June 2024 • Volume 17 • No 4 • Published monthly • ISSN 1757-7365
THE ENERGY INDUSTRY TIMES is published by Man in Black Media • www.mibmedia.com • Editor-in-Chief: Junior Isles • For all enquiries email: enquiries@teitimes.com
Floating in the wind
It starts with distribution
Seven key considerations for
developers looking to build oating
offshore wind farm projects.
Page 12
Distribution is often missing in the energy
transition debate. Eurelectric’s ‘Grids for
Speed’ report offers a roadmap to a fast,
fair transition to clean energy. Page 13
News In Brief
Updated EU package will
accelerate renewables
The EU has introduced a new pack-
age to support renewables’ roll-out
– exactly two years after it launched
the REPowerEU package.
Page 2
US generation shifts from
coal to renewables and gas
US electricity generation is shifting
from coal to renewables with sup-
porting gas red plants, data from
the Energy Information Adminis-
tration (EIA) has revealed.
Page 4
Australia says gas
“essential” as renewables
continue to rise
Australia, one of the world’s largest
exporters of natural gas, says that it
will continue to exploit this fossil
fuel in the coming decades, despite
having committed to achieving car-
bon neutrality by 2050.
Page 5
Lenders ready to support
rapidly expanding energy
storage projects
Lender condence in utility-scale
battery energy storage systems
(BESS) is increasing, according to
a new report from global energy
storage company Pacic Green.
Page 8
Decarbonisation Series
Virtual Power Plants will be a key
technology for the energy
transition in the EU in the coming
years, and the rapid growth of
electric vehicles will aid their
development through technologies
such as Vehicle-to-Grid. This
offers operators and investors a
great number of investment
opportunities. Page 14
Technology Focus: Drawing
a line in the sand
A “new era” in battery storage is
being hailed with a collaboration on
the development of a sand battery
designed to boost the protability
of wind and solar.
Page 15
or call +44 208 523 2573
A recent report by Wood Mackenzie has outlined how the US energy sector’s low carbon
drive will be impacted if former President Donald Trump regains ofce. Junior Isles
US to overhaul transmission planning as electric grid strains
Final Word
Focusing on grids will
help us connect the dots,
says Junior Isles.
Page 16
A victory for former President Donald
Trump in the November 2024 US
election, combined with long-stand-
ing issues around the US relationship
with China and US government de-
cits, could signicantly alter the path
of US energy policy and usher in a
delayed transition scenario, according
to a new Horizons report from Wood
The US Infrastructure Investment
and Jobs Act (IIJA) of 2021 and the
Ination Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022
catapulted the US to global leadership
in decarbonisation but this could all
change if President Joe Biden’s Dem-
ocratic party loses to the Trump-led
Republicans in what looks set to be a
closely fought contest.
While investments in technologies
that support the energy transition and
low carbon technology may deceler-
ate, the opposite effect might take
place for fossil fuels, which could see
expanded investment and push out
peak fossil fuel demand, according to
the report, ‘Hitting the brakes: how
the energy transition could decelerate
in the US’.
“This election cycle will really in-
uence the pace of energy investment,
both in the next ve years and through
2050. Investments in low carbon sup-
ply need to be made in the near term
to realise longer-dated decarbonisa-
tion targets. US carbon emissions
could grow, putting net zero out of
reach in our delayed transition sce-
nario,” according to David Brown,
Director of Wood Mackenzie’s Ener-
gy Transition Research.
“It is not likely that the IRA will be
fully repealed,” said Brown. “How-
ever, a second Trump presidency
would likely issue executive orders
that would abandon the 2035 net zero
target for the power sector, establish
softer emissions goals from the EPA,
and issue tax credit regulations that
could favour blue hydrogen.”
Brown added that the scal environ-
ment may prove challenging as well,
as US government spending could be
limited to address the country’s debt
burden – the US Congressional Bud-
get Ofce expects the US debt-to-
GDP ratio to reach 109 per cent by
2030 and hit 155 per cent by 2050.
Wood Mackenzie’s base case proj-
ects about $7.7 trillion in investment
for the US energy sector over 2023-
50. However, in the delayed transition
scenario in the US, less policy support
for things such as low-carbon energy
and infrastructure improvements de-
creases investment for the US energy
sector by $ 1 trillion compared to the
base case.
Total capital investment for the US
includes upstream oil and gas, power
generation, power grid and EV infra-
structure, hydrogen and CCUS. Some
$11.8 trillion dollars in capital invest-
ment in US energy is required on a
cumulative basis from 2023-2050 to
reach Wood Mackenzie’s net zero sce-
nario. Investment is 55 per cent lower
in its delayed transition scenario.
