March 2025 • Volume 18 • No 1 • Published monthly • ISSN 1757-7365
THE ENERGY INDUSTRY TIMES is published by Man in Black Media • www.mibmedia.com • Editor-in-Chief: Junior Isles • For all enquiries email: enquiries@teitimes.com
Hydrogen strategies Spotlight: Australia
Many countries see hydrogen as key to
decarbonising their economies. But who
is lagging and what can they learn from
the leaders?
Page 13
TEI Times looks at Australia’s
generation and consumption proles,
policy, emissions targets and
investment attractiveness.
Page 14
News In Brief
Europe must base energy
security on clean
Europe needs an energy security
strategy based on clean electrica-
tion, according to a new report
published by Eurelectric.
Page 2
US debates a slowdown in
fossil fuel exit
US Energy Secretary Chris Wright
has called on the electricity indus-
try to stop the closure of coal pow-
er plants, saying “no one has won
by that action”.
Page 4
Indonesia wavering on
climate commitments
Indonesia has again pledged its
support for the Paris climate accord
following its climate envoy’s sug-
gestion that the agreement was “ir-
relevant” after the US again with-
drew from the agreement.
Page 5
European Commission
publishes new Clean
Industrial Deal plan
The European Commission has
published proposals for a new
‘Clean Industrial Deal’ plan, cen-
tred on promoting domestic clean
technology manufacturing, espe-
cially of renewable and low-carbon
hydrogen technologies.
Page 7
India, France unveil nuclear
reactor partnership
India and France have agreed to
jointly develop a new generation of
nuclear reactors as one of the three
nuclear agreements signed during
a visit to France by India’s Prime
Minister Narendra Modi.
Page 8
BP pivots on clean energy
BP is shifting focus back to its oil
and gas roots after its bet on renew-
able energy hit the group’s share
price, causing a backlash from
Page 9
Technology Perspective:
Power-to-X and the
hydrogen economy
Power-to-X holds the promise to
transform the global economy onto
a green footing, but to do so means
adopting a pragmatic approach and
breaking down barriers to the wide-
spread adoption and development
of a much more hydrogen-centric
energy system.
Page 15
or call +44 (0)1933 392987
There is deepening concern as the world’s biggest polluters fail to submit national action plans
for cutting carbon emissions. Junior Isles
Global investment in energy transition hits $2 trillion milestone
Final Word
The battle must continue
– even when the going
gets tough, says
Junior Isles.
Page 16
The EU, Australia, Indonesia, South
Africa and India are among the big pol-
luters that have missed a UN deadline
for new climate targets, fuelling spec-
ulation that the global economy and
the withdrawal of the US from the
Paris Climate Agreement are taking a
toll on nations’ commitment to tackling
global warming.
Under the Paris Agreement, signed
in 2015, nearly 200 countries were
due to submit updated Nationally De-
termined Contributions (NDCs) by
February 10th. These NDCs are meant
to include country-specic headline
gures for cutting greenhouse gas
emissions by 2035. Many countries
are already falling well short of the
targets they set for 2030, with the con-
sequence that carbon emissions and
global temperatures are still rising.
Last year was recorded as the hottest
year ever.
Commenting on the number of
NDCs submitted, Nick Mabey, co-
founder of UK-based climate think-
tank E3G, said only about one- quarter
to one-third of the G20 economies had
been expected to submit their targets
on time. “Because of the shock of the
US presidency and all the other issues,
there is not a lot of leader attention on
this issue,” he said.
While Brazil, New Zealand, Swit-
zerland, UAE and the UK were the
most notable to submit upgraded tar-
gets by the deadline, there were some
worrying absences.
Poland, which holds the rotating
chair of the EU presidency, is one of
the governments that is most sceptical
of climate targets and is unlikely to
push the agenda ahead of presidential
elections in May.
“The quality matters more than the
speed of submission,” one European
ofcial said. The EU submits one
overarching NDC for all countries
within the bloc.
Nonetheless, the failure of the EU to
submit NDCs has fuelled concern
over the bloc’s commitment to its cli-
mate goals.
Mexico, which last year elected a
new government led by climate scien-
tist Claudia Sheinbaum, said it would
seek to submit its target around mid-
year. South Africa said it aimed to
have a new climate plan by around
September. China, meanwhile, is said
to be still assessing geopolitical devel-
opments after the election of Donald
Trump as US President. Trump pulled
Continued on Page 2
Investment in the clean energy transi-
tion exceeded $2 trillion for the rst
time in 2024, according Bloomberg-
NEF’s (BNEF) Energy Transition In-
vestment Trends 2025.
The report reveals that investment in
the low-carbon energy transition
worldwide grew 11 per cent to hit a
record $2.1 trillion last year. BNEF
also reports that global energy transi-
tion investment would need to aver-
age $5.6 trillion each year from 2025
to 2030, in order to get on track for
global net zero by 2050, in line with
the Paris Agreement.
Growth was driven by electried
transport, renewable energy, and
power grids, which all reached new
highs last year, along with energy
storage investment. While overall in-
vestment in energy transition tech-
nologies set a new record, the pace of
growth was slower than the previous
three years, when investment jumped
by 24-29 per cent annually.
Investments in renewable energy hit
$728 billion, which includes invest-
ment in wind (both on- and offshore),
solar, biofuels, biomass and waste,
marine, geothermal and small hydro.
Investment in power grids totalled
$390 billion, which includes invest-
ment in transmission and distribution
lines, substation equipment, and the
digitalisation of the grid.
BNEF’s report also reveals a marked
difference between investment in ma-
ture and emerging sectors of the clean
energy economy. Technologies that
are proven, commercially scalable
and have established business mod-
els, like renewables, energy storage,
electric vehicles, and power grids, ac-
counted for the vast majority of in-
vestment in 2024. These sectors drew
$1.93 trillion, growing 14.7 per cent,
despite hindrance from policy deci-
sions, higher interest rates and expect-
ed slower consumer purchasing.
In contrast, investment in emerging
technologies, like electried heat, hy-
drogen, carbon capture and storage
(CCS), nuclear, clean industry and
clean shipping, reached only $155 bil-
lion, for an overall drop of 23 per cent
year-on-year. Factors that discourage
investment in these sectors include af-
fordability, technology maturity, and
commercial scalability.
In order to scale these industries,
the report stressed public and private
sectors need to do more to de-risk
these technologies, otherwise, they
are not likely to have any meaningful
impact on emissions by the end of the
The largest market for investment
was mainland China, which alone ac-
counted for $818 billion of invest-
ment, up 20 per cent from 2023. Chi-
na’s investment growth was
equivalent to two-thirds of the total
global increase in the year, with all
sectors reviewed in the report show-
ing solid growth.
The EU, US, and UK, which drove
growth in 2023, saw different results
in 2024.
Investment was stagnant in the US,
reaching $338 billion, and down in
both the EU and UK, hitting $381 bil-
lion and $65.3 billion, respectively.
China’s total investment last year was
greater than the combined investment
of the US, EU and UK. Of the large
markets included in the report, India
and Canada also added to overall
global growth, increasing their invest-
ments by 13 per cent and 19 per cent,
A separate report by Global Energy
Monitor said the wealthiest nations
are not building their fair share of
wind and solar. Utility-scale solar and
wind capacity grew by over 20 per
cent in 2024 from 3.6 TW to 4.4 TW.
Yet ju st 10 pe r c ent of th ese p roje cts
are being built by the Group of 7 (G7),
despite these rich countries owning
nearly half the world’s wealth.
Big polluters miss
Big polluters miss
climate targets
climate targets
Since signing the Paris Agreement in
2015, most countries have struggled
to stick to emissions targets
Junior isles
The world’s electricity consumption is
forecast to rise at its fastest pace in
recent years, growing at nearly 4 per
cent annually through 2027 as power
use climbs in several sectors across the
economy, according to a new Interna-
tional Energy Agency (IEA) report.
‘Electricity 2025’, the latest edition
of the IEAs main market analysis of
the sector, forecasts that the growth in
global demand will be the equivalent
of adding an amount greater than Ja-
pan’s annual electricity consumption
every year between now and 2027. The
surge is primarily driven by robust
growing use of electricity for indus-
trial production, increased demand for
air conditioning, accelerating electri-
cation, led by the transport sector, and
the rapid expansion of data centres.
Most of the additional demand over
the next three years will come from
emerging and developing economies,
which account for 85 per cent of the
demand growth. The trend is most
pronounced in China where electricity
demand has been growing faster than
the overall economy since 2020. Chi-
na’s electricity consumption rose by 7
per cent in 2024 and is expected to grow
by an average of around 6 per cent
through 2027. The demand growth in
China has been fuelled in part by the
industrial sector, where alongside the
traditional energy-intensive sectors,
the rapidly expanding electricity-in-
tensive manufacturing of solar panels,
batteries, electric vehicles and associ-
ated materials played a signicant role.
Air conditioning, electric vehicle adop-
tion, data centres and 5G networks are
additional contributors.
“The acceleration of global electric-
ity demand highlights the signicant
changes taking place in energy sys-
tems around the world and the ap-
proach of a new Age of Electricity. But
it also presents evolving challenges
for governments in ensuring secure,
affordable and sustainable electricity
supply,” said IEA Director of Energy
Markets and Security Keisuke
Sadamori. “While emerging and de-
veloping economies are set to drive the
large majority of the growth in global
electricity demand in the coming years,
consumption is also expected to in-
crease in many advanced economies
after a period of relative stagnation.
Policy makers need to pay close atten-
tion to these shifting dynamics, which
will be addressed at the international
‘Summit on the Future of Energy Se-
curity’ that the IEA is hosting with the
UK government in London in April.”
The new report forecasts that growth
in low-emissions sources primarily
renewables and nuclear is sufcient,
in aggregate, to cover all the growth in
global electricity demand over the next
three years. In particular, generation
from solar PV is forecast to meet
roughly half of global electricity de-
mand growth through 2027, supported
by continued cost reductions and pol-
icy support.
A separate report from the IEA, how-
ever, also revealed that global coal red
power generation continued to grow in
2024, albeit at a slower pace, rising 1
per cent year-on-year after a 1.7 per
cent increase in 2023. Going forward,
coal red generation is expected to
remain relatively stable as more clean
energy use curbs expansion.
eanwhile, natural gas red power
generation rose 2.6 per cent in 2024,
marking a new global high. The Middle
East is projected to drive growth in gas-
red power through 22, particularly
in Saudi Arabia, where gas generation
is expected to rise by 10 per cent as the
country transitions away from oil.
Europe was the only major region
where gas red generation declined in
2024, largely due to high gas prices and
a colder winter. The IEA forecasts that
global gas red power generation will
see modest annual growth of around 1
per cent in 2026-2027, with rising de-
mand in China, India, and Southeast
Asia balancing declines in advanced
economies. Additionally, the role of
gas red plants in providing exibility
to power systems is expected to in-
crease worldwide.
the US out of the climate accord
during his rst week of ofce.
This has led Argentina to propose
withdrawing from the pact. Indone-
sia is also now questioning the use-
fulness of the Paris Agreement fol-
lowing the US’s exit.
Mabey said that delaying submis-
sions by three to six months “was
not so much a problem”, because it
would ensure countries could pro-
duce solid plans. “It would be much
better if it was as high ambition as
possible, but also that it was linked
very clearly to both national imple-
mentation procedures and interna-
tional support,” he said.
 U ofcial also said theuality
of the climate plans was the most
important consideration and coun-
tries should take the extra time to
deliver the best plans.
EU ofcials say the bloc will be
late submitting its plan amid con-
cerns that its green agenda will
hamper economic growth.
The EU’s Green Deal, aimed at
decarbonising the economy, was
launched in 2019 but has since come
under re from European compa-
nies complaining of high energy
prices and overregulation. Member
states are also concerned about wan-
ing economic growth, while the US’
decision to withdraw from the Pais
Agreement and scrap climate goals
has increased calls for the bloc to
rethink its entire approach.
European Commission Vice-
President Teresa Ribera told the
Financial Times: “The global real-
ity has evolved, and we may need
to think to what extent these things
that were there need to be updated.”
The Commission says, however,
that it must stick to its climate goals
and must therefore balance protec-
tion of the planet with improving
the continents agging competi-
tiveness. “We need to ensure that
there’s a story of growth and pros-
perity,” said Ribera, who is in charge
of the green transition and competi-
tion, adding that this was a ne line
that we need to strike”.
Last month Ribera laid out how
the Commission might achieve
this. She promised to mobilise more
than €100 billion to support clean
manufacturing, including via the
European Investment Bank. The
bloc’s next multi-year budget,
which still has to be agreed, would
also include a competitiveness fund
to boost European research and
manufacturing of clean tech.
A Clean Industrial Deal will lay
out how to boost demand for made-
in-Europe products – from steel to
chemicals and cars through
streamlining public procurement
and allowing the most power-inten-
sive plants to get backing from the
European Investment Bank when
they purchase energy. The commis-
sioner will also propose joint pur-
chasing and strategic stockpiles of
17 critical raw materials.
Another area of action will be to
drastically cut the number of small
and medium companies affected by
existing environmental regulations,
reducing their reporting require-
ments and giving businesses more
time to comply with the revised
As greenhouse gas emissions con-
tinue to rise and annual tempera-
tures increase, experts have ques-
tioned whether it is still feasible to
regard a limit of warming within
1.5°C as achievable.
Two recent studies, published in
the journal Nature, both said the
lower limit of the Paris accord
looked increasingly out of reach
without urgent climate action.
Continued from Page 1
Natural gas will play a vital role in the
energy transition, supporting the ex-
pansion of renewables and accelerat-
ing the shift away from coal, accord-
ing to the latest ‘Horizons report’ from
Wood Mackenzie.
The report, titled ‘The bridge: Natu-
ral gas’s crucial role as a transitional
energy source’, emphasizes that while
the world is increasingly turning to
renewable energy, natural gas remains
fundamental to meeting global energy
needs and reducing emissions in the
“Gas demand has surged by 80 per
cent over the past 25 years, now meet-
ing almost a quarter of the world’s
energy needs,” said Massimo Di Odo-
ardo, Vice President of Gas and LNG
Research at Wood Mackenzie. “Its
success lies in the scale of global
resources, low production costs, ease
of storage and dispatch, and com-
parative environmental advantages.”
urging electrication, increasingly
delivered by renewable power sourc-
es, will lead the charge to curb CO
emissions, says the report. Electrica-
tion can only move so fast, however,
and the adoption of emerging low-
carbon technologies, such as hydro-
gen, is currently too slow to achieve
net zero emissions by 2050. With coal
still accounting for 30 per cent of the
world’s energy needs, shifting to gas
as a transition fuel is a compelling op-
tion, argues Wood Mackenzie.
