The nine winning bidders are:
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Asia Pacific Nuclear Energy (APNE) 2025
Moray Offshore Renewables. Moray Firth Zone – 1.3GW.
SeaGreen Wind Energy. Firth of Forth Zone – 3.5GW.
Forewind Consortium, equally owned by SSE Renewables, RWE Npower Renewables, Statoil and Statkraft. Dogger Bank Zone – 9GW.
Siemens Project Ventures and Mainstream Renewable Power. Hornsea Zone – 4GW.
East Anglia Offshore Wind, equally owned by Scottish Power Renewables and Vattenfall Vindkraft. Norfolk Bank Zone – 7.2GW.
Eon Climate and Renewables . Hastings Zone – 0.6GW.
Eneco New Energy. West of Isle of Wight Zone – 0.9GW.
RWE Npower Renewables. Bristol Channel Zone – 1.5GW.
Centrica Renewable Energy and RES Group. Irish Sea Zone – 4.2GW.
Another issue is that existing subsidies for offshore wind are only guaranteed until 2014, but very few of the round three projects will have begun operating by then.