According to the report, where
policy support for low-carbon energy
is cut back, CCUS and low-carbon
hydrogen would face a slower invest-
ment pathway. Total US natural gas
demand would rise to be 6 billion
cubic feet per day (bcfd) higher than
the base case by 2030 – a jump of
some 6 per cent.
“It is important to note that peak fos-
sil fuel demand does occur – it is just
around 10 years later than the 2030
prediction in our base case,” said
Brown. With a peak still on the hori-
zon, companies will need to continue
diversifying into low carbon technol-
ogies to build a business model that is
Continued on Page 2
The US Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (FERC) adopted com-
prehensive new rules to reform the
country’s build-out of long-distance
power lines, as rising electricity de-
mand poses a threat to domestic grid
Last month FERC voted 2-1 in a
partisan split to require operators to
come up with plans for long-term
transmission construction and cost
allocation. The move represents the
largest overhaul of transmission sys-
tem rules since 2011.
The decision was cheered by clean
power groups but blasted by a con-
servative commissioner who said it
was driven by “special interests” and
exceeds the commission’s authority.
FERC’s nal rule intended to
prompt utilities and grid operators
across the country into more for-
ward-looking, comprehensive and
cost-effective planning of large elec-
tric transmission lines and better ac-
count for the broad benets those
wires provide – was nearly three
years in the making. In the end it
passed on a 2-1 vote, with the com-
mission’s two Democratic appoin-
tees voting yes and the lone Republi-
can opposed.
FERC Chairman Willie Phillips
said an ageing grid, increasing se-
vere weather, demand growth from
new manufacturing, data centres and
increasing electrication as well as a
changing power generation mix all
threaten reliability at a time when
construction of the high voltage
transmission lines that help get pow-
er to where it’s needed has slumped
to a record low.
The rule requires power transmis-
sion operators to conduct transmis-
sion planning at least every ve
years, looking out along a 20-year
horizon using “best available data to
develop well-informed projections”
of needs, according to a FERC staff
“This rule cannot come fast enough.
There is an urgent need to act to en-
sure the reliability and the affordabil-
ity of our grid,” Phillips said. “We
simply will not be able to address
these converging challenges and
continue to supply the reliable, abun-
dant and affordable power the Amer-
ican people depend on without taking
a clear-eyed, long-term, forward-
looking approach to transmission
But Commissioner Mark Christie,
a conservative former Virginia utility
commissioner, vehemently dissented
to the rule, calling it “a pretext to en-
act a sweeping policy agenda that
Congress never passed” and one that
will “facilitate a massive transfer of
wealth from consumers to for-prot
special interests.”
Trump victory
Trump victory
could slow US
could slow US
energy transition
energy transition
Former President Donald Trump
could take the US down a different
energy path
The EU last month introduced a new
package to support renewables’ roll-
out – exactly two years after it launched
the REPowerEU package, the bloc’s
effort to wean itself off Russian gas.
The European Commission adopted
a series of new and updated recom-
mendations and guidance documents
in an effort to improve and streamline
permitting procedures and auctions for
renewables. These documents will
help to implement the EU framework
for renewable energy by improving the
conditions for a rapid deployment of
renewable energy. By boosting de-
mand for clean technologies made in
Europe, this initiative will also help
reinforce industrial competitiveness,
increase the resilience of the energy
system, and deliver on the European
Green Deal.
Commenting on the new initiative,
Kadri Simson, EU Commissioner for
Energy, said: “Increased predictabil-
ity and faster permitting are key to
sending the right investment signals
across the renewable energy value
chain. Today’s guidance from the
Commission will help member states
to accelerate the deployment of re-
newables. As we approach two years
since the adoption of the REPowerEU
Plan, it is important to give this extra
boost to home-grown clean energy
sources, to allow us to replace even
more Russian fossil fuels.”
In the updated Recommendation on
speeding up permit-granting proce-
dures and its accompanying guidance,
the Commission highlights ways to
improve planning and permitting pro-
cedures for renewable energy and
related infrastructure projects in the
EU. The updated permitting guidance
provides examples of good practice
on faster and simpler permit-granting
procedures, highlights the importance
of digitalisation and community par-
ticipation, human resources and
skills; and outlines how to best handle
site selection procedures and network
The Commission has also adopted a
further guidance document on desig-
nating renewables acceleration areas.
Under the revised Renewable Energy
Directive, these are locations where
the deployment of renewable energy
projects is not expected to have sig-
nicant environmental impacts and
the necessary procedures are there-
fore fast-tracked to ensure quick de-
ployment of specic technologies.
Key elements for selecting such areas
are the availability of digital tools for
planning and mapping, and data on
the renewable energy capacity and on
the potential environmental impact. In
its guidance, the Commission also
highlights the role of proper stake-
holder engagement and public consul-
tation to facilitate a successful desig-
nation of such acceleration areas.