Despite its vital role in the future
energy mix, the report also highlights
that challenges remain. It says high
LNG prices since 2022 risk undermin-
ing the full potential of wider gas
adoption in Asia and that carbon
prices would be needed to shift the
“In China and India, where gas usage
is mainly used for peak shaving, gas
demand is still expected to grow by
almost 100 bcm through to 2050 in
the power sector, offering the most
practical option for ensuring exibil-
ity as renewable investments surge,”
said Di Odoardo. “Without a carbon
price of around US$100/tonne, reduc-
ing China’s and India’s dependency
on baseload coal looks like a massive
ask. But the prize could be a reduction
of more than 300 Mt of CO
by 2035.”
Emissions remain an issue as well,
said Wood Mackenzie. Gas and LNG
both produce substantial greenhouse
gas (GHG). However, according to
the report, claims that the LNG value
chain is more GHG-intensive than
coal is unfounded.
“Our analysis shows that, on aver-
age, LNG has around 60 per cent
lower GHG intensity than coal. Even
when considering a 20-year global
warming potential (GWP) and com-
paring methane-intensive LNG with
coal burnt in highly efcient plants,
LNG is still 26 per cent less GHG-
intensive,” said Di Odoardo. “Never-
theless, its carbon dioxide and meth-
ane emissions need to be addressed as
a matter of urgency to ensure its pri-
macy as a bridging fuel.”
The report concludes that natural
gas, particularly LNG, will be critical
in the shift to a lower-carbon future,
bridging the gap as emerging low-
carbon technologies strive to reach
critical mass.
Europe needs an energy security strat-
egy that is based on clean electrica-
tion, according to a recent report pub-
lished by Eurelectric, the organisation
that represents Europe’s electricity
The study, carried out by Compass
Lexecon on behalf of Eurelectric and
formally unveiled at the Munich Se-
curity Conference, demonstrates the
need for a new approach to energy
security based on clean electrication
to reduce fuel imports dependence,
lower exposure to commodities price
shocks and boost crises resilience.
Providing a backdrop for the study,
Eurelectric noted: “Cables in the Bal-
tic repeatedly sabotaged, devastating
storms leaving Ireland in the dark, war
raging in Ukraine and price shocks
caused by Russia’s fuel disruptions:
Europe’s energy system is being chal-
lenged like never before.
“Meanwhile, Europe is decarbonis-
ing its economy with clean and renew-
able power set to meet 60 per cent of
nal energy use by 2. s energy
needs evolve, so should Europe’s en-
ergy security strategy.”
The EU’s current energy security
strategy was adopted in 2014, at a time
when countries relied heavily on Rus-
sian imports and renewables made up
only a small fraction of the overall
mix. Today, this picture has funda-
mentally changed.
Energy imports are expected to de-
crease from 60 per cent of EU energy
supply in 2022 to 13 per cent by 2050,
thanks to transport and heating
electrication. enewables are set to
generate 69 per cent of total power
by 2030 and Russian oil and gas will
be gradually phased out. These devel-
opments call for an integrated power-
led security approach.
“Energy security has always been a
problem but it has never been such a
tough problem,” said Eurelectric’s
President and E.On CEO Leonhard
Birnbaum. “The recent year has
shown us that business-as-usual in
Europe is no longer an option. With
the threats faced by our sector, secu-
rity of supply is becoming an urgent
priority that policymakers and regula-
tors must acknowledge [this].”
To secure Europes power supply,
the study suggests strengthening
three pillars:
1. Better planning: Preparedness
frameworks should encompass the
entire value chain, include all energy
vectors, infrastructure, span across
longer timeframes and factor in ex-
ternal threats to better identify system
2. lexibility massive exible ca-
pacity will be needed to complement
variable renewables 175 GW should
come from new storage technologies
and demand side response by 2030.
To incentivise investments, capacity
mechanisms and exibility support
schemes will be crucial.
3. Functioning markets: effective
price signals should reect system
needs and allow consumers to con-
tribute to security of supply by adjust-
ing their energy use.
Headline News
Europe must base energy security on clean electrication
Electricity demand
Electricity demand
growth set to accelerate,
growth set to accelerate,
says IEA
says IEA
n Annual consumption forecast to rise at nearly 4 per cent
n atural gas red poer generation mars ne gloal high
Natural gas remains the crucial bridge in the energy transition
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Americas News
Janet Wood
US Energy Secretary Chris Wright has
called on the electricity industry to stop
the closure of coal power plants, saying
“no one has won by that action”.
Coal accounts for about 15 per cent
of US power generation, down from
more than half in 2000, according to
the US Energy Information Adminis-
tration E. ore than 2 coal red
power plants are scheduled to be shut
down over the next ve years, said
Michelle Bloodworth, President of the
Americas Power trade group.
Coal power advocates say they are
hopeful a national energy emergency
declared by Trump on his rst day in
ofce provides an avenue for the gov-
ernment to intervene, but environmen-
talists cite the advantages of other
generation sources.
“Coal has been uneconomic com-
pared to every other energy source
except for nuclear power for quite a
few years now,” Erich Pica, President
of Friends of the Earth, said in an in-
terview. “The only way you keep coal
plants operating is if the federal gov-
ernment subsidises the heck out of this
extinguishing energy source.”
ecent gures in the Es hort-
Term Energy Outlook (STEO), an-
ticipate that US utilities and indepen-
dent power producers will add 26 GW
of solar capacity to the US electric
power sector in 2025 and 22 GW in
2026, adding to a record 37 GW of
solar capacity added last year. It fore-
casts wind capacity will increase by 8
GW in 2025 and 9 GW in 2026, slight
increases from the 7 GW added in
Natural gas is still the largest source
of US power generation and instead of
coal, US states are investing in gas-
red plant alongside renewables to
meet growing demand.
In Nevada, a ten-year old plan to end
coal generation will be completed
when the state’s last utility-owned coal
plant will cease running later this year.
But environmentalists are dismayed
that the North Valmy site will be re-
powered as a natural gas plant. Regula-
tors approved the conversion, but the
utility has further proposed to add 411
MW of natural gas peaking units.
“Utilities all get judged for how reli-
able they are,” said Michael Milligan,
an independent power system consul-
tant who specialises in the integration
of renewable energy into the power
grid. They don’t get extra credit for
being extra reliable nobody gets red
if they’re too reliable.”
In Pennsylvania, the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission has ap-
proved a proposal from system op-
erator PJM with criteria for new
projects that include being ready to
build, high capacity and the ability to
produce electricity at times of short-
falls. Critics say the process favours
gas red plants.
Argentina and Brazil are both setting
out to procure battery storage by auc-
tion for the rst time.
Argentina’s Energy Secretariat
within the Ministry of Economy has
launched an auction to contract 500
MW of new battery capacity across the
Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires.
The international open call, dubbed
Almacenamiento GBA (AlmaGBA),
envisages an investment of $500 mil-
lion. The selected projects will have to
be implemented in 12 to 18 months.
Winning bidders will secure con-
tracts with power distributors Edenor
and Edesur, with state-run wholesale
electricity market administrator CAM-
MESA acting as guarantor.
The tender is the rst of a series of
measures aimed at guaranteeing en-
ergy supply in the country.
eanwhile rail is planning its rst
auction to add batteries and other stor-
age systems to its national power grid
and expects to attract investments of
$450 million, according to an estimate
by consultancy Oliver Wyman.
The proposed auction will take place
in June and will offer 10-year contracts,
with supply beginning in July 2029.
The systems will have to deliver
maximum power availability equal to
four hours a day, receiving a xed
Power companies such as Portugal’s
EDP and Brazil’s ISA Energia have
indicated they are interested in bidding
for contracts.
Janet Wood
Republicans in both Houses of Con-
gress have joined forces to propose
legislation that would require the Fed-
eral Energy Regulatory Commission
E to reform the ueue of trans-
mission network projects to fast-track
priority projects.
Representive Troy Balderson (R-
OH) and Senators John Hoeven (R-
ND) and Todd Young (R-IN) intro-
duced the identical Guaranteeing
Reliability through the Interconnec-
tion of Dispatchable (GRID) Power
Act, H.R. 1047 and S. 465.
If signed into law, the measure
would direct FERC to develop rules
that authorise regional transmission
organisations and independent sys-
tem operators to fast-track critical
projects by allowing them to bypass
the years-long wait in the intercon-
nection queue.
The American Exploration and Pro-
duction Council, the Ohio Oil and Gas
Association, the Ohio Chamber of
Commerce, the Ohio Manufacturers’
Association all endorsed the bill.
“Our interconnection queue is buck-
ling under its own weight,” said
Balderson. “Transmission providers
are tasked with ensuring we have
enough electricity to keep the lights on,
but the growing backlog of projects is
adding years to an already time-con-
suming process.”
Todd Snitcher, President and Chief
Executive of the Electric Power Supply
ssociation E, said signicant
increases in electricity demand are
expected in every region of the country,
driven by data centres, domestic man-
ufacturing and the electrication of
various sectors of the economy.
The bill would empower “grid op-
erators to put baseload power genera-
tion projects at the front of the line for
approval” said Hoeven. The bill would
set deadlines for FERC, requiring the
agency to promptly set up the priority
approval process and to start acting on
baseload power projects.
Grid operators would be required to
conduct feasibility and system impact
studies on the generation projects be-
fore signing an interconnection agree-
ment, and also required to allow for
public comment and stakeholder en-
gagement before submitting proposals
to FERC.
“Grid operators should be given sig-
nicant exibility to address current or
future reliability concerns, including
the creation of an accelerated intercon-
nection for resources identied as
critical to maintaining reliability,” said
EPSAs Snitcher. “The bill appropri-
ately requires stakeholder feedback
and FERC approval before any chang-
es are made, ensuring that all view-
points are heard.”
Congress’s action has come as fears
have been raised that tariffs imposed
by President Trump on Canadian ex-
ports to the USA will raise electricity
prices, because Canada may retaliate
by limiting power exports to northern
US states.
According to the US Energy Infor-
mation Administration, the states that
use electricity wheeled across from
Canadian are North Dakota, Michigan,
Minnesota, and Wisconsin, Connecti-
cut, Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont,
and New York, including New York
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
and Type One Energy have agreed to
jointly develop plans for a potential
TVA fusion power plant using Type
One Energy’s stellarator fusion power
technology. They hope the 350MW
fusion pilot power plant, named nn-
ity Two, will provide power as early as
the mid-2030s, potentially repurpos-
ing retired TVA fossil fuel power plant
The Cooperative Agreement ex-
pands on roect nnity, rst launched
by Type One Energy, TVA, and the U.S.
DOE’s Oak Ridge National Labora-
tory (ORNL) in early 2024, with sup-
port from the state of Tennessee.
Originally centred on deploying the
Type ne Energy nnity ne stel-
larator prototype in TVAs Bull Run
power plant, roect nnity now en-
compasses a deeper, broader engage-
ment toward commercialisation of
fusion energy.
Joe Hoagland, TVA Vice President
Innovation and Research, explained:
“Energy security is national security,
and we are focused on developing a
technology, supply chain, and deliv-
ery model to build an industry that can
power America and the world.”
ABI Research noted investment in
fusion is rising, reaching a record $7
billion in 3Q 2024. “Nuclear fusion and
SMRs are just one of many energy
alternatives enterprises and industries
are looking into,said Daniel Burge,
Smart Energy for Enterprises and In-
dustries Analyst at ABI Research.
US debates a slowdown in fossil
fuel exit
Battery auctions in
Battery auctions in
prospect in Argentina
prospect in Argentina
and Brazil
and Brazil
US Congress acts to speed
US Congress acts to speed
up transmission network
up transmission network
Tennessee fusion plan aims for commercialisation
Grid upgrades planned for
Rio de Janeiro
Enel Distribuição Rio has announced
a 74 per cent increase in grid invest-
ment to modernise the distribution grid
in 66 municipalities in the state of Rio
de Janeiro. It will spend R$6.1 billion
($1.03 billion) in its investment plan
for 2025 to 2027, compared with R$3.5
billion between 2024 and 2026. It more
than doubles the amount invested
between 2021 and 2023.
“We are investing more and more
throughout the concession area. The
new plan provides for an even greater
volume of resources, which will be
earmarked for a series of measures to
speed up the restoration of power and
bring us ever closer to our customers,”
said Francesco Moliterni, President of
local network operator Enel Rio. Enel
will reinforce the automation of the
network with thousands of telecontrol
devices, which make it possible to
remotely operate the electricity system
and reduce restoration times in the
event of outages. The company will
also intensify preventive and correc-
tive maintenance actions to reduce
unscheduled shutdowns, inspecting 66
000 km of electricity network.
“Our aim is to ensure that the number
of customers affected by outages is as
low as possible, making the service
more efcient and agile, explained
n Energy Secretary wants to keep coal in the power generation mix
n Claims policies favour new gas plant
n riority lines to e identied and asttraced
n lectrication and demand groth delayed y yearslong
Asia News
Japan’s government has adopted new
decarbonisation targets aimed at reduc-
ing greenhouse gas emissions by more
than 70 per cent from 2013 levels over
the next 15 years. The new targets came
as the country set out a new energy plan
that increases the share of renewables
and ends the nuclear phase-out policy
adopted after the Fukushima nuclear
plant meltdown.
Last month saw the country submit
its new Nationally Determined Contri-
bution (NDC), to the United Nations
under the Paris Agreement, commit-
ting Japan to reducing carbon emis-
sions by 60 per cent by 2035 from the
2013 levels, and by 73 per cent by 2040.
Japan previously set a 46 per cent re-
duction target for 2030.
The new targets were put forward
as the government approved its new
energy plan for the next ve years,
which for the rst time sets a goal for
renewables to be the country’s largest
source of production by 2040 and
seeks to make the most of nuclear
energy to reach almost the level prior
to the Fukushima accident.
The plan specically states that off-
shore wind is “a winning card for mak-
ing renewable energy the main power
source” because of the possibility of
mass introduction as well as antici-
pated economic ripple effects. The
government aims to have offshore
wind projects with a total capacity of
30-45 GW by 2040.
