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Brazil tender to offer 11.3 GW in solar projects

  • 8 years ago (2015-08-27)
Renewables 757

The combined installed capacity totals 11.261 GW, which is equal to the Belo Monte hydroelectric mega-plant being built in Brazil's Amazon region.

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Mauricio Tolmasquim, EPE President, said: "The large number of projects shows that there will be strong competition during the auction."

The largest number of projects (125) is in the Bahia state, followed by Piaui (61), Rio Grande do Norte (37), Pernambuco (31), Sao Paulo (30) and Minas Gerais (22).

Electricity sold at the auction has been capped by the government at Real349/MWh ($103/MWh).

Projects have been registered in 11 states, allowing distributors 20-year supply contracts starting in August 2017.

This follows Brazil's first ever solar power auction last October, where developers secured 890 MW of new projects with planned investments of Real7.1 billion ($2.82 billion).