Auctions play a key role in the roll-
out of renewable energy and, when
well designed, can be supportive of the
steady and sustainable growth of the
EU economy. By outlining standard
elements for the design of auctions for
renewable energy, the Commission’s
recommendation and guidance will
make these procedures more harmon-
ised and efcient, in line with the Net-
Zero Industry Act.
The news was welcomed by the solar
and wind sectors. Walburga Hemets-
berger, CEO of SolarPower Europe
said: “In crisis, solar delivered for
Europe with record deployment, sup-
ported by the EU Solar Strategy, to
get the continent off Russian gas… It
is therefore good to see the Commis-
sion recommendation for prioritising
renewables and infrastructure in per-
mitting, while reinforcing citizens’
On auction design, the Commission
has claried that non-price criteria
should be technology-specic, pre-
qualication criteria should include
cyber and data security and responsible
business conduct, and that other crite-
ria such as “innovation” should be used
as award criteria. It also says supply
chain resilience criteria should be ap-
plied as soon as possible to strengthen
Europe’s clean tech manufacturing.
WindEurope CEO Giles Dickson
commented: “Europe’s moving away
from wind auctions based solely on
price. Good. Non-price award criteria
reward those projects that bring the
biggest value to consumers and soci-
ety. And tighter pre-qualication crite-
ria help raise the bar on what sort of
turbines get built.”
resilient through the energy transi-
tion. Each sector, from transport to
power and emerging technologies,
will be affected by a nuanced set of
With less nancial support from
the Department of Energy Loan
Program Ofce, fewer grid im-
provements, and continued trade
tension with China, the delayed
transition scenario for the US proj-
ects that wind and solar and energy
storage capacity would be about
500 GW by 2050, 25 per cent
lower than the base case.
Coal would remain in the mix for
longer. In the delayed energy tran-
sition scenario, the pace of electri-
cation would ease in the near
term. However, industrial, residen-
tial, electrolytic hydrogen and EV
usage would still combine to in-
crease power demand by 2000
TWh, a 45 per cent jump from 2030
to 2050. With less policy support
for renewables and continued load
growth, there would be no way out
of using coal, says the report. As a
result, by 2040, coal generation
capacity would be four times high-
er than the base case, with 104 GW
on the system.
The report also notes that the lack
of federal demand-side targets, re-
ductions in federal funding and
cost ination would challenge the
investment case for low-carbon
hydrogen. Eligibility for tax credits
under the IRA could be adjusted to
tilt incentives towards blue hydro-
gen. Near-term growth shifts to
export markets in Europe and Asia;
Wood Mackenzie’s delayed transi-
tion scenario would still foresee a
two million tonne export market
emerging by 2050.
A look at state-level policies
shows that momentum for low-
carbon investment can be indepen-
dent of federal policy. Since 2020,
California’s utility-scale battery
capacity has expanded eight-fold
to 8.4 GW. By the end of the year,
Wood Mackenzie expects battery
capacity to reach 11.7 GW.
State-level renewable portfolio
standards and voluntary renewable
energy targets supported wind and
solar capacity expansions of over
13 per cent a year on average be-
tween 2016 and 2020, during the
last Trump administration. Califor-
nia’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard
(LCFS) will help underpin invest-
ments in low-carbon hydrogen, di-
rect air capture (DAC) and bioen-
ergy across the country.
“A slower transition scenario for
emerging technologies does not
mean the story is over,” said Brown.
“The emerging technology sector in
the US will need to reassess costs,
project sizes, and subsidy reliance.
This should be approached through
a position of condence. The US
has a track record of innovation –
the US went from a net LNG im-
porter to the world’s largest LNG
exporter over the last decade.”
Continued from Page 1
Booming investment in the manufac-
turing of clean energy technologies,
especially solar PV and batteries, is
becoming a powerful economic driver
globally, creating new industrial and
employment opportunities, according
to a new report from the International
Energy Agency.
In a rst-of-its-kind analysis, ‘Ad-
vancing Clean Technology Manufac-
turing’ nds that global investment in
the manufacturing of ve key clean
energy technologies – solar PV, wind,
batteries, electrolysers and heat pumps
– rose to $200 billion in 2023, an in-
crease of more than 70 per cent from
2022 that accounted for around 4 per
cent of global GDP growth.
Spending on solar PV manufactur-
ing more than doubled last year, while
investment in battery manufacturing
rose by around 60 per cent. As a result,
solar PV module manufacturing ca-
pacity today is already in line with
what is needed in 2030 based on the
IEAs net zero emissions scenario. For
battery cells, if announced projects are
included, manufacturing capacity is
90 per cent of the way towards meet-
ing net zero demand at the end of this
The report nds that many projects
in the pipeline will be operational soon.