The new basic energy plan approved
by the Council of Ministers establishes
the share of each type of energy in the
countrys mix for its scal year 2,
when it aims for renewables, such as
solar and wind, to account for between
40 per cent and 50 per cent of the
total, thermal energy for approximate-
ly 30 per cent to 40 per cent, and
nuclear energy for around 20 per cent.
In the previous energy plan, drawn
up in 2021, Japan envisaged that the
share of renewables would be between
36 per cent and 38 per cent by 2030,
which has now been revised upwards
making it the main energy source for
the rst time. The new document,
however, removes the previous tex-
tual reference that it would prioritise
these energies.
The new plan also discards the tex-
tual reference to “reducing depen-
dence on nuclear energy as much as
possible that had been systematically
included since the Fukushima acci-
dent in 2011 and, instead, states that
the use of nuclear energy will be
maximised together with renewables,
keeping the percentage at around 20
per cent almost the level prior to the
n scal 22, the percentage of en-
ergy production through nuclear in the
Asian country stood at 8.5 per cent,
according to government data.
To achieve its nuclear target, Japan
estimates that it would have to have
some 30 reactors in operation. Cur-
rently, the archipelago has 14 active
reactors, 19 suspended and 2 under
construction, while 27 have been shut
down or are being dismantled, accord-
ing to data from the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
ndia will reuire signicant invest-
ment, particularly in the power sector,
to achieve its 2070 net zero commit-
ment, according to a report by Moody’s
Ratings. The power sector, which ac-
counts for 37 per cent of the country’s
carbon emissions, will need funding
equivalent to 2 per cent of GDP annu-
ally over the next decade and between
1.5-2 per cent of GDP over the next 25
Moody’s estimates that India’s pow-
er sector will require investments of
between Rs4.5 trillion and Rs6.4 tril-
lion ($53-$76 billion) until FY2034-
35. Beyond that, annual investments
will range from Rs6 trillion to Rs9
trillion through FY2051. These invest-
ments will be shared between public
and private players, with both domestic
and foreign capital playing a crucial
role, says Moody’s.
India’s economy is projected to grow
at an average of 6.5 per cent annually
over the next decade, with power de-
mand rising at a similar pace, Moody’s
said. While India is expected to add
450 GW of renewable capacity during
this period, it will not be sufcient to
meet rising demand. As a result, coal-
based power generation capacity is
projected to expand by about 35 per
cent, increasing from 218 GW to ap-
proximately 295 GW by 2034-35.
Solar and wind power will dominate
new capacity additions over the next
20-25 years, while nuclear and hydro-
power will play a smaller role,
Moody’s said. Installed generation
capacity is expected to double by
FY2034-35, supporting a 1.7-1.8x rise
in power demand. The share of non-
fossil fuel-based electricity is pro-
jected to grow to 45-50 per cent of
total output by FY2034-35, up from
around 23.5 per cent in FY2023-24.
Nuclear is also set to see a massive
boost in nuclear. Following policy re-
forms announced by the Indian govern-
ment, which now allow private and
foreign investments in the nuclear sec-
tor, NTPC, India’s largest power
producer, is set to triple its initial nu-
clear power target. It now aims to in-
vest $62 billion to build 30 GW of
capacity instead of the earlier 10 GW
plan. India, which has committed to
achieving 500 GW of non-fossil fuel
capacity by 2030, aims to reach 100
GW of nuclear capacity by 2047.
Last month Indian Prime Minister
Narendra Modi concluded agree-
ments with both France and the US
that will support his country’s nuclear
Japan adopts new carbon
Japan adopts new carbon
reduction targets as part
reduction targets as part
of energy plan
of energy plan
India needs massive investment to meet 2070 net zero target
Junior Isles
Last month the Environment Ministry
again pledged Jakarta’s support for the
landmark Paris climate deal following
its climate envoy’s suggestion that the
agreement was “irrelevant” after US
President Donald Trump again with-
drew from it.
In late January climate and energy
envoy Hashim Djojohadikusumo, said
targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions
for countries such as Indonesia were
unfair when the US, as the world’s larg-
est historical polluter, was reversing on
climate commitments.
“If the US, which is currently the
second-biggest polluter after China,
refuses to comply with the interna-
tional agreement, why should coun-
tries like Indonesia comply?” Hashim
told a conference in Jakarta.
“This is a matter of justice. Indonesia
3 tons, America 13 tons… Where is the
justice in that?said Hashim, referring
to carbon dioxide emissions per capita
gures. ashim added that he believed
an agreed $2 billion nancial pro-
gramme to help wean Indonesia off
coal would “certainly be scrapped” by
the US under Trump. The so-called Just
Energy Transition Partnership “is a
failed programme”, he said.
Despite the statements, there has been
no indication from the government that
it would withdraw from the Paris
greement, with ofcials still saying
that it would continue to consider the
pledge’s targets going forward as they
attempt to harness other alternative
sources of energy.
“We have to boost our competitive
strengths while still paying attention to
the agreement’s consensus,” said En-
ergy and Mineral Resources Minister
Bahlil Lahadalia.
Indonesia is the world’s sixth-largest
polluter because of its heavy reliance
on coal. It generates 66 per cent of its
electricity from coal and continues to
build new coal red power plants to
fuel its growth.
President Prabowo Subianto has
pledged to cut CO
emissions by 2030
to reach net zero emissions by 2060.
In its new national electricity master
plan announced in November, it there-
fore committed to phasing out coal by
2040. Analysts have said that is an ag-
gressive target for a country that has
failed to meet any of its climate goals.
A new report by London-based think-
tank Ember says that although the mas-
ter plan projects growth in renewables,
there will in fact also be a sharp rise in
coal generation beyond 2030.
Embers analysis claims that the new
plan includes 26.8 GW of new coal
capacity over the next seven years, with
more than 20 GW of that coming from
captive coal plant expansion, which
supplies energy to industry rather than
the grid.
n The Indonesian government has an-
nounced plans to build more than 20
nuclear power plants by 2050. State
utility PLN is said to be collaborating
with companies from Japan and the US
to construct several nuclear power
plants with a total capacity of 4.3 GW,
including oating small modular reac-
tors (SMRs). The challenges posed by
climate change are one of the reasons
cited for the need to build nuclear
power plants.
Indonesia wavering on climate
Indonesia wavering on climate
n Climate envoy says Paris Agreement “irrelevant” after US withdrawal
n Analysis shows new energy plan increases coal use
Australia supports
Australia supports
hydrogen industries
hydrogen industries
with tax breaks
with tax breaks
The Australian Senate has given the
green light to a $6.7 billion hydrogen
production tax incentive (HPTI) that
will unlock investment opportunities
across Australia, opening the door to
increased scale of ‘green’ hydrogen
produced using renewable energy
The Future Made in Australia (Pro-
duction Tax Credits and Other Mea-
sures) Bill 2024 is part of the Australian
government’s $22.7 billion Future
Made in Australia Plan and aims to
maximise economic and industrial
benets of the international move to
net zero.
The government said it would intro-
duce the tax breaks for businesses ac-
tive in the production of green hydro-
gen and critical mineral miners and
processors in order to stimulate growth
in these industries.
The incentives include A$2 ($1.25)
per kilogram of green hydrogen pro-
duced between 2027 and 2028 and
between 2039 and 2040 for up to ten
years per project, the country’s re-
source ministry said.
For critical minerals, the tax break
would come in at 10 per cent of “rel-
evant processing and rening costs for
the 31 minerals the Australian govern-
ment has identied as critical, the min-
istry also said. Those would be in effect
for the same period as the green hydro-
gen tax break.
A key detail about eligibility for the
tax breaks is that a project must be up
and running to qualify for them. In
other words, companies must secure
the upfront investment in green hydro-
gen production or critical mineral pro-
cessing before they become eligible for
the new incentives.
Hydrogen is also seen as an important
energy storage vector that can maxi-
mise the use of green but intermittent
renewable energy sources such as wind
and solar, which are rising rapidly in
the country.
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Europe News
Janet Wood
The German Federal Network Agency
has launched a tender for the N-9.4
offshore wind site in the North Sea.
The site can accommodate 1 GW of
installed offshore wind, and it is ex-
pected to be fully operational in the
third quarter of 2032.
The tender is the rst of several
planned over the next four years that
could bring as much as 12 GW of ad-
ditional installed offshore wind capac-
ity to the German grid. The next will
be for two offshore wind areas with a
combined installed capacity of 2.5 GW
recently dened by Germanys ed-
eral Maritime and Hydrographic Agen-
cy. According to its 2023 plan the sites
will be auctioned by Germanys ed-
eral Network Agency later this year.
Germanys offshore wind targets are
at least 40 GW of offshore wind in op-
eration by 2035 and at least 70GW by
Meanwhile, RWE has commis-
sioned a 220 MW/235 MWh battery
one of Germanys largest at its
Hamm and Neurath sites. Nikolaus
alerius, hief Executive of E
Generation SE, said large-scale en-
ergy storage is vital to complement
the expansion of renewable energy
sources, and it has additional battery
storage projects already in the pipe-
line. A new player in the German bat-
tery industry is a partnership between
Zurich-based energy storage owner-
operator BW ESS and German energy
storage developer irai ower. The
two companies say Germany is ex-
pected to add around 7GWh of new
battery capacity by 22, ve times
current levels, and the partners aim to
develop up to G of large batteries
in Southern Germany.
“Southern Germany is a region with
huge energy storage development
potential, and our partnership with a
global leader like BW ESS will help
us accelerate our efforts to decarbo-
nise the energy system,” said Marco
Frascati, Managing Director of Mirai
Other new partnerships are focusing
on expanding solar farms. Axpo and
Raiffeisen Waren-Zentrale Rhein-
Main AG (RWZ) recently announced
a partnership that focuses on new eco-
nomic opportunities for farmers.
RWZ will handle landowner outreach
and the associated contract negotia-
tions and it plans to participate as a
regional anchor shareholder, offering
its RWZ customers new economic
prospects options. Axpo will be re-
sponsible for the development, con-
struction, and operation of the solar
Meanwhile German newspapers re-
port that authorities are considering
repurposing the Nord Stream 2 pipe-
line, which was built to transfer gas
from Russia to Germany. It would
potentially be used to deliver green
hydrogen or natural gas from Finland,
according to German reports.
Explosions in 222 severely dam-
aged both Nord Stream pipelines and
they are currently inoperable.
Sixteen partners from across the Euro-
pean offshore renewable energy sector
have launched the ffshore Electricity
Storage Technology Research (OES-
TE proect to accelerate the develop-
ment of offshore electricity storage
The three-year project includes utili-
ties such as RWE and Vattenfall, and
the Dutch research organisation TNO
and has been approved under the
framework of ission-driven e-
search, evelopment and nnovation
(MOOI), by the Netherlands Enter-
prise Agency. The Dutch Marine En-
ergy Centre (DMEC) said the project
will address challenges in the renew-
able energy transition, such as system
integration, and demonstrate the ben-
ets of renewables.
Energy storage systems could offer
a viable solution to challenges that
face the renewables sector due to the
mismatch between variable energy
production and demand. This often
results in electricity curtailment, re-
ducing the effective utilisation of re-
newable resources and limiting their
potential to accelerate the energy
In addition, when wind farms are
generating simultaneously it can lead
to oversupply and low or even nega-
tive prices. This may damage the busi-
ness case of offshore wind farms.
ey technologies under evaluation
include batteries integrated into wind
turbine monopiles; compressed air en-
ergy storage; underground pumped
hydro co-located within wind farms;
electrolysers on offshore platforms
directly connected to wind farms.
lans for the olish government to
provide public aid to state energy com-
pany olskie Elektrownie adrowe
E to build olands rst nuclear
power plant have passed its ower
ouse, with ust one  voting
against the bill and one abstaining.
The new legislation, which sees E
receive public aid of up to . bil-
lion, will be now debated by the Senate.
The current version of the olish u-
clear ower rogramme would see
construction of two plants with a total
capacity of 6-9 GW.
Industry Minister Marzena Czar-
necka said recently: “2025 is a year
of strategic decisions, when it comes
to investment in the energy sector,
adding, ell invest  billion
$ billion, including  bil-
lion in power grid investments alone.
eanwhile the European nvestment
ank E has signed off a  mil-
lion loan agreement with olska Grupa
Energetycna GE to support devel-
opment of the Baltica 2 offshore wind
farm. The proect, being developed
with enmarks rsted, will have a
capacity of 1.5 GW and be located in
the Baltic Sea, 40 km off the coast. The
project, set for completion in 2027, will
have  turbines.
E ice-resident Teresa
erwiska called it a transforma-
tive step for the countrys energy
The European Commission has pub-
lished proposals for a new ‘Clean In-
dustrial eal plan, centred on
promoting of domestic clean technol-
ogy manufacturing, especially of re-
newable and low-carbon hydrogen
orgo hatimarkakis, hief Execu-
tive of ydrogen Europe, said y
incentivising demand and rewarding
early movers, looking at the pull over
the push, the Clean Industrial Deal can
umpstart Europes clean technology
sectors, including hydrogen.” But he
called for urgent action, saying: “If
there is no positive development in
the next 18 months, we are all but
guaranteed to miss our 2030 climate
The ffordable Energy ction lan
E, a strategy to lower energy
costs for EU citizens, included new
methodologies for network taxes and
charges to incentivise exibility,
along with proposals to accelerate
owever, ydrogen Europe said it
was “dismayed” that the CID indica-
tors are expressed in terms of electri-
cation, which it said was not technol-
ogy neutral.
The European artnership for Energy
and the Environment EEE, repre-
senting manufacturing companies and
associations operating in the refrigera-
tion, air-conditioning and heat pump
industry, also welcomed the CID and
irector General ussell atten said
“Our products are a key solution pro-
vider for the decarbonisation of heating
and cooling and an important contrib-
utor to energy security” and highlight-
ed plans for a new Heating and Cooling
Strategy to be published in 2026.
Janet Wood
The U government has kicked off
planning reforms intended to ease per-
mitting for new nuclear plants.
New nuclear, along with other forms
of carbon-free generation, were seen
to have gained in importance recently,
because the Us independent li-
mate Change Committee placed more
emphasis on electrication in its ad-
vice to government on how to reach
net ero. The latest advice, which
makes recommendations on policies
to keep the country on a trajectory to
net zero by 2050, refers to the period
2-22 and envisages widescale
electrication in most sectors includ-
ing home heating.
