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California’s first grid-connected solar farm

  • 14 years ago (2010-06-04)
  • David Flin
North America 1040 Renewables 786

The solar-powered CalRENEW-1 has been connected to the California Independent System Operator’s (CAISO) transmission grid under the state’s Renewables Portfolio Standards programme. California’s Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, said: “California has led the way in enacting ambitious policies and programmes to combat climate change, reduce our dependency on oil, and grow our green economy.”

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There have been many large solar projects announced by California’s utilities before, including two slightly larger PV solar farms (one in California and one in Nevada) that are delivering electricity to PG&E. However, CalRENEW-1 is the first to achieve CAISO approval to deliver power directly to the transmission level grid.

CalRENEW-1 will deliver 5 MW to PG&E under a long-term power purchase agreement. It generates electricity from more than 50,000 solar modules, which occupy 50 acres of formerly fallow farmland in California’s Central Valley.

CalRENEW-1 is a collaborative effort between Meridian Energy USA, PG&E, the CAISO, and the city of Mendota, which is providing the site for the facility under a long term lease.