Around 40 per cent of investments in
clean energy manufacturing in 2023
were in facilities that are due to come
online in 2024. For batteries, this share
rises to 70 per cent.
“Record output from solar PV and
battery plants is propelling clean en-
ergy transitions – and the strong invest-
ment pipeline in new facilities and
factory expansions is set to add further
momentum in the years ahead,” said
IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol.
“While greater investment is still need-
ed for some technologies – and clean
energy manufacturing could be spread
more widely around the globe – the
direction of travel is clear. Policy mak-
ers have a huge opportunity to design
industrial strategies with clean energy
transitions at their core.”
Clean energy manufacturing is still
dominated by a few regions. China,
for example, is currently home to
more than 80 per cent of global solar
PV module manufacturing capacity,
said the IEA.
However, the report nds that the
manufacturing of battery cells could
become less geographically concen-
trated by the end of this decade; if
all announced projects are realised,
Europe and the United States could
each reach around 15 per cent of
global installed capacity by 2030.
New data and analysis based on
plant-level assessments of more than
750 facilities indicate that China re-
mains the lowest-cost producer of all
clean energy technologies. Battery,
wind and solar PV manufacturing fa-
cilities are typically 20 per cent to 30
per cent more expensive to build in
India than in China, and 70 per cent
to 130 per cent more in the US and
The report – produced in response
to a request from G7 leaders in 2023
– provides guidance for policy makers
as they prepare industrial strategies
with a strong focus on clean energy
The G7 countries have agreed to stop
coal use by 2035 in energy systems
where emissions are not captured.
Energy and climate ministers pledged
to phase out unabated coal power “dur-
ing the rst half of 2030s” after two
days of meetings in Turin, Italy, at the
end of April. Alternatively, they aim to
adhere to a timeline consistent with
limiting global temperature rise to
1.5°C, in line with countries’ net zero
In addition to the coal phase-out, the
ministers outlined a series of other
initiatives aimed at promoting renew-
able energy, reducing emissions and
enhancing energy security. These in-
clude encouraging the growth of re-
newables, collaborating on fusion
energy research, and reducing meth-
ane emissions.
Andrew Bowie, the UK minister for
nuclear and renewables, described the
agreement reached at this week’s G7
ministers meeting in Turin as “his-
toric” in an interview with CNBC.
“We do have an agreement to phase
out coal in the rst half of the 2030s,”
he said.
Sources said the nal agreement,
however, could include leeway in the
planned timeline to include the option
of a date “consistent with keeping a
limit of 1.5°C temperature rise [above
pre-industrial levels] within reach, in
line with countries’ net zero path-
ways”. This would help countries
heavily reliant on coal, such as Japan.
The global installed generating ca-
pacity of coal red power stations
grew by 2 per cent last year driven
mainly by new plants in energy-hungry
China, while there was a slowing in
the pace of closures of plants in the
EU countries and the US.
The war in Ukraine may have caused
disruptions, but these will be insig-
nicant in the grand scheme of the
energy transition, according to Ernst &
Young’s (EY) global energy lead.
“For most onlookers, the coal red
power phase-out in Europe appears to
be progressing seamlessly. Assuming
the current trend, by 2030, half of its
coal red power plants will have shut,
standing briey as hulking concrete
remnants of a bygone era, before being
demolished and forgotten,” it said in a
Climate activists said the phase-out
deal did not go fast or far enough to
address the global warming effect of
fossil fuel consumption. All the G7
industrialised nations apart from Ja-
pan had already committed to phasing
out coal power domestically, they
Countries that wished to demonstrate
the ambition needed to limit warming
to not more than 1.5°C, a key threshold
in the 2015 Paris climate agreement,
should take a tougher stance, said Jane
Ellis, Head of Climate Policy at the
Berlin-based Climate Analytics.
The non-governmental organisation
had called for the G7 to set an earlier
2030 phase-out date for power genera-
tion by coal, and a 2035 deadline for
gas red supplies.
G7 members were responsible for
more than a fth of global emissions
in 2021, it said, but none were on track
to meet their 2030 emission reduction
Headline News
G7 agrees to stop coal use by 2035
Updated EU package will
Updated EU package will
accelerate renewables roll-out
accelerate renewables roll-out
Brown: A Trump presidency
would likely abandon the 2035
net zero target
On the second anniversary of REPowerEU, the European Commission has launched a
new package to speed up the deployment of renewables as it looks to eliminate its use of
Russian gas. Junior Isles
Clean energy investment drives economic growth, says IEA
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Australian strategy relies on natural gas
until 2050 and beyond
US DOE faces challenges moving
hydrogen production forward
Gary Lakes
Australia is one of the world’s biggest
producers of natural gas and other
natural resources. Its gas exports are
among the largest in the world and it
supplies major Asian consumers. In
recent years the gas industry in Austra-
lia has been through a debate with the
government over domestic supply ob-
ligations and prices for the local mar-
ket. The new strategy looks to provide
security for the economy and keep the
industry strong, yet continue to take
steps to comply with global carbon
emissions reductions.