The government has also called arti-
cial intelligence and data centre de-
velopment a strategic priority for
growing the UK economy”, establish-
ing a new AI Energy Council to study
the opportunities for “renewable and
innovative energy solutions to power
 Growth ones.
Reforms to planning rules will clear
a path for small modular nuclear reac-
tors (SMRs) to be built in the UK.
Among the planned changes an-
nounced by Secretary of State Ed
Miliband are scrapping a list of eight
current nuclear sites that were identi-
ed as potential new-build areas after
a government-led selection process.
That assumed new nuclear plants
would be on the gigawatt scale, but the
government believes s lower re-
uirements on space and evacuation
zones mean they could be built on
many different sites across England
and Wales (Scotland has outlawed
hris hite, law rm s U
Head of Nuclear, also highlighted in
particular, the removal of the current
sunset provision which effectively
puts a time limit on development at a
prescribed list of sites),” saying it
“should further encourage and acceler-
ate private sector developers.
The government was more euivocal
on a decision on whether to continue
to subsidise the Drax biomass power
station, which has been under scrutiny
over sustainability concerns for its
wood pellet fuel. Miliband has decided
subsidies will be renewed from 2027,
but at a lower level and under tighter
Under the new agreement, Drax will
have a much more limited role in the
Us energy system, providing power
only when it is needed, Energy Minis-
ter Michael Shanks said in the state-
ment. The previous arrangement did
not deliver a good enough deal for
billpayers and enabled Drax to make
unacceptably large prots, he added.
usie Elks, enior olicy dvisor
for climate change think-tank E3G
said EGs modelling has shown
that the government can hit its 2
power target without the need for bio-
mass. It is reckless to continue subsi-
dising this industry which is a false
climate solution.”
eanwhile the governments infra-
structure adviser, the ational nfra-
structure Commission (NIC), has
warned that electrication will reuire
maor investment in low-voltage dis-
tribution grids. It says demand for
electricity is set to climb by 50 per cent
by 2035 and to double by 2050. The
NIC said: “The current regulatory pro-
cess is too complex and focused on the
short-term cost of network investment,
rather than the wider goals of econom-
ic growth and decarbonisation.” It es-
timates that annual investment in the
distribution networks should be “at
least” double current rates to hit the
£37-50 billion required and must ac-
celerate most steeply.
UK to invest in generation and
UK to invest in generation and
netors to support electrication
netors to support electrication
Partners begin research
projects on offshore energy
Poland investment agreed for new
nuclear and wind
European Commission publishes new Clean Industrial Deal plan
n Nuclear permitting process to be eased
n Drax subsidy maintained but reduced
Germany boosts renewable energy
n New offshore wind sites to be auctioned n Partners roll-out battery storage and solar
Nadia Weekes
The Rwandan government has un-
veiled a new energy policy that iden-
ties a reuirement for at least
RWF2.5 trillion ($1.8 billion) in in-
vestment to expand generation from
various sources over the next decade.
The new policy focuses on increas-
ing energy access and transitioning to
cleaner energy solutions. While just
over half of households in wanda
have access to electricity at present,
the policy sets the bold target of pro-
viding universal access by 2030.
To achieve this, the government will
focus on expanding the national grid,
improving infrastructure and promot-
ing off-grid solutions like solar home
systems and mini-grids.
The government plans to encourage
private sector participation in energy
projects. To attract investment, it
plans to streamline regulatory pro-
cesses, offer incentives for renewable
energy proects, and facilitate public-
private partnerships.
International cooperation will also
play a crucial role. Rwanda will lever-
age regional and international partner-
ships in order to improve energy se-
curity and access to climate nance
The policy highlights the impor-
tance of using the countrys abundant
energy resources to reduce depen-
dency on imports, and to use energy
not ust as a utility but as a catalyst for
broader socio-economic progress.
ecause hydropower accounts for
2 per cent of wandas total installed
electricity capacity, the policy aims to
conserve water catchment areas and
increase storage capacity for reser-
voirs, as well as develop micro hydro-
power projects and rehabilitate exist-
ing plants.
With its geographical location near
the Euator, wanda has huge solar
potential, but only 2  of installed
capacity. The policy aims to enhance
solar energy use by supporting hybrid
solar-storage technologies and local
production. The target is for  
by the scal year 22- and an-
other 20 MW by 2034-35.
Wind resources are generally poor
in most of wanda, but some areas
show promise. The policy allocates
 million for feasibility stud-
ies and RWF15 billion to build 15 MW
of wind power capacity.
wandas potential for geothermal
energy is estimated at up to  .
The policy supports resource assess-
ment to attract investors and manage
exploration risks.
ake ivu holds signicant meth-
ane gas resources, with an estimated
volume of  billion cubic metres
(bcm). Methane has been exploited
for power generation in wanda since
2015, currently producing 82.4 MW.
n investment of 2 billion will
be made to increase methane genera-
tion and further exploit this energy
resource for cooking and fertiliser
The government aims to expand
waste-to-energy capacity by support-
ing local initiatives, offering incen-
tives for plant development, and pro-
moting large-scale production and
Rwanda has extensive peat resourc-
es with an estimated 23-33 million dry
tonnes of exploitable deposits, repre-
senting a technical potential of 2
  of capacity. The policy fo-
cuses on developing hybrid power
systems combining peat with other
energy sources, as well as researching
efcient peat power generation and
promoting investment in peat by-
aving identied nuclear energy as
a long-term solution, the policy sup-
ports the creation of a regulatory
framework and allocates . bil-
lion for a feasibility study for a nucle-
ar power plant with.
Finally, the energy policy includes
a feasibility study for developing hy-
drogen technology, with an invest-
ment of  million.
Trkiye has successfully doubled its
solar energy capacity in two and a half
years, surpassing its 2025 target ahead
of schedule, according to analysis by
the U-based think-tank Ember.
y the end of 22, the countrys
solar capacity reached . G, up
from . G in mid-222, the re-
search reads. elf-consumption in-
stallations accounted for  per cent
of the growth.
“Over the past two years, solar and
wind energy combined have avoided
$15 billion in natural gas imports, re-
inforcing Trkiyes energy indepen-
dence,” Ember noted, adding that the
country has a pipeline of  G in
pre-licensed solar and wind projects,
far surpassing its 2 target.
Trkiye concluded a wind tender
auction in anuary, awarding .2 G
of capacity to ve proects across three
provinces. The move is expected to
attract $1.2 billion in investment.
igeria is likely to experience im-
proved power supply in 2025, bol-
stered by several factors including a
planned $ billion package from the
frican evelopment ank f,
but must overcome funding and distri-
bution challenges.
“While advancements in generation,
grid infrastructure and regulatory re-
forms offer optimism, persistent chal-
lenges around gas supply, distribution
inefciencies and funding limitations
will need to be addressed for sustained
growth,according to a new report by
Olaniwun Ajayi.
The Nigerian National Integrated
Power Project (NIPP) and other initia-
tives will boost renewable energy de-
velopment, particularly solar. “Nigeria
presents a compelling investment op-
portunity for both domestic and inter-
national investors,” the report states.
laniwun ayi said infrastructure
improvements were anticipated
through large-scale investment in
transmission and distribution net-
works, reducing losses and boosting
igerias continued engagement
with the est frican ower ool
 reects a strategic effort to
integrate the national grid into region-
al energy systems, facilitating cross-
border electricity trade,” the report
adds. This positions igeria as a key
player in regional energy stability.
The establishment of the igerian
Independent System Operator (NISO),
expected to be completed by early
22, marked a signicant step to-
wards a decentralised electricity mar-
ket and should improve the efciency
of system operations.
igeria suffers freuent blackouts
due to systemic failures. n 22 alone,
the national grid collapsed multiple
times, throwing millions into darkness
and disrupting economic activities.
According to the report, the potential
unbundling of the igerian ulk Elec-
tricity Trader (NBET) will lead to a
more mature, competitive electricity
market, enabling direct, bilateral trad-
ing between generation and distribu-
tion companies, thereby allowing for
transparency in electricity pricing.
Under the nterconnectedini-Grid
Accelerated Scheme (IMAS), several
mini-grids have been established
across the country, providing clean,
renewable energy to underserved com-
munities, unlocking new economic
opportunities and improving access to
key services such as education and
y replacing traditional fossil fuel-
based energy sources, such as diesel
generators and kerosene, the mini-
grids are also signicantly reducing
carbon emissions.
Nadia Weekes
India and France have agreed to joint-
ly develop a new generation of nucle-
ar reactors as one of the three nuclear
agreements signed during a visit to
rance by ndias rime inister a-
rendra Modi.
Under a new strategic partnership,
the two countries will cooperate on
advanced modular reactors (AMRs)
and small modular reactors (SMRs),
alongside developing a joint road map
on AI data centres and wider civil
nuclear cooperation.
oting that  reuires vast amounts
of electricity, ndias foreign secretary,
ikram isri, said s and s
could play a key role.
SMRs have a smaller capacity than
conventional nuclear reactors and can
be manufactured in factories and in-
stalled elsewhere. This class of reac-
tors, which can have as much as 300
 of generating capacity, can be
assembled in locations where larger
nuclear facilities are not feasible.
There has been renewed interest in
ndias nuclear energy sector by maor
players such as rance following the
governments recent move to amend
the Atomic Energy Act and Civil Lia-
bility for uclear amage ct.
Misri said the two sides will col-
laborate in jointly designing, develop-
ing and producing SMRs and AMRS,
and also cooperate in training re-
searchers and professionals in civil
nuclear energy.
Though the technology is still in its
initial stages, such cooperation can
help India leverage the existing indus-
trial ecosystem for nuclear compo-
nents and power plants, Misri added.
ndia plans to have at least ve s
by 2033.
ndias nuclear power generation ca-
pacity has grown signicantly, nearly
doubling from   in 2 to
8180 MW in 2024. Capacity is pro-
jected to triple to 22 480 MW by 2031-
32. At present, nuclear power plants
contribute . per cent of ndias total
installed power capacity of 2 G.
In a joint statement, the two govern-
ments said that “nuclear energy is an
essential part of the energy mix for
strengthening energy security and
transitioning towards a low-carbon
India, France
India, France
unveil nuclear reactor
unveil nuclear reactor
Türkiye on track to
surpass renewables
Nigeria to see improved power generation in 2025, says AfDB report
Rwanda launches new policy to
Rwanda launches new policy to
boost energy generation
boost energy generation
n Government targets better access to cleaner energy
n Focus on infrastructure expansion and off-grid solutions
TE EEG UT TE -  22
International News
n New-generation reactors to boost electricity supply
n Collaboration extends to training researchers and
ore than  local and foreign com-
panies are bidding for proects to con-
struct  steam power stations in ra
with a combined generation capacity
of  G, according to the rai Elec-
tricity Ministry.
The ministry is offering three invest-
ment models to the companies wishing
to formally bid for these proects.
capacity of is to be lo-
cated at four plants in outh ra, 
 at ve plants in entral ra and
3500 MW at three plants in the North.
ra is seeking to boost its power
supply networks following severe
damage during wars.
ne unre rms bi or
Iraq steam power plants
Companies News
Junior Isles
BP is switching focus back to its roots
after its bet on renewable energy hit
the group’s share price, causing a
backlash from investors.
The UK-headquartered oil and gas
major has abandoned an attempt to
reinvent itself as a green energy com-
pany, bowing to pressure from inves-
tors after its aggressive shift away
from fossil fuels over the past ve
The group now says it will increase
oil and gas spending by a fth to $
billion a year and cut expenditure on
renewables by 70 per cent.
s hief Executive fcer ur-
ray Auchincloss said that the change
was a “fundamental reset of BP’s strat-
egy”, as he scrapped targets to cut
fossil fuel production and develop 50
GW of renewable power.
“Our optimism for a fast transition
was misplaced and we went too far,
too fast,” he said, as he announced the
new strategy following pressure from
activist investor Elliott Management.
“Oil and gas will be needed for de-
cades to come.”
He said the growing electricity de-
mands of data centres would make
gas, in particular, the fuel of choice.
“The challenge is how do we decar-
bonise this stuff as much as you can,”
he said, adding that BP was already
actively capturing carbon emissions.”
BP said it plans to more than double
the oil majors market value within
ve years to $2 billion, the level it
achieved before the 2 eepwater
Horizon disaster.
In response to the decision, Charlie
Kronick, Senior Climate Adviser for
Greenpeace UK, said: “This is posi-
tive proof that fossil fuel companies
can’t or won’t be part of climate crisis
solutions; this conversation is over.
“The Climate Change Committee
has said UK emissions must be drasti-
cally slashed – the reality is now it’s
up to the government to see this
through and to ensure companies like
BP pay their share for the climate dam-
age they’re causing.”
Auchincloss said, however, that the
group had not abandoned its plans to
be a diversied energy company. 
don’t really see anybody else doing
any more than we’re doing at this type
of scale,” he said. “You will see no
better integrated energy company in
the world than BP.”
Earlier in the month BP reported
strong renewables growth with in-
creased solar capacity. The company
said installed renewables capacity
reached 4 GW by the end of December
2024, marking an increase from 2.7
GW in 2023 and 2.8 GW in Q3 2024.
Meanwhile, its competitor Shell also
looks set to shift away from renew-
ables investment. At the end of Janu-
ary, Wael Sawan, the UK oil majors
Chief Executive, said the company’s
green energy businesses must start
delivering returns to shareholders. In
its fourth-quarter results, it revealed
that it had written down the value of
its U wind business by $ million,
after quitting the Atlantic Shores proj-
ect off the coast of New Jersey.
It also said its renewables and en-
ergy solutions business recorded an
adusted earnings loss of nearly $
million in 22, a  per cent fall
compared with the year before.
awan said hell had spent $ billion
on renewables since 2023 and was on
track for its three-year target of be-
tween $ billion and $ billion of
investment. But he warned: “The key
for us is making sure that we deliver
the returns that our shareholders ex-
pect of us from that capital.”
Siemens Energy has made a strong
start to its new scal year, as demand
for its products remained favourable
and the strong order trends continued.
evenue of . billion increased
by . per cent, with all segments
recording growth. Orders for Sie-
mens Energy amounted to . bil-
lion. As expected, this was below the
high level of the prior-year quarter, in
which Grid Technologies and Trans-
formation of Industry had booked
exceptionally high orders. rot be-
fore Special items more than doubled
year-over-year to  million 
FY 2024: €208 million) again held
back by results of Siemens Gamesa,
but to a signicantly lesser extent than
in the prior-year quarter.
