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Adani Power, IHI and Kowa to collaborate on ammonia-fired power generation

  • 2 years ago (2022-03-23)
  • David Flin
Asia 859 Coal 282 Gas 379

Adani Power Ltd (APL). IHI Corporation , and Kowa have signed an MOU to study the feasibility of a modification to achieve 20 per cent liquid ammonia co-firing, increasing up to 100 per cent mono-firing, at the Adani Power Mundra coal-fired power plant in the Indian state of Gujarat.

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APL said that it plans to help India achieve greenhouse gas reduction targets through possible implantation of ammonia as a fuel, utilising green hydrogen-derived ammonia in the existing thermal power plant.

Kowa conducted a global survey of hydrogen and ammonia-related technologies being utilised for power generation. IHI has already successfully demonstrated its ammonia co-firing technology as a large-scale coal-fired power plant in Japan.

If decarbonisation at the Mundra plant is successful, APL will carry it out elsewhere. In addition, the parties intend to conduct R&D, demonstration, and commercial implementation to that which is be carried out in Japan to achieve early global implementation of the fuel ammonia supply chain.