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Annova LNG plans to get all its power from renewables

  • 4 years ago (2019-09-24)
  • David Flin
North America 1004 Renewables 757 Wind 240

Annova LNG of Houston, Texas, USA has announced that it plans to get all of the electricity for its proposed export terminal at the Port of Brownsville from renewable sources such as wind and solar. Annova has signed a facilities agreement to buy 405MW from the South Texas Electric Cooperative and the Magic Valley Electric Cooperative .

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Omar Khayum, CEO of Annova LNG, said that he wants power for the proposed export terminal to come from renewable sources. The company plans to issue a request for proposals through its electricity providers. It is planned that the LNG plant will produce 6 million tonnes of LNG per year.

Wind energy currently accounts for about 20 per cent of the power generation mix in Texas, while solar accounts for 1 per cent, according to the Electricity Reliability Council of Texas , the state power grid operator.