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AGL announces plans for new gas-fired power station in South Australia

  • 7 years ago (2017-06-07)
  • David Flin
Australasia 51 Gas engine plant 62

South Australia’s biggest power producer and retailer AGL has announced plans to build a new $295 million gas-fired unit to replace part of the ageing Torrens Island power station. The new 210 MW power station will be built alongside the Torrens Island facility, and will use 12 gas engines.

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Construction is expected to start shortly, and full operation is scheduled to start in early 2019. The power station, to be known as the Barker Inlet Power Station, will replace tow of the four Torrens Island A turbines. The Torrens Island B turbines will continue to operate as usual.

AGL cancelled plans to mothball Torrens Island A after the closure of Port Augusta’s coal-fired units last year. However, AGL has continued to warn that the 50-year-old station was nearing the end of operational viability, and needed to be replaced.

Andrew Vesey, Managing Director of AGL, said the new station would help “create a secure energy system” in South Australia.

He said: “We are delighted that we are now able to confirm that Barker Inlet Power Station will be developed, improving reliability and security of supply in South Australia using modern responsive technology that is more efficient and less carbon intensive than the pre-existing plant.”