Christian Bruch, President and CEO
of Siemens Energy AG, said the
strong rst uarter reects the market
opportunities arising from the in-
creasing demand for electricity, and
noted that the strong cash ow was
mainly driven by growth across all
“Strong electricity consumption
growth, replacement investment and
the requirements of the energy transi-
tion necessitate investment in energy
infrastructure supporting all busi-
nesses of Siemens Energy,” he said.
At Siemens Gamesa we continue to
work on the measures to reach break-
even in scal year 22. e continue
to strive to resume sales activities for
the . onshore turbine during scal
year 2025.”
Gas Services assumes a comparable
revenue growth of  per cent to  per
cent and a prot margin before pe-
cial items of  per cent to 2 per cent.
Grid Technologies plans to achieve
a comparable revenue growth of 23
per cent to 2 per cent and a prot
margin before Special items between
 per cent and 2 per cent.
Transformation of Industry expects
a comparable revenue growth of
per cent to  per cent and a prot
margin before Special items of 8 per
cent to  per cent.
Siemens Gamesa assumes a compa-
rable revenue growth of negative
per cent to negative 5 per cent and a
negative prot before pecial items
of around . billion.
The company expects to achieve
comparable revenue growth exclud-
ing currency translation and portfolio
effects in scal year 22 in a range
of per cent to  per cent and a
prot margin before pecial items
between 3 per cent and 5 per cent.
Shortly after announcing the results,
Siemens Energy re-elected Joe Kaiser
as Chairman of its Supervisory Man-
agement Board. Speaking at the vir-
tual Annual General Meeting, Kaiser
said: “Today’s Annual General Meet-
ing has shown that our shareholders
are convinced of the operational
strength and strategic direction of
Siemens Energy.”
European companies have warned
Brussels policymakers that excessive
regulation related to decarbonisation
will harm the bloc’s competitiveness,
especially as the Trump administra-
tion has scrapped US climate change
Christian Bruch, Chief Executive at
Siemens Energy, said the burden on
businesses from rules intended to
measure their impact on the environ-
ment was “disproportionate” to the
“Just making cosmetic changes to
regulations will not move us one inch
closer to becoming more competi-
tive,” Bruch said, as he singled out
the Corporate Sustainability Report-
ing irective , a rule the EU
introduced in 2023 requiring compa-
nies to detail their environmental and
social impact.
The directive has created more than
 data points that must be report-
ed to Brussels, he said, adding that it
needed to be “radically shortened and
Last month the biggest business
lobby groups in France, Germany and
Italy joined the campaign, calling for
the European Commission to go be-
yond its promise to merely prune
reporting regulations by adjusting EU
laws “to match the standards of our
competitors where appropriate”.
In a sign of the growing pressure
Brussels is under, the Commission
has said it will review the reporting
requirements on companies across
four pieces of environmental legisla-
tion, including the CSRD.
Patrick Pouyanné, the head of oil
major TotalEnergies, described the
CSRD as “a monster” formed from
“good intentions”.
Siemens Energy gets off to
strong start
EU businesses warn Brussels on
excessive green regulation
BP pivots on clean energy
BP pivots on clean energy
n Oil and gas major bows to pressure from investors
n Shell says green energy businesses must start delivering returns
Several major European companies
have announced major tie-ups that
will support the growth of hydrogen
production, signifying growing con-
dence in the future of the nascent
In mid-February French energy ma-
jor TotalEnergies and compatriot in-
dustrial gas supplier Air Liquide signed
agreements to develop projects for
offshore wind-powered production
and delivery of green hydrogen.
The agreements cover two projects
for the production of 45 000 t/y of green
hydrogen using renewable power, gen-
erated mostly by the OranjeWind off-
shore wind farm, a joint development
by TotalEnergies and RWE.
These projects aim to cut CO
sions from TotalEnergies reneries in
Belgium and the Netherlands by up to
450 000 tonnes a year and contribute
to the European renewable energy tar-
gets in transport.
Under the rst agreement, TotalEn-
ergies and Air Liquide will set up a
joint venture that will build and oper-
ate a 250 MW electrolyser near the
eeland renery in the etherlands.
This project is expected to enable the
production of up to 30 000 tonnes of
green hydrogen each year, most of
which will be delivered to Zeeland’s
The electrolyser will be commis-
sioned in 22 and cut the sites 
emissions by up to 300 000 tonnes a
year. This project represents a global
investment of around  million.
The tie-up followed an earlier an-
nouncement by Siemens that it has
signed an agreement to become pre-
ferred supplier and technology partner
for Guofu Hydrogen’s production of
electrolysers and green hydrogen.
Siemens, together with RCT GH Hy-
drogen, a Germany-based supplier of
hydrogen systems and services, signed
a Memorandum of Understanding
oU with the hina-based supplier
of integrated solutions for hydrogen
energy, to collaborate on advancing the
hydrogen value chain. The partnership
marks a signicant step forward in the
global expansion of green hydrogen
The partnership focuses on three key
areas: developing and engineering
Guofu’s electrolysers and electrolyser
systems; equipping new electrolyser
manufacturing facilities starting in
Germany; and developing, construct-
ing, and operating new hydrogen pro-
duction plants. RCT GH Hydrogen,
as a technology partner, will lead the
engineering, procurement, and con-
struction of state-of-the-art hydrogen
production facilities.
“This strategic partnership exempli-
es iemens commitment to driving
the industrialisation of green hydro-
gen production,” said Axel Lorenz,
CEO of Process Automation at Sie-
mens. “Our portfolio and domain ex-
pertise, combined with Guofu Hydro-
gen's vision and RCT GH Hydrogen’s
proven engineering capabilities, will
help establish new standards in elec-
trolyser manufacturing efciency and
partnerships gain
2 GWh of Invinity’s manufacturing
capacity. Final volumes will depend
on how much capacity is enabled by
Ofgem’s 2025 LDES window and
how many, if any, project bids are
The companies will also explore
opportunities for collaboration in
other locations where Frontier Pow-
er is active, including Japan, Korea,
Vietnam, Malaysia, the US and the
Mitsubishi Power has won a contract
to supply two M701JAC gas turbines
and auxiliary equipment for the Al
Wahda Open Cycle Gas Turbine Pow-
er Plant in Morocco owned and oper-
ated by The ational fce of Elec-
tricity and Drinking Water (ONEE).
In addition, Mitsubishi Power
signed a long-term service agree-
ment with ONEE for the provision
of parts, repairs and services.
Al Wahda is located in the Prov-
ince of Ouazzane in the north of
Morocco. The power plant will be a
peaking plant to help stabilise the
growing renewable energy contri-
bution to the country’s national
Once operational, the plant’s two
gas turbines will generate a com-
bined 990 MW, representing nearly
7 per cent of Morocco’s national
grid capacity.
The M701JAC gas turbines are
capable of co-ring hydrogen with
natural gas, offering exibility for
future decarbonisation.
The Al Wahda Power Plant is ex-
pected to begin operation in 2027.
Samsung C&T Engineering and Con-
struction (E&C) has won a $2.84 bil-
lion EPC contract for the Qatar Facil-
ity E Desalination and Combined
Cycle Power Project in Doha, Qatar
under a consortium with Japan’s Sum-
itomo Corporation. The project, ex-
pected to be completed in 2029, will
supply 16 per cent of Qatar’s electric-
ity and 17 per cent of its desalinated
The project involves construction
of a 2400 MW combined cycle gas
turbine (CCGT) power plant and a
desalination facility that will pro-
duce around 500 000 t/day of water.
Saudi Arabia has announced that it will
invest $3.57 billion to expand the
Qurayyah CCGT power plant in the
Eastern Province by 3.01 GW.
The Saudi Procurement Company
has signed a PPA with the Saudi
Electricity Company and ACWA
Power for this project. The expan-
sion plan includes readiness to in-
corporate carbon capture units.
ACWA Power has signed a 25-year
PPA with the Egyptian Electricity
Transmission Company (EETC) for a
2 GW wind project in Egypt. The proj-
ect will become the largest wind farm
in Egypt, surpassing ACWA Powers
existing 1.1 GW Suez Wind Farm. It
will also be the largest single-asset
independent power producer (IPP) in
the country.
The 2 GW wind project will play
an important role in supporting the
Egyptian government to increase
the renewables share in its genera-
tion mix to 42 per cent by 2030.
solutions for the power
generation market. Our capabilities
on HVO successfully complement
those on hydrogen, thus providing
customers a wide choice to decar-
bonise their assets.”
Va tt e nf al l h a s s i gn ed a p ow er p ur-
chase agreement (PPA) with chemi-
cals group LyondellBasell (LYB),
for electricity from the Nordlicht 1
wind farm off the German coast.
The PPA covers the supply of
electricity from Nordlicht 1 for a
period of 15 years, starting in 2028.
Under the contract, LYB will pur-
chase around 450 GWh per year for
plastics production.
Vattenfall is currently developing
the Nordlicht 1 wind farm. The
wind farm is located 85 km north of
the island of Borkum in the German
North Sea. It will have a total out-
put of 980 MW from 68 wind tur-
bines. It is due to be completed and
connected to the grid in 2028.
Vattenfall holds a 51 per cent
share of the wind farm, while BASF
owns 49 per cent.
Fortum has won a contract to supply
zero-carbon electricity to cover the
initial power needs of a green hydro-
gen production plant in southwestern
Finland owned by P2X Solutions.
The companies have signed a ve-
year PPA, with the corresponding
Guarantee of Origin, which will al-
low the Harjavalta plant to meet the
EU requirements for renewable hy-
drogen. Fortum will source power
for the plant from its renewable en-
ergy portfolio.
The 20 MW Harjavalta project is
described as the rst industrial-scale
green hydrogen and synthetic meth-
ane plant in Finland. The facility is
in the commissioning phase and is
expected to start production in early
The Danish distribution system opera-
tors Cerius-Radius and its joint service
company Nexel selected Sweco to
partner in developing the electricity
grid in Eastern Denmark. Sweco’s or-
der value is estimated at about $11
million over ve years.
Sweco will provide EPC services
under the agreement which extends
until 2. fter the ve-year term
there is the possibility of three fur-
ther one-year extensions.
Dariush Rezai, Business Area
President of Sweco in Denmark,
said: “Sweco plays an important
role as an advisor in accelerating
the green energy transition in Den-
mark, and we are excited to contrib-
ute our expertise in this new collab-
oration to future-proof the electrical
grid in Eastern Denmark.”
Invinity Energy Systems and UK-
based energy infrastructure developer
Frontier Power signed a partnership
and supply agreement to deploy up to
2 Gh of nvinitys vanadium ow
The batteries will be used in proj-
ects that Frontier Power is currently
developing to bid into the UK long
duration energy storage (LDES) cap
and oor scheme. The rst applica-
tion window of this is expected to
be open between Q2 and Q3 2025.
Under the terms of the agreement,
Frontier Power has reserved up to
Candu Energy, an AtkinsRéalis com-
pany, in a joint venture with Aecon
Group, has won a contract from On-
tario Power Generation (OPG) to
progress the early works associated
with the Pickering Nuclear Generating
Station Retube, Feeder and Boiler Re-
placement project (RFBR).
The contract covers professional
engineering services, procurement,
and execution planning associated
with critical path activities for the
announced life-extension of four of
Pickering’s Candu 1 reactors to op-
erate until the mid-2060s. The man-
dates are worth approximately
C$1.1 billion to the joint venture for
early works and roughly C$1 billion
for the denition phase.
BWX Technologies (BWXT) has
been awarded a contract by GE Hitachi
Nuclear Energy (GEH) to manufac-
ture the reactor pressure vessel (RPV)
for the rst -  to be
constructed at Ontario Power Genera-
tion’s Darling New Nuclear Project
The RPV is the largest component
within the BWRX-300. GEH previ-
ously awarded a contract to BWXT
for RPV-related engineering analy-
sis, design support and manufactur-
ing and procurement preparations.
Early site preparation work at Dar-
lington has been completed with
construction of the rst unit expect-
ed to start later in 2025, pending
regulatory approval, and commer-
cial operations expected to com-
mence by the end of 2029. A total of
four units are planned for the site.
The Vedanta Group is seeking bids
from rms to build G of nuclear
power capacity in India to meet the
energy needs of its facilities. Initial
bids are to be submitted by March 22.
The company said: “We are look-
ing for a globally recognised com-
pany with a proven track record of
designing, building, and operating
nuclear plants to deliver an end-to-
end turnkey project.”
It added that it will arrange for the
land, infrastructure support, and
regulatory approvals.
Vedanta currently has an energy
portfolio consisting of 9000 MW of
thermal and 4000 MW of renew-
ables under construction. It is aim-
ing to expand its capacity to 20 GW
over the next three years.
Siemens Energy is supplying two gas
turbines and related components for
the 1200 MW Kuo Kuang 2 power
plant in Taiwan.Taiwan predicts its
electricity demand will rise by 12-13
per cent by 2030. As a result, the coun-
try is expanding clean power genera-
tion and upgrading the grid.
Siemens Energy’s scope of supply
is a complete power island solution
including two SGT6-9000HL gas
turbines, one SST6-5000 steam tur-
bine, three SGEN6-2000P genera-
tors and the Omnivise T3000 con-
trol system.
Kuo Kuang 2 is being built with
CTCI Corporation as the consor-
tium partner responsible for the
plant EPC.
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
(BHEL) has won a contract from Ma-
harashtra State Power Generation
Company (Mahagenco) worth $920
million for the supply, erection, and
commissioning of the boiler-turbine-
generator (BTG) package at the coal
red oradi thermal power station in
Nagpur, Maharashtra.
The contract is for two 660 MW
units (Units 11 and 12). The scope
of work includes equipment supply,
civil works, erection, commission-
ing, and successful performance
guarantee testing of both units.
Unit 11 is scheduled to be opera-
tional within 52 months, and Unit
12 within 58 months.
Global energy consultancy Xodus has
won a contract to support the develop-
ment of an advanced carbon capture
and storage (CCS) hub in Japan.
Xodus will work with a consor-
tium comprising West Japan Carbon
Dioxide Storage Survey (WEST),
ENEOS, Electric Power Develop-
ment (J-Power) and ENEOS Xplora
to deliver the Offshore Western Ky-
ushu CCS project.