The Future Gas Strategy (FGS) will
support the continued exploration for
natural gas in Australia along with in-
creased production. According to the
strategy drawn up by the government
of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese,
Australia will maintain a gas policy
based on Australia’s “commitment to
being a reliable trading partner,” the
FGS states.
This means that the gas industry will
continue to produce and export
enough gas to fulll its LNG contracts
with big importers like China, Japan
and Korea for as long as those markets
want LNG.
Natural gas exports in the form of
LNG provides Australia with some 14
per cent of its export revenue. Gas also
covers 27 per cent of the country’s do-
mestic energy consumption.
The strategy outlines a pathway for
natural gas to support the transition to
a sustainable and low-emission energy
future while ensuring energy security
and affordability for the country.
The Albanese government said the
policy will support domestic supply
and assist with the transition to net
zero. For their part, environmentalists
in Australia argue that gas is not a
transition fuel, but a key contributor
to global warming. Furthermore, they
argue that the new strategy will open
new gas basins that will do more dam-
age to the country’s land, water and
Australia’s gas industry has been at
odds with the government over steps
to regulate it – mostly in reference to
measures designed to assure a safe and
affordable supply to domestic custom-
ers, and policies designed to restrict
carbon emissions. But while the gov-
ernment has made efforts to move the
country towards a net zero future, the
gas industry continues without great
At the launch of the FGS, Minister
for Resources Madeline King said
decisions on gas supply and produc-
tion will be based on the best possible
“The strategy makes it clear that gas
will remain an important source of
energy through to 2050 and beyond,
and its uses will change as we improve
industrial energy efciency, rm
renewables, and reduce emissions,”
King said.
“But it is clear we will need continued
exploration, investment and develop-
ment in the sector to support the path
to net zero for Australia and for our
export partners, and to avoid a shortfall
in gas supplies,” the minister said, add-
ing: “The strategy makes it clear that
we can’t rely on past investments to
get us through the next decades, as
existing elds deplete. That will mean
a continued commitment to explora-
tion, and an openness to the kinds of
foreign investment that have helped
build the industry into the powerhouse
it is today.”
Implementing the FGS will not be
easy for Australia, and it faces a num-
ber of challenges. Emissions reduc-
tion will require balancing production
and consumption while minimising
the release of greenhouse gases. Large
investments will be needed to upgrade
the infrastructure for cleaner gas
production and distribution. Securing
the money needed for such invest-
ments in a timely manner will be cru-
cial. Failure to get the timing right as
the energy shift gathers momentum
could risk Australia’s efforts to transi-
tion to cleaner and cheaper energy.
Meeting the goals for carbon reduc-
tions must be done in a way that does
not disrupt energy supply or make
energy unaffordable.
On top of it all, the government will
have to keep everyone happy during
the process, perhaps the biggest chal-
lenge of all. The industry can expect to
react to measures that they will see as
disruptive to their process or incurring
new costs or as trade obstacles. The
public will have their set of environ-
mental concerns, may oppose changes
in their long-held pattern of doing
things, worry over the impact that cer-
tain measures may have on public
health, and what it will cost them as
Gary Lakes
Getting the price of producing and us-
ing hydrogen down to a cost that in-
dustry and consumers can tolerate is a
big part of making the energy transition
work. The Department of Energy
(DOE) has set a target price of $1/kg
by 2031 and an interim price target of
$2/kg by 2026. These targets include
the cost of production, delivery and the
dispensation of hydrogen for practical
long-term use, but beginning as soon
as possible.
The Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Tech-
nologies Ofce Multi-Year Program
Plan (MYPP) – available on the DOE
website – is aligned with the priorities
of the US National Clean Hydrogen
Strategy and Roadmap that was re-
leased by the Biden-Harris administra-
tion in June 2023.
The roadmap lays out a strategic
framework to achieve large-scale pro-
duction and utilisation of hydrogen
with scenarios for 2030, 2040 and
2050, and emphasises collaboration
between government agencies, indus-
try, academia and others who hold a
stake in transforming the energy indus-
try. The roadmap lays out concrete
targets and sets market-driven metrics
to measure success.
The MYPP follows a report delivered
earlier this year to the DOE by the Na-
tional Petroleum Council (NPC) stat-
ing that the development of hydrogen
was not moving fast enough to meet
the targets set by the Biden-Harris ad-
ministration. While the government is
providing billions of dollars in funding
for the establishment of at least four
hydrogen hubs across the US, shifting
the country to a hydrogen economy
will take some doing.
