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Bruce Power to receive $50 million to explore new nuclear plant

  • 9 months ago (2024-03-01)
  • David Flin
North America 1026 Nuclear 665

Bruce Power is set to receive up to C$50 million from the Canadian government to explore building a new nuclear power plant on the site of its existing Ontario facility.

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Jonathan Wilkinson, Canada’s Federal Energy and Natural Resources Minister, said that the funding will help work towards a net zero economy.

Bruce Power will use the money for pre-development work, including applications and technical, environmental, and engineering studies.

Bruce Power is currently undergoing a federal Impact Assessment process to evaluate the potential for a new plant to generate up to 4800 MW. This would be Ontario’s first new, large-scale nuclear plant in more than 30 years.

Ontario is also planning to build four SMRs at the site of Ontario Power Generation ’s Darlington nuclear plant, and is looking to extend the life of the Pickering nuclear power plant.