Under the terms of the contract,
Xodus will design the pipeline and
cable geotechnical surveys for the
Offshore Western Kyushu CCS
Offshore Western Kyushu CCS
aims to capture and store approxi-
mately 1.7 million tons of CO
year from EEs oil reneries
and J-Powers thermal power plants
located in the Setouchi and Kyushu
regions. The captured emissions
will be transported via ship and
pipeline to saline aquifers off Ja-
pan’s southwestern island of Ky-
ushu for permanent storage.
Indian energy company Caparo Pow-
er has renewed the O&M Agreement
it has with rtsil, with a ve-year
The 36 MW plant operates with
four Wärtsilä 34SG engines pow-
ered by natural gas. It supplies
baseload electricity to nearby indus-
tries through a dedicated transmis-
sion system.
In addition to operating the plant,
the agreement includes maintenance
management, spare parts, operation-
al support, and Wärtsilä’s Expert In-
sight solution. Wärtsilä Expert In-
sight is a predictive maintenance
service that proactively detects po-
tential issues and provides action-
able advice to solve them.
Ansaldo Energia will supply a
AE94.3A turbine for the 300 MW Tar
bert Next Generation Power Station in
Ireland. The plant will run on 100 per
cent hydrotreated vegetable oil
(HVO), produced by processing waste
feedstocks. SSE Thermal is the plant
The simple cycle plant will supply
electricity at periods of peak de-
mand and support the expansion of
Ireland’s renewable energy genera-
tion capacity.
Stefano Gianatti, Executive Vice
President New Units of Ansaldo
Energia, said: “We are grateful to
E Thermal for the condence it
has placed in Ansaldo Energia. This
new project award demonstrates the
Ansaldo Energia capacity to offer
AtkinsRéalis JV will
retube Pickering
Vedanta s eeks bids for
Indian NPPs
Siemens Energy supplying
gas turbines to Taiwan
Caparo extends Wärtsilä
service agreement
BHEL wins $920 million
boiler contract
Xodus to support CCS
hub in Japan
BWRX-300 RPV contract
Tenders, Bids & Contracts
300 MW biofuel power
station for Ireland
Vattenfal l signs offshore
wind power PPA
Finnish hydrogen plant to
be powered by Fortum
Sweco to future-proof east
Denmark electricity grid
Order for Al Wahda power
plant in Morocco
Samsung C&T wins
Qatari EPC contract
Saudi Arabia to expand
Qurayyah IPP
ACWA to develop Egypt’s
largest wind farm
2 GWh batteries for UK
LDES scheme
US looks to boost gas sales in Asia with
Alaska LNG project
Discoveries of white hydrogen in Earths crust
could unveil new alternative energy
Gary Lakes
US President Donald Trump has not
held back about his desire to see US
energy dominate world markets. Cer-
tainly, the US is already a big produc-
er and exporter of oil and gas but Trump
has made it clear that he not only wants
to boost domestic production and re-
duce regulatory barriers that hinder oil
and gas projects, but he wants to see
more exports, especially of LNG.
To this end, he has lifted pauses
placed on the construction of new
LNG export terminals along the Gulf
of Mexico put there by former Presi-
dent Joe Biden and granted export
authorisations. Trump has urged
American companies to sell more oil
and gas abroad as well as urged Eu-
ropean and Asia countries to buy more
Europe is expected to purchase more
US LNG as it takes new measures that
will restrict imports of Russian LNG
and as the use of renewables through-
out Europe grows. Asian countries are
also likely seen buying more US LNG
in future. Japan, Taiwan and the Phil-
ippines have recently expressed their
Among Trump’s prime project
choices is Alaska LNG, which has
been on the stove for some time, but
which has grown cold due to a lack of
support due to long-term questions
about the need for LNG in the face of
efforts to reduce carbon emissions and
a lack of support from the previous
administration. The cost of the project
has also been an issue. But as the mar-
ket for LNG appears to be returning,
Alaska LNG is once again a topic of
Alaska LNG and the possible par-
ticipation in it by Japan was discussed
last month when Prime Minister
Shigeru Ishiba visited Trump at the
White House. Although the project
was discussed only during a closed
meeting, it was reported that Trump
emphasized that imports of Alaskan
LNG would give Japan the opportu-
nity to reduce its reliance on Middle
East gas deliveries and at the same
time address Japan’s trade imbalance
with the US.
There had been some speculation
prior to Ishiba’s visit that Japanese
rms might become partners in the
project, but there has been no solid
evidence of that yet, apart from com-
ments made by Trump during a joint
press conference.
“Japan will soon begin importing
historic new shipments of clean
merican liueed natural gas in re-
cord numbers,” Trump said, accord-
ing to Alaska Public Media/BBC.
“It’ll be record numbers,” he added
with his usual hyperbole.
Ishiba said through a translator that
Japan isn’t just interested in LNG. “As
the country of Japan, we are inter-
ested in importing not just LNG but
also bioethanol, ammonia, and other
resources at a stable price, a reason-
able price from the United States,”
Ishiba said. “And we also want to
improve the trade decit that the U
has towards Japan.”
Meanwhile, Japanese conglomerate
Mitsui told the Asahi Shimbun that it
is considering a study on the Alaska
G proect but had not made a nal
Although Japan has in the past ques-
tioned the viability of the project – it
will cost around $40 billion and re-
quire the construction of a gas pipeline
across Alaska from the North Slope
to the state’s southern shore. But it is
eager to avoid the embargoes that
Trump has been threatening the US’s
other allies with and maintain a strong
relationship in the face of an imposing
China and erratic North Korea.
Ishiba is reported to have told his
host that he hopes Japan can partici-
pate in the Alaska LNG project, but
he said nothing of the project pub-
licly while in Washington.
Alaska LNG is seen by many in the
US oil and gas industry as one of the
most important energy projects in the
country. The project was approved
under Trumps rst administration
and received Federal Energy Regula-
tory Commission (FERC) authorisa-
tion in 2020. Final legal approval was
obtained in 2022, in spite of strong
opposition from several environmen-
tal groups.
Alaska’s state-owned Alaska
Gasline Development Corporation
(AGDC) owns the project. Last month
AGDC entered an exclusive agree-
ment with developer Glenfarne to
move ahead, although there is much
to do before any gas will begin to ow.
ExxonMobil, TransCanada, BP and
ConocoPhillips are participants in the
project. The infrastructure work in-
cludes a 1300 km pipeline through
Alaskan wilderness that begins on the
North Slope and runs to a new LNG
export facility at Nikiski on the south-
ern coast of the state. The LNG facil-
ity is to have a capacity to export 20
million tons annually for a 30-year
period. And the pipeline will transport
3.3 billion cubic feet per day of gas
processed near the production site.
Recent developments have been
happy news in Alaska. According to
Alaskan Governor Mike Dunleavy,
President Trump has “rescued Alaska
rescued, I think, the country, and
quite frankly, the world.”
Gary Lakes
If the world wanted to invest in devel-
oping a whole new infrastructure for
a new industry, would it want to put
that money into an energy resource
that would provide clean, non-pollut-
ing energy, or build a system around
capturing, transporting, piping, ship-
ping, storing, and sequestering carbon
dioxide? – just so we could continue
to burn carbon-generating, green-
house gas emitting, climate destroy-
ing hydrocarbons?
Science has determined that cur-
rently there exists about six trillion
tons of white hydrogen in the world.
White hydrogen is formed under-
ground through a natural geochemical
process without human involvement.
Science says white hydrogen has
clean energy potential and has numer-
ous advantages over the hydrogen that
is manufactured through whatever
method is currently used either from
green renewable sources or energy
from fossil fuels like coal and gas.
Those advantages include: it is
known to be naturally occurring; and
it is found in the Earth’s crust which
means it does not require any energy-
intensive processes to produce – that
makes it more cost effective and en-
vironmentally friendly.
Yet the method of extracting it for
use is in the early days of development
and there will be signicant chal-
lenges (as there was with oil and gas).
Some developers have suggested
fracking but that puts the new re-
source in the basket with hydraulic
fracturing for natural gas, with big
expenses and possible environmental
An entire infrastructure will need to
be developed, unless some existing
natural gas facilities can be switched
to hydrogen, which is now the case in
some instances. But new drilling
equipment, pipelines, storage and trans-
portation hardware will also need to
appear. This in itself would likely cre-
ate a new industry and many jobs.
There will be difculties, but when
this energy source is burned it pro-
duces only water vapor and no direct
carbon emissions. As manufactured
green hydrogen is capable of doing
now, this would make a big contribu-
tion to signicantly decarbonising
industries like steel, aluminium, and
Across the globe, and despite efforts
by politicians and hydrocarbon busi-
nesses to downplay alternative ener-
gies, universities, colleges, private
companies, research institutions, and
independent entrepreneurs are work-
ing to crack the nut that is cheap hy-
drogen energy. The ongoing techno-
logical research and advances promise
to make hydrogen a prime source of
global energy at some point. As more
attention goes to white hydrogen, it is
itself looking like a future major play-
er even if time and investment will be
needed to overcome the challenges
and scale up production.
hen hydrogen was rst considered
as a clean fuel, it was believed that
hydrogen did not occur naturally in
nature. But that turned out to not be
the case, and some scientists have
known this for some time. As the
story goes, white hydrogen was rst
discovered in Mali in 1987 in the vil-
lage of Bourakebougou where a crew
was drilling for water. When a work-
man smoking a cigarette leaned over
the well, it exploded. The borehole
was closed but reopened in 2012 and
has since been supplying the village
with a fuel source for power genera-
tion. The white hydrogen can be used
as is, without the complicated process-
ing needed for hydrocarbons or low-
carbon hydrogen.
In recent years, explorers have gone
looking for white hydrogen in a num-
ber of places, and usually it is found
within mountain ranges where the
tectonic plates in the Earth’s crust rub
each other. White hydrogen has been
found in the US, Australia, Mali and
potentially signicant discovery
was announced in the Lorraine region
of France last month. So far it is con-
sidered the Earth’s largest deposit of
natural hydrogen, estimated at 46 mil-
lion tons.
Researchers from the GeoRessourc-
es laboratory at the University of Lor-
riane and the French Center for Sci-
entic esearch were checking for
methane deposits at the Folschviller
mining basin in Mosellee, when they
stumbled across white hydrogen at a
depth of 1250 m.
The researchers reported that the
data indicated that the basin is very
rich in white hydrogen and suggested
that if their ndings are conrmed, it
could mean a big step forward in the
transition to clean energy.
Drilling for white hydrogen is also
taking place in a number of locations
in the US, including Texas, Colorado
and Nebraska, and also Australia. As
more research takes place, the promise
of white hydrogen continues to cap-
ture the imagination of entrepreneurs,
and perhaps eventually it could cap-
ture some markets.
Donald Trump’s return to the White House has been seen by some as a boon for the US energy industry, especially
for the Alaska LNG project, the future of which has been revived.
Tucked away at numerous locations around the Earth, there exists an energy source that promises to make a
difference in the future of how we power our world. White hydrogen, which is naturally occurring, is coming into focus
ithin the scientic and usiness communities nd hile it ont e easy to deelop, it really might mae a dierence
once it is.
Fuel Watch
Source: Electricity 2025: Analysis and forecast to 2027, https://www.iea.org/reports/electricity-2025 CC BY 4.0
Energy Industry Data
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Change in electricity demand by region, 2021-2027
Evolution of per capita electricity consumption and GDP in
selected regions throughout the years, 1990-2027
Growth rates of electricity demand and GDP in selected
regions, 2003-2027
Electricity 2025, © IEA/OECD, page 14
Electricity 2025, © IEA/OECD, page 15
Electricity 2025, © IEA/OECD, page 15
ydrogen is increasingly rec-
ognised as a cornerstone of
global net zero ambitions,
and nations across the globe are
ramping up efforts to grow the global
project pipeline.
Key examples include Germany,
which has committed over €9 billion
($9.5 billion) to hydrogen develop-
ment, and China, where ambitious
hydrogen goals have drawn signi-
cant attention of late with plans
for fuel cell vehicles, green hydrogen
production, and critical infrastructure
development. Japan has also im-
pressed, having recently updated its
Basic Hydrogen Strategy, seeing the
government commit around $98.8
billion over the next ve years to-
wards nine core technologies, includ-
ing fuel cells and water electrolysis.
But who is lagging behind and
what can they learn from those lead-
ing the way in infrastructure and in-
vestment in hydrogen? The US and
UK both stand out. Having suffered
setbacks with serious changes in po-
litical parties, the development and
continued support of hydrogen and
its associated technologies have tak-
en a massive hit.
The Trump administration has pri-
oritised policies aimed at advancing
energy sovereignty via domestic fos-
sil fuel production. The move to ex-
pand oil, natural gas, and coal extrac-
tion within the US has come with a
signicant push to reduce regulations
on the fossil fuel industry, streamline
permitting processes for energy proj-
ects, and open up more federal lands
and waters for exploration and drill-
ing. As he starts to put into play more
of his ideas, we are probably likely
to see incentives for the investment
in fossil fuel infrastructure, such as
pipelines and reneries.
The UK, since coming under a La-
bour government, has seen a massive
cut in the green prosperity plan that
was promised for battery manufac-
turing, hydrogen power, offshore
wind, tree planting, ood defences
and home insulation.
There has been a little progress
since the publication of the UK Hy-
drogen Strategy, supporting hydro-
gen hubs and clusters such as
the HyNet North West. But from a
government perspective, last year
was a year of stagnation rather than
advancement of policy frameworks,
and the UK still lacks a credible
strategy for the implementation of
hydrogen and other technologies to
achieve true net nero in the economy.
Although hydrogen investment in
Europe is strong, it has also started
to lag in the follow through and this
may carry on with some of the same
political instability we have started
to see in France and Germany.
The right investment
While obvious, it needs to be said;
one of the critical factors in driving
innovation and development in sus-
tainable energy solutions is money.
Unfortunately, global nancial mar-
kets pose a challenge, as high-inter-
est rates incentivise investors to
choose safer options, such as govern-
ment bonds, rather than investing in
companies or projects. Encouraging
investment in the renewable energy
sector requires policies and incen-
tives that provide nancial security
and attractive returns for investors,
such as tax incentives, subsidies, and
favourable regulatory frameworks,
which we have seen in the countries
leading the charge in hydrogen.