The MYPP outlines research and de-
velopment priorities set by the admin-
istration. Renewable hydrogen pro-
duction and storage, technology for
trucking applications – a huge issue in
American commerce and vital to ad-
dress for energy transformation and
emissions reduction – and decreasing
the cost of electrolyser systems are
among the challenges where action is
The MYPP identies the challenges
that must be overcome to realise the
full potential of clean hydrogen and
fuel cells and explains how HFTO’s
research, development, and demon-
stration (RD&D) activities will help
to overcome those challenges in the
near-, mid-, and longer-term.
Besides reducing hydrogen produc-
tion costs by 2026 and 2031, other
targets include reducing the cost of the
electrolyser systems to $250/kW (low-
temperature electrolysers) and $500/
kW (high-temperature electrolysers)
by 2026, getting the price of dispensed
hydrogen cost for heavy-duty vehicles
to $7/kg by 2028, and reduce fuel cell
cost for heavy-duty transportation to
$80/kW by 2030.
Presently, hydrogen produced by
electrolysis – the separation of water
into hydrogen and oxygen using elec-
tricity generated by renewable energy
(green hydrogen) costs around $5/
kg, and when delivery and fuelling sta-
tion costs are factored in, this could
amount to around $12/kg.
When natural gas is used in the pro-
duction of hydrogen (grey hydrogen)
the cost is around $1.50/kg. Energy
companies are looking to use carbon
capture, utility and storage (CCUS) to
produce ‘clean’ hydrogen, which they
argue will address the requirements
of transitioning to carbon-free fuels.
But carbon capture has yet to be shown
effective on a scale that would speed
the widespread use of hydrogen. Fur-
thermore, the carbon capture industry
requires signicant investment in car-
bon capture infrastructure that could
ultimately prove redundant.
For hydrogen to be at the place in
2050 that the administration currently
envisages it, a number of challenges
are going to need to be addressed – and
not just cost. According to the MYPP,
not only must the cost of technologies
for producing, moving, storing, fuel
cells and electrolysers come down,
existing markets and the creation of
new markets needs attention.
“Without substantial cost reductions,
many of the opportunities for hydrogen
will not be realised. The efciency,
durability, and reliability of hydrogen
and fuel cell systems also need to be
improved to achieve parity with in-
cumbent technologies,” the MYPP
report said.
De-risking and scaling up technolo-
gies across the value chain are also a
part of the quest.
“To reduce investment risk, new hy-
drogen and fuel cell technologies need
to be demonstrated and validated in
real-world conditions,” the report said,
adding: “And to enable scale-up of
proven technologies, more-robust do-
mestic supply chains and improve-
ments in manufacturing (both to reduce
cost and enable scale) will be needed.”
Convincing the public that the move
to hydrogen energy holds the promise
of new jobs and opportunities is in
itself a challenge, but the transition is
one that will denitely need people to
carry out. MYPP cites barriers to
large-scale adoption as one of the
challenges a hydrogen economy fac-
es. Overcoming those barriers will
require large-scale adoption across
multiple sectors of the overall econo-
my. And it is safe to assume that all
industries will need to adapt to the new
applications of hydrogen energy,
which once it comes into widespread
use can be expected to lead to many
A number of crosscutting areas will
need improvement, the MYPP says.
These areas include safety, which
will require enhanced safety practic-
es, improved sensors, and the dis-
semination of knowledge. Techni-
cally sound codes and standards will
need to be adopted, as well as im-
proved and streamlined permitting
processes, along with a well-trained
workforce for the entire technology
life cycle, from research through
manufacturing to installation, repair
and decommissioning.
The government of Australia has recently released a policy strategy that says the country will make use of natural
gas well beyond 2050, the target year for most of the world to be operating at net zero status.
The US Department of Energy is continuing to pursue its hydrogen development programme through the Hydrogen
and Fuel Cell Technologies Ofce, which has recently released its Multi-Year Program Plan (MYPP).
Fuel Watch
ndings from these assessments in-
form and enhance the design of wind
farm structures.
n Unlock the power of partnerships.
The operational success of Hywind
Tampen, currently the largest oating
wind farm with 11 turbines and an 88
MW capacity, sets the stage for even
more ambitious projects beyond 2030.
While standardisation of parts and
designs, as well as supply chain up-
scaling will play a signicant role,
innovation remains a key driver for
expanding capacity and achieving
Future oating wind farms, pro-
jected to be as much as 20 times
larger, will demand even greater cost
efciency and innovation, as well
as collaborative efforts and shared
objectives, will be pivotal in making
this a realistic prospect. Opportuni-
ties abound, including academic
studies, joint industry initiatives,
sponsorships, and technology trials
alongside established benchmarks.
