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Belgium could face winter power cuts

  • 9 years ago (2014-09-03)
  • Junior Isles
Nuclear 643

A shortage of nuclear capacity could cause power shortages this winter in Belgium.

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A report by transmission system operator Elia presented to the Belgian Secretary of State for Energy, says there is a risk of power outages of around 49 hours between November 1 and March 31st.

The prediction is based on the scenario of the country’s three nuclear reactors, Doel 2, Doel 3 and Tihange not working simultaneously, and a current energy reserve of only 850 MW.

The government is hoping to avoid any power cuts. Secretary of State for Energy, Catherine Fonck, told Belgian newspaper De Tijd : “The calculations of Elia are not factoring in all sorts of measures that we are still working on.” These measures include reducing lighting in public buildings and on highways.

She added that the Doel 4 nuclear reactor, currently out of action due to suspected sabotage, might be operating again at the beginning of 2015.

“Statistically, the most difficult months are January and February. For this period, if Doel 4 restarts, we are left with an average risk of shortage of 5 hours, and not more than 49 hours,” she said.