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AFD grants €170 million for Nigerian transmission networks

  • 9 years ago (2015-06-23)
Africa 306

Godknows Igali, permanent secretary in the Ministry of Power, broke the news at the inauguration of the nine-member steering committee for vocational training in the energy industry. He said that this was a significant occasion for the Nigerian power sector and that "agencies of government must not wait for funding from government aloneā€.

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The AFD head of projects, Celine Gratadour, noted that Nigeria's large power sector needed more technical capacity to effectively run the sector, while she also said that AFD was in Nigeria to mainly get feedback on the training programs run by the National Power Training Institute of Nigeria (NAPTIN).

A consultant from CPCS Transcom Limited, Alexandra Oldford, said the objective of the transmission project was to develop a new strategic plan for NAPTIN.