Clients, counterparts, and col-
leagues all play a vital role in igniting
and accelerating innovation. Collabo-
rating early with advisors fosters ex-
ploration and propels the exciting fu-
ture of oating wind energy.
n Use exible data acquisition that
can adapt and operate in deep waters.
Over 20 countries are venturing into
commissioning oating offshore wind
farms, and while most sites will be
located in waters 60-250 m deep, some
proposed sites are already approach-
ing 1500 m. A thorough early analysis
of site conditions is therefore essential
for designing reliable and cost-effec-
tive oating assets that will perform
as expected for decades.
As the industry evolves to embrace
oating wind, iterative data processes
and multi-disciplinary expertise will
be required to create detailed ground
models. Where possible, we should
be incorporating models and data
from existing offshore infrastructure
to optimise site characterisation – but
building data acquisition methods
that can operate in deep waters will be
n Design operations and maintenance
requirements from the outset. For
oating wind projects to pose a serious
viable alternative to xed locations,
the long-term operations and mainte-
nance requirements must be consid-
ered and factored into projects from
the very outset.
It is estimated that the cost of oper-
ating and maintaining oating wind
farms could be three to ve times
more than traditional xed-bottom
sites. This is inuenced by the fact
that operators must contend with
more turbulent and unpredictable
conditions further out at sea mean-
ing structures will be continually
shifting, turbines may need to be
eployment of wind farms in
deeper waters where winds
are stronger and more consis-
tent will go a long way to meeting
the targets governments around the
world have set for clean energy gen-
eration. Floating wind farms can sig-
nicantly contribute to the global ef-
fort of transitioning away from fossil
fuels and help limit global average
temperature rises to below 2°C, a key
goal of the Paris Agreement.
The oating wind sector is still in
relative infancy compared to xed-
bottom, with engineering solutions
and supply chains still being devel-
oped. The remote location of oating
sites, as well as the harsh offshore
weather conditions they need to en-
dure, provide challenges for both de-
velopment as well as operations and
maintenance. Thankfully, advances in
technology, investment and a grow-
ing desire to succeed are already
helping to make signicant gains.
When developing an offshore wind
farm, there are seven key things that
can mitigate potential challenges.
n Use technology to balance stability,
complexity and cost. Engineers are
actively exploring various oating
designs, each accompanied by a dedi-
cated mooring system. These moor-
ings ensure stability for the oating
platforms, alongside tailored anchor
solutions which are essential to opti-
mise holding capacity in the light of
the specic ground conditions and
expected load patterns at the installa-
tion site.
Floating foundations occupy a sig-
nicantly larger surface area than
their xed-bottom counterparts.
Consequently, acquiring compre-
hensive geo-data becomes more de-
manding. To compare the feasibility
of multiple oater and anchor com-
binations, developers must gather
extensive geophysical and geotech-
nical datasets to obtain a clear under-
standing of seabed conditions. De-
pending upon the scale and resolution
of data needed for engineering de-
sign, survey scopes can become sig-
nicantly larger compared to mono-
pile wind farms.
Advancements in data interpreta-
tion can help to rene data need and
enable design choices. Ground mod-
elling is rapidly becoming a main-
stream component of layout design,
and techniques such as seismic inver-
sion allow engineers to predict soil
properties without location specic
geotechnical data. It must be high-
lighted that site specic data is still
needed to verify assumptions and
mitigate ground risk, but by integrat-
ing data acquisition and interpretation
methods, we can harness new tech-
nologies while maintaining exibility
in evaluating anchoring options and
n Enhance oating wind farm founda-
tions with strategic soil sampling. To
realise the sectors aspirations and
demand for oating wind capacity, it
is estimated that approximately 3400
oating platforms and 10 000 anchors
will be deployed annually during the
2030s. Achieving this scale necessi-
tates swift and precise engineering
methods that can adapt to diverse soil
Anchors face unique hurdles, such
as cyclical forces, intricate load dy-
namics, and the trenching impact of
mooring lines. These factors must be
factored into anchor designs to pre-
serve holding capacity throughout the
operational life of a oating wind
A thorough understanding of the
soil context for each anchor is es-
sential, achievable through methodi-
cal laboratory testing of high-quality
representative soil samples. Strategic
investments in soil sample collection
and analysis can help favourably in-
uence the levelised cost of energy
(LCOE) for oating wind farm
projects, allowing developers to un-
derstand seabed conditions and de-
sign components without expensive
over engineering.
The collection and analysis of high-
calibre soil samples is pivotal for the
development of oating wind farms.