Although we have seen a lag in fol-
low through, Europe as a whole
leads the charge in this area with 617
projects and the highest total invest-
ments announced ($199 billion)
through 2030. Japan and South Ko-
rea are also showing good growth
with an increase of 130 per cent in
vital hydrogen investments. India is
also a fast growing market with
growth of 110 per cent although fo-
cusing on industrial use rst.
China has also demonstrated its
dedication to hydrogen in both in-
vestment and strategy. One such strat-
egy, from which other nations could
learn, is how China has resolved the
‘chicken and egg’ scenario that has
long hindered the development of the
hydrogen economy whether to pri-
oritise fuel cell vehicles or the infra-
structure to support them. China has
focused on putting the right resources
in place, including subsidies into rap-
id scaling across the board, so it can
all come to fruition together a simi-
lar trajectory seen in the solar PV and
wind industry, which China also con-
tinues to lead.
Countries need to focus on the en-
tire value chain. If you create an
amazing vehicle but it can’t be refu-
elled it loses all importance. The crit-
ical part, and there is a parallel here
with battery electric and heat pumps,
is that the infrastructure generally is
not ready for electrication on a
wholesale basis.
Facing the challenges
Climate, level of industrialisation,
consumer culture and geography are
all majorly different across the world
and hydrogen is needed in different
places to completely different extents
in a net zero world. Because of the
level of industrial globalisation, the
effort must be global. A good parallel
is aircraft or deep-sea marine, if you
don’t have infrastructure and regula-
tory consistency globally you can’t
y or sail to different places.
The infrastructure needed for all
clean energy technologies to function
efciently is a complex and tricky
outlook. When it comes to hydrogen,
a key concern across geographies is
the grid itself and where the electrici-
ty comes from. And even after pro-
ducing hydrogen, the question re-
mains: how do you transport it
efciently to where its neededor
green hydrogen to be the most viable
option, you need large-scale renew-
ables and in excess to direct grid use.
Some countries are obviously al-
ready in a better place if they have
the natural resources to deliver on
this, making them good candidates
for developing hydrogen. As an ex-
ample, in 2023, 35 per cent of Austra-
lia’s total electricity generation was
from renewable energy sources, in-
cluding solar (16 per cent), wind (12
per cent) and hydro (6 per cent). With
these renewable energy advantages,
ustralia has identied hydrogen op-
portunities including export. Austra-
lian hydrogen can be exported as an
energy carrier to countries less able to
generate renewable electricity.
Hydrogen is ideal for curtailed en-
ergy and also transmission over
long distances like LNG is today,
but without the investment in the
necessary infrastructure, such as hy-
drogen pipelines, storage facilities
and refuelling networks, we cannot
support large-scale production and
According to IRENA, investment
costs for electrolyser plants can be
slashed by up to 40 per cent in the
short-term and 80 per cent in the
long-term through various strategies,
including improved design, econo-
mies of scale, material substitution,
enhanced efciency, and operational
exibility. Theres also a need for ad-
vancements that increase both pro-
cess efciency and the lifespan of
electrolyser technology.
Making electrolyser technology
more competitive will trigger de-
ployment, giving us important learn-
ings and data globally, which enables
lower cost, attracts private capital for
R&D and drives further improve-
ment. Put simply, if we want to make
sure that ultimately all hydrogen
used is green, we have to use and in-
vest in electrolysis more.
Emerging trends
We still need to execute radical inno-
vation and a symbiotic relationship
between renewables and hydrogen
infrastructure, meaning new technol-
ogies are essential for a market-driv-
en adoption. As renewables increase
in grid penetration, hydrogen be-
comes even more viable due to the
need to curtail, which would make
hydrogen extremely low-cost and
therefore viable for the market to
adopt without signicant subsidy.
Many of the world’s hydrogen
leaders, such as Japan for example,
have shown success through collabo-
ration between governments, large
corporations and innovative startups.
Sharing risks, insights from demon-
stration projects, highlighting what
works and pooling resources is one
of the best ways to accelerate the
transition from pilot to industrial-
scale operations and an approach na-
tions such as the UK and US could
certainly benet from.
Dr. Tom Mason is CEO of Bramble
any countries hae identied hydrogen as ey to decaronising their economies ut ho is lagging ehind and
hat can they learn rom those leading the ay in inrastructure and inestment in hydrogenramlenergys
Dr. Tom Mason eplores the leading inrastructure and inestment strategies driing green hydrogen success
Infrastructure and investment in
Infrastructure and investment in
hydrogen: a global view
hydrogen: a global view
Industry Perspective
Dr Mason: Although hydrogen
investment in Europe is strong,
Europe has also started to lag
in the follow through
substantial grid investment. The po-
tential for renewable energy exports,
particularly through green hydrogen,
could push electricity demand even
higher under more ambitious scenari-
os. AEMOs most likely ‘Step
Change’ scenario forecasts annual
growth of around 2.5 to 3 per cent.
Under a high-growth scenario with
stronger decarbonisation policies and
international demand for clean energy,
electricity demand could increase by
over 4 per cent annually.
Investment environment
Australia has one of the best renew-
ables investment proles in the world.
The nation enjoys a high sovereign
credit long-term rating and outlook
from rating agencies. Moody’s is Aaa
(Stable) and S&P’s AAA (Stable), the
latter is in fact higher than that of the
US which stands at AA+, one notch
lower. Australia scores highly in the
Global Corruption Perceptions Index,
in the Rule of Law Index and the EY
Renewable Energy Country Attrac-
tiveness Index 40, all in the top 10 per
cent. In terms of innovation and trans-
parency, the country is still well rated
in the best 17 and 22 per cent, re-
spectively. The massive growth in
clean energy generation capacity testi-
es to the positive national investment
For investors, there are a series of
important considerations when in-
vesting in projects in Australia. Some
of the challenges are not specic to
the Australian context while others
Issues found in many jurisdictions
include regulatory transparency and
policy shift due to changes in the ad-
ministration at the federal level have
created some level of uncertainty for
some investors. The country’s grid
infrastructure and transmission net-
work are constrained and at times has
struggled in some regions to absorb
the fast-increasing amount of distrib-
uted generation and renewables.
There is also a shortage of skilled la-
bour. Admittedly, regulatory, grid,
and human resources trials are com-
mon in a great many countries and
ountry specic challenges include
geographic and supply constraints
due to the country’s vast distances
which raises cost as well. Another is
the lack of rming capacity as well as
uctuating wholesale electricity pric-
es which can make revenue streams
Key policies and incentives
Australia’s federal government has
introduced multiple climate, energy
transition, and decarbonisation poli-
cies that may directly impact overseas
investors. These policies create invest-
ment opportunities in renewables,
hydrogen, and low-carbon industries
while also imposing compliance re-
quirements for emissions-intensive
businesses. The most critical policies
include legally binding net zero com-
mitments, investment incentives, and
market regulations. The three most
talked-about ones in the media and
academia regarding climate change,
energy transition, and decarbonisation
are the Climate Change Act 2022,
Safeguard Mechanism (Reform 2023),
ustralia’s energy transition to
net zero is accelerating,
marked by rapid coal retire-
ments and a projected tripling of re-
newable energy generation capacity
by 2050 from current levels. This surge
is driven by strong government poli-
cies, increasing electricity demand,
and substantial expansion in clean
energy development. Major interna-
tional asset and investors are leading
this shift, while offshore wind, battery
storage, and green hydrogen are rap-
idly emerging as key growth sectors.
Decarbonisation commitments
Australia’s climate action has been a
complex and inconsistent affair, with
signicant political divisions at the
federal and state levels. At the federal
level there has been a lack of commit-
ment from conservative coalitions (led
by the Liberal Party) versus pro-action
policies by the more progressive coali-
tions (led by Labour). Meanwhile,
individual states have set their own
emissions reduction and renewable
energy targets, often more ambitious
than the federal government’s goals.
For instance, the Australian govern-
ment has committed to a 43 per cent
emissions reduction below 2005 lev-
els by 2030 and net zero by 2050.
However, the two most populous
states, New South Wales and Victoria,
have set more aggressive targets.
New South Wales aims for a 50 per
cent reduction by 2030, 70 per cent by
2035, and net zero by 2050. Victoria
wants to reduce emissions by 28 to 33
per cent by 2025 and 45 to 50 per cent
by 2030, with net zero by 2050.
This disparity in targets and com-
mitments has resulted in state-led ac-
tions playing a more signicant role
in Australia’s decarbonisation efforts
than federal policies. States have been
investing in new renewable energy
capacity, phasing out fossil fuels, and
implementing ambitious emissions
reduction targets. While the federal
government may face increasing
pressure to strengthen its climate
commitments, the states have
emerged as the primary drivers of
Australia’s clean energy transition.
Future climate action in the country is
likely to continue to be led by indi-
vidual states, as they forge ahead with
their own decarbonisation strategies.
Australia’s energy consumption has
seen signicant transformation and is
poised to see even more dramatic shifts
in the coming years. The average an-
nual growth rate over the past ten years
of oil consumption was zero per cent
and that of coal was negative 2.3 per
cent. At the same time, the consump-
tion rate of gas rose 1 per cent and that
of renewables 5.2 per cent. This, while
the rate for overall demand was rela-
tively sluggish. The picture for the
electricity generation mix to 2050 will
be even more dramatic.
The compound annual growth rate
for electricity demand to 2050 is
projected to be around 2 to 3 per cent
by most institutions, including the
Australian Energy Market Operator
(AEMO) and Department of Climate
Change, Energy, the Environment
and Water (DCCEEW).
Australia mandates AEMO to
publish an Integrated System Plan
every two years for essential infra-
structure that will meet future energy
needs. The 2024 plan projects that
generation will nearly triple by 2050
(1 to 4 per cent annual growth). This
increase is primarily driven by the
retirement of coal red power plants,
higher electrication across various
sectors, and broader economic
growth. About 90 per cent of the
nation’s coal capacity is expected to
be retired by 2035.
The phase-out means a need for
large-scale investment in renewables,
storage, and transmission infrastruc-
ture. The transition to EVs, industrial
electrication, and the growth of
green hydrogen production will fur-
ther drive electricity demand, high-
lights the plan.
Additionally, population and eco-
nomic growth will contribute to
greater consumption. Increased adop-
tion of rooftop solar, household bat-
teries, and virtual power plants will
shift demand patterns but still require
and the Capacity Investment Scheme
(CIS) – 2023 Expansion.
The Climate Change Act enshrines
the country’s net zero by 2050 target
and a legally binding 43 per cent
emissions reduction by 2030. It pro-
vides policy certainty for investors
and aligns government decisions
with emissions goals. However,
some experts argue that stronger in-
terim targets and enforcement
mechanisms are needed to drive
deeper decarbonisation.
The Safeguard Mechanism policy
applies to large industrial emitters and
requires them to reduce emissions
intensity annually or buy offsets. It is
a cornerstone of Australia’s industrial
decarbonisation strategy and affects
sectors like mining, energy, and heavy
manufacturing. Academics and in-
dustry groups debate its effectiveness,
with some arguing that loopholes and
reliance on offsets may weaken its
impact. Others highlight its role in
driving low-emissions investments
and cleaner technologies.
The CIS policy is designed to ac-
celerate investment in renewables
and rming capacity such as grid-
scale batteries and pumped hydro) by
providing revenue guarantees for
projects. It is crucial for replacing re-
tiring coal red plants and ensuring
grid reliability as Australia transitions
to 82 per cent renewable electricity by
2030. Frequently experts question
whether investment in grid infrastruc-
ture and storage is happening fast
enough to avoid supply shortfalls.
Investor backdrop
Australia’s Clean Energy Council re-
ported that 2024 marked the strongest
year for large-scale renewable energy
investment in the country since 2018,
with a total capital commitment of A$9
billion ($5.65 billion). According to
the Clean Energy Council’s latest
‘Quarterly Clean Energy Investment
Report,’ seven new large-scale renew-
able energy projects were approved in
the fourth quarter of 2024. These proj-
ects represent 1598 MW of new gen-
eration capacity and A$2.4 billion in
capital investment. Throughout 2024,
investments were secured for 4346
MW of new renewable energy gen-
eration capacity. Additionally, energy
storage experienced signicant
growth, with commitments to 4029
MW/11 348 MWh of new projects. In
the fourth quarter alone, investments
totalling 870 MW/1936 MWh were
made in new energy storage initiatives.
The country’s attractive renewables
investment parameters have attracted
a great variety of asset and nancial
investors. A good sample list is the top
ten renewable energy investors in
Oceania from PF Nexus, a data pro-
vider. They include corporations such
as ENGIE (France), Enel Green
Power (Italy), Iberdrola Group
(Spain), Lightsource BP (UK), Main-
stream Renewable Power (Ireland),
and Vena Energy (Singapore). As
well as nancial investors such as
uila apital, rookeld sset
anagement, aciorp a erk-
shire Hathaway company.
Prepared for The Energy Industry
Times by Joseph Jacobelli at Asia
Clean Tech Energy Investments.
Decarbonisation Series
Australia’s massive
growth in clean
energy generation
capacity testies to
the positive national
inestment prole
This is the latest in
a series of country
analyses where TEI
Times looks at the
country’s generation
and consumption
proles, policy,
emissions targets
and investment
Australia: continuing the clean
Australia: continuing the clean
energy surge
energy surge
n any realistic scenario, the green
energy transition is predicated on
a massive shift towards the elec-
trication of transport and industry.
Transportation, for example, is cur-
rently one of the three largest sourc-
es of greenhouse gas emissions
worldwide, behind only power gen-
eration and industry. t is responsible
for producing more than billion
tonnes of CO
e a year. Emissions
from this sector have more than dou-
bled since 1990 and there is plenty
of evidence to suggest that emissions
from transport will continue to grow
without even more concerted action.
s with much of the worlds hard-
to-reach and high emissions heavy
industries the steel, cement, and
agrochemicals sectors for example
transportation has remained stub-
bornly resistant to change despite the
growing success of consumer elec-
tric vehicles. omestic cars, while a
signicant source of emissions, are
ust a small part of the overall trans-
port sector when considering areas
like shipping, heavy vehicles, and air
transport. ts simply not possible to
directly electrify some industrial sec-
tors and certain areas of transport
and the energy density of fossil fuels
is hard to challenge in many applica-
tions. owever, the development of
commercially viable so-called pow-
er-to-X technologies holds the prom-
ise to play a major role in making
the clean energy transition nally be-
come a reality.
