the DOE to clean up the site so that it can be reused for commercial and industrial purposes.