The power of power-to-X
Power-to-X represents a range of cli-
mate-neutral energy solutions of-
ten but not always centred on hydro-
gen  that mainly rely on renewables
to create alternatives to conventional
fossil fuels. Typically, renewables
are used to drive electrochemical
processes such as electrolysis to cre-
ate hydrogen. oupled with process-
es such as direct capture of atmo-
spheric carbon dioxide, for example,
the carbon and hydrogen can be used
to recreate climate-neutral chemical
analogues of liuid or gaseous hy-
drocarbon fossil fuels like kerosene,
petroleum and natural gas.
nown as e-fuels, these synthetic
fuels simply drop in to existing dis-
tribution and supply chains. They
thus maximise the residual value of
current and well-established systems
and technologies such as combustion
engines. lthough power-to- en-
compasses e-fuels it also holds far
more scope to decarbonise the global
economy with alternatives to con-
ventional fuels. This includes new
fuels like pure hydrogen, base feed-
stock chemicals like methanol and
ammonia or direct energy resources.
f developed at sufcient scale, the
outcome of a power-to- economy 
coupled with other critical elements
of the decarbonisation toolbox like a
thriving renewables sector, carbon
capture and seuestration, and the
development of related industries
like heat pumps is a successful
transition to a global green energy
The tri-part value chain
The technologies to create e-fuels,
such as synthetic methane or e-
methanol from green hydrogen al-
ready exist. demonstration plant
for a large-scale E electrolyser
from uest ne is currently being
built at the  Energy olutions
site in ugsburg, Germany, for ex-
ample. The modular and scalable
 E system being installed
features   blocks that can be
combined to create industrial green
hydrogen production plants with an
electrolysis capacity of several hun-
dred megawatts. This proect also
models an important and desirable
route for power-to- proect devel-
opment worldwide.
Another important demonstration
plant is located in atagonia, outh-
ern hile. The aru ni proect uses
wind power to produce hydrogen
and direct air captured 
to make
e-methanol in a reactor from 
Energy olutions. This e-methanol is
then transformed into e-gasoline.
owever, to create a sustainable
and comprehensive low-carbon
economy centred around green hy-
drogen, renewable electricity, and
carbon capture for the hardest to
abate industrial sectors, means creat-
ing more than the right technologies.
There are in fact three critical ele-
ments to the value chain beyond the
core technologies. n the rst in-
stance comes production of green
hydrogen and its derivatives. This
must be at the substantial scales
needed to the extent that the econo-
mies of scale are brought to bear
while delivering an abundant supply
of carbon-free or carbon-neutral al-
ternative fuels to market. econdly,
these green products must be trans-
ported to their point of use.
This reuires new infrastructure to
be developed. s part of Germanys
ational ydrogen trategy, for ex-
ample, measures are being taken to
ensure the development of hydrogen
infrastructure, including a total of
 km of pipelines the so-called
German ydrogen ore Grid.
Finally, having delivered green hy-
drogen in bulk to consumption cen-
tres, the last piece of the pule is a
large consumer base and the devel-
opment of appropriate applications.
teel production is a suitable candi-
date for conversion to green hydro-
gen using a direct reduction process
rather than using carbon-based
agents such as coke.
Clearly then, these three critical
elements are actually coming to fru-
ition. ut to meet our most pressing
climate change targets and avert en-
vironmental catastrophe, all parts of
the hydrogen value chain need to be
simultaneously pushed much harder
and uickly ramped up.
E-fuels that can rely on existing
infrastructure are therefore more
than a bridging technology, but a
vital piece of the clean energy pu-
le and an essential enabler for the
ramp-up of a hydrogen economy.
They also serve as an important fac-
tor in overcoming the huge chal-
lenge of ramping up both supply
and demand simultaneously to build
a pure hydrogen economy, the so-
called chicken-or-egg dilemma.
Barriers to a power-to-X future
espite the fact that the core power-
to-X technologies are available, the
three separate parts of the value
chain are underway and the ultimate
desire to avoid climate change is in
ready abundance, it is nonetheless
evident that actual development of
the power-to-X economy is lagging
behind most expectations. Under
these circumstances its reasonable
to conclude that substantial barriers
are preventing the rapid take-off and
upscaling of power-to-x.
n Europe while there are very am-
bitious decarbonisation targets and
programmes in place such as it for
, the European Unions 2 tar-
get of reducing net greenhouse gas
emissions by at least 55 per cent,
certain rules in place within the
Union are acting as a barrier.
An example comes from legisla-
tion covering the validity of green
hydrogen with some very restrictive
parameters which have to be fullled
in order for hydrogen to be consid-
ered as green with regard to the Re-
newable Energy irectives E
and .
imilarly, carbon sources used for
e-fuels or enewable uels of on-
iological rigin  can
only be considered green after 2041
if they are effectively derived from
biogenic sources and a few other
options that in practical terms are
scarcely available.
These highly restrictive measures
rule out 
captured from point
sources at Europes most polluting
industrial sites which may be in
line with the ambitious targets but
potentially kills the ramp-up due to
long proect lead times.
eveloping a pragmatic approach
to green hydrogen and sources of
carbon used to create e-fuels will
help foster the industry and the green
transition far more than a dogmatic
response to the perceived purity of
feed stocks.
Existing legislation that can kill in-
dustrial investment and the momen-
tum behind the sector before it has
even started in earnest have to be re-
thought and adapted to effectively
encourage the industry instead. This
practical approach must also extend
to all elements of the clean energy
toolbox. E-fuels should be acknowl-
edged as an important enabler for the
hydrogen industry and wholly col-
laborative, its simply not a case of
n addition, we must not forget that
there is also the price issue with
many green products. s long as
green energy sources are signicant-
ly more expensive than their fossil
counterparts, there can be no real
and not purely publicly funded mar-
ket development. ossible solutions
and policy levers to address this ‘ele-
phant in the room include ramping
up green fuel uotas that cannot be
circumvented and an effective 
tax to pave the way for a level play-
ing eld.
t the same time, carbon capture
and utilisation U should be em-
braced as a critically important ele-
ment in the ght to address climate
change and to supply the huge
amounts of carbon that will be need-
ed to produce e-fuels alongside
green hydrogen in the power-to-X
Another aspect to consider is the
opportunity for power-to- to be-
come an important wealth-generat-
ing industry for European economies
based on this multi-pronged ap-
proach. The technologies are avail-
able, the production capacity poten-
tial is there and the desire for change
cannot be denied.
e do not have to wait to embrace
power-to- but we do have to ur-
gently establish the value chain as a
sustainable and economically viable
alternative to the status uo. tart
Dr.-Ing. Florian Gruschwitz LL.M.,
is Senior Business Development
Manager, Power Segment at MAN
Energy Solutions SE.
Power-to-X holds the
promise to transform
the global economy
onto a green
footing, but to do so
means adopting a
pragmatic approach
and breaking down
barriers to the
widespread adoption
and development
of a much more
energy system. MAN
Energy Solutions
SE’s Dr.-Ing. Florian
Gruschwitz explains.
Power-to-X and the H
Power-to-X and the H
economy: a
economy: a
snap-shot on the state of play
snap-shot on the state of play
TE EEG UT TE -  22
Technology Perspective
Dr Gruschwitz: E-fuels
that can rely on existing
infrastructure are a vital piece
of the clean energy puzzle
and an essential enabler for
the ramp-up of a hydrogen
The Haru Oni project uses wind power to produce hydrogen and direct air captured CO
to make
e-methanol in a reactor from MAN Energy Solutions
Final Word
wo recent studies published in
the Nature journal have said
that the exceptionally hot year
of 2024 signals a sooner than ex-
pected breach of the Paris accord.
orryingly, the ndings came as
most of the worlds big polluters
missed a U deadline for setting new
climate targets.
Last year saw the global average
temperature rise exceed . for the
rst time annually, the threshold
needed to avoid irreversible climate
change. Examining 22, the rst
study by Alex Cannon, a research
scientist at the Environment and li-
mate hange anada government
department, found that if  consecu-
tive months of temperatures at or
above . of warming occur, con-
tinued warming is virtually certain.
This was under a so-called middle of
the road scenario, where social,
economic and technological trends do
not shift markedly.
n the other study, German and
ustrian researchers claimed that
without deep cuts in emissions, the
world was most probably now
within the two decades where the
global temperature rise, compared to
pre-industrial levels, would exceed
the . limit set under the aris
hen the agreement was signed, the
world was projected to reach the
. threshold by arch 2, but
the ntergovernmental anel on li-
mate hange , has since said
it expects the threshold to be passed
around 2.
ommenting on the two studies,
Piers Forster, Professor of physical
climate change at the University of
Leeds, UK, and one of the authors of
the IPCC report, said the world was
now at the start of a period of tem-
peratures above . of warming.
ut despite the gloomy outlook, a
handful of countries continue to lead
the effort to keep a lid on global warm-
ing unphased by US President
onald Trumps withdrawal from the
aris limate greement.
The UK led a handful of countries
that submitted carbon emission tar-
gets by the ebruary th deadline,
with its plan to reduce greenhouse gas
to  per cent below  levels by
2. This is in line with its promise
to reach net zero by 2050. Along with
countries including Brazil, Japan,
New Zealand, Switzerland and the
UE anada submitted a draft plan,
the U has made good on an impor-
tant pledge. The Nationally Deter-
mined ontributions s com-
mitments that countries make to
reduce their greenhouse gas emissions
as part of climate change mitigation
include the necessary policies and
measures for achieving the global
targets set out in the aris greement
and are crucial to progressing the
actionable outcomes needed at the
 limate hange meeting to
be held later this year in Brazil.
s some countries begin to falter on
climate commitments, demonstrating
how targets can be achieved is now
more important than ever.
ust weeks after submitting its
s, the U limate hange om-
mittee , an independent, statu-
tory body established to advise the
government on emissions targets,
presented its Seventh Carbon Budget
detailing ‘a new pathway to a decar-
bonised U. The  says that in
order to decarbonise by 2050, the
country must reduce emissions by 
per cent compared to  levels by
The stressed that electrication
must make per cent of emission
reductions by 2040. It also noted that
investment this decade in electrica-
tion and technologies to cut emissions
would create savings over time. These
savings are realised on a cross-econo-
my basis during the Us eventh
arbon udget period 2 22
and grow to 2050 and beyond. It also
estimates the net costs of delivering
this are 0.2 per cent of GDP per year
on average.
mportantly, rofessor orster, who
is also the s nterim hair, said
Our analysis shows that there is no
need to pitch action on climate change
against the economy. e will need
government and business to deliver the
investment, but we are condent that
this Seventh Carbon Budget offers a
secure, prosperous future for the UK.”
The s advice on the level of the
Seventh Carbon Budget is based on its
alanced athway an emissions re-
duction pathway from 22 to et
ero by 2.
Emissions in the U in 22 were
around half the levels they were in
. The pace of emissions reduction
has more than doubled since the intro-
duction of carbon budgets in 2,
driven by the phase-out of coal and the
ramp-up of renewable electricity
y 2, the alanced athway
sees offshore wind grow six-fold
from  G of capacity in 22 to
 G by 2. nshore wind capac-
ity doubles to 32 GW by 2040 and
solar capacity increases to 2 G.
Alongside renewables, “storable
forms of energy including nuclear,
low-carbon dispatchable generation
either gas with carbon capture or
hydrogen, and batteries, as well as
interconnections to neighbouring
markets, ensure a reliable supply of
electricity even in adverse weather
years. These technologies need to be
accompanied by rapidly expanding
the transmission grid, upgrading the
distribution network, and speeding up
the grid connection process.
hile much of this appears feasible,
making nuclear part of those plans is
questionable especially when consid-
ering the timeframe. The  says
nuclear and low-carbon dispatchable
generation provide a relatively small
portion of generation per cent in
2 and notes that the amount
needed would be the equivalent of half
a new large nuclear plant or around
three small modular reactors. This, it
said, would be “a challenge before the
ir ave ewis, hair of links,
commented The  report shows
the opportunity for the UK is huge
but the government needs change fast
and has to keep an eye on the cost.
The U cant afford to wait for nu-
clear proects struggling with mas-
sive delays and spiralling costs or pay
really high prices for edgling
Frazer-Nash Consultancy, a KBR-
owned company, was more welcom-
ing of nuclear but said the focus
should be on to ready-to-deploy nu-
clear technology.
Kevin Murray, Senior Business
Manager, Nuclear at Frazer-Nash
onsultancy, said e welcome the
Seventh Carbon Budget and its call
for new nuclear energy facilities.
However, we disagree that rolling
out nuclear energy by the 2040s is
The UK possesses a rich nuclear
heritage, and a skilled supply chain
that is ready to accelerate the deploy-
ment of new nuclear capacity. e ur-
gently need a nal investment decision
on new large-scale nuclear at Sizewell
C which is set to provide low-carbon
energy to million homes over its
-year life.
ike the U, apan also sees nucle-
ar as important to its climate ambitions.
While setting a goal for renewables to
be the countrys largest source of
production by 2040, in its latest en-
ergy plan the government also plans
to see nuclear generation return to
almost the same level as before the
ukushima accident.
Putting renewables and nuclear at the
heart of energy policy is increasingly
being seen as a way of improving
energy security, especially in the wake
of ussias invasion of Ukraine.
The U stated f the country
decarbonises against our Balanced
athway and there was a spike in gas
prices like the one following ussias
illegal invasion of Ukraine, average
household energy bills in 2040 would
be  times less sensitive.
ut despite the sense this all makes,
many governments still cannot still see
past the immediate challenge.
ith the withdrawal of the U from
the aris greement and industries
that are struggling with high energy
prices, even the EU appears to be
faltering on climate commitments.
European ommission ice-resi-
dent Teresa Ribera, who oversees the
green transition and competition,
spoke of the need to strike a balance
between climate goals and improving
the blocs global competitiveness.
She recently told the Financial Times
“The global reality has evolved, and
we may need to think to what extent
these things that were there need to
be updated.”
n the hakespeare play enry the
ifth, about the medieval king of
England, Henry battle-cries to his
soldiers nce more unto the breach,
dear friends, once more n these
difcult times some of the most
geopolitically challenging we have
seen in decades the UK has stepped
up to show its resolve in tackling cli-
mate change, as well as in its effort to
support an embattled Ukraine. et us
hope the EU and the rest of the world
remains eually stalwart on both
Once more unto the breach…
Junior Isles
Cartoon by Jem Soar