Optimising anchor designs is not only
about meeting installation demands
but also about ensuring enduring
holding capacity, all while reducing
cost and risk.
n Undertake a proactive geo-hazard
assessment. Floating wind sites are
subject to a different spectrum of geo-
hazards to their xed-bottom counter-
parts, necessitating more intricate site
characterisation. Early comprehen-
sion of geological conditions and po-
tential geo-hazards is vital to mitigate
risks, ensuring the planned develop-
ment and enduring performance of the
wind farm.
The initial step in geo-hazard iden-
tication is a comprehensive desktop
study, leveraging dependable data to
evaluate a broad array of factors. The
insights from a desktop study can
then inform the extent of site investi-
gation campaigns needed, allowing
project objectives and deadlines to be
achieved in line with development
expenditure budget.
Techniques for in-situ geo-data col-
lection for geo-hazard assessments
share commonalities with routine site
investigations, including CPTs and
boreholes. Dispatched samples un-
dergo examination at specialised core
logging facilities to trace the sedi-
ment’s history and composition.
Specialists model geological
events to evaluate the relevance and
frequency of risks in relation to the
offshore wind farm’s lifespan. The
towed back into port for maintenance,
additional technology and training
will be needed to ensure worker
safety, and delays caused by weather
are more likely.
n Implement remote monitoring to
reduce costs. Developers will need as-
surance that the benets of oating
wind will not be overshadowed by
high operations and maintenance
costs, and leveraging techniques such
as remote monitoring will go a long
way towards reducing operational
costs. When wind turbines are further
offshore, remote monitoring will help
asset managers to receive early warn-
ing of any concerns, and minimising
costly in-person site visits in the pro-
cess. With this technology, an operator
could detect problems such as instabil-
ity, fatigue or corrosion, by remotely
monitoring turbines using a set of
specialised sensors permanently in-
stalled onto assets reducing the need
for personnel to travel to the site so
often. Likewise, rapid growth in re-
mote and autonomous inspection ca-
pabilities now allow vessels and ve-
hicles to inspect sites both above and
below the waterline - whilst operators
and observers remain onshore. This
could be critical in reducing exposure
hours, improving safety and increas-
ing operational uptime.
For developers currently planning
oating sites, whatever their design,
now is the moment to think about how
they can leverage automated and
digitalised data delivery to provide
early warnings of wear or failure, and
improve asset performance.
The development of oating wind
farms represents a signicant ad-
vancement in renewable energy
technology, offering a promising
solution to harness offshore wind
power in deep waters.
The key to successful deployment
lies in addressing the unique chal-
lenges of oating structures, such as
stability, geo-spatial data acquisition,
and anchor design. Strategic soil
characterisation, proactive geo-haz-
ard assessments, and innovative
partnerships are crucial for optimis-
ing design and ensuring the longevity
of these assets. As the industry moves
to larger and more complex oating
wind farms, exible data acquisition
and remote monitoring will play vital
roles in reducing operational costs
and enhancing performance.
By addressing these seven consider-
ations from the outset, developers can
pave the way for oating wind farms
to become a viable and sustainable
alternative to traditional xed-bottom
wind farms, contributing signicantly
to the global effort to combat climate
Brian Bell is Global Director of Off-
shore Wind at Fugro.
Energy Outlook
With the ability to
be installed further
offshore in water
depths beyond
the limits of xed-
bottom structures,
oating wind farms
are emerging as the
next generation of
renewable energy
sources. Fugro’s
Brian Bell says
there are seven key
considerations for
developers looking to
build projects.
Key considerations for the
Key considerations for the
development of oating
development of oating
wind farms
wind farms
Bell: The key to successful
deployment lies in addressing
the unique challenges of
oating structures
hen we talk about the ener-
gy transition, the distribu-
tion grid is often the forgot-
ten giant of the conversation. The
political discussion often gravitates
towards generation technologies.
And when grids are mentioned, it’s
often transmission. Yet, as the inter-
twined mega shifts of the green tran-
sition – decarbonisation, decentrali-
sation and digitalisation – unfold, it’s
time we give distribution grids the
spotlight they deserve. Eurelectric’s
new study ‘Grids for Speed (GfS)’
study seeks to do just that.
Europe’s grids were originally
planned for a heavily centralised fos-
sil-fuel based energy system where
the electricity ow was a one-way
street from power plant to customer.
Today this picture is more complex.
The power system is decarbonising
at record speed. Renewable capacity
should make up 42.5 per cent of nal
energy use by 2030 and the share of
direct electrication is expected to
double from now until 2040. In the
coming years, about 70 per cent of
new renewable generation and elec-
tricity storage will be connected at
distribution level with renewable ca-
pacity growing nearly six-fold be-
tween 2020 and 2050. This repre-
sents a massive increase in
variability on the distribution grid.
In parallel, growing electrication
of heating, transport and industry
translates in a much higher electricity
demand than before, both in terms of
growing capacity and new connec-
tions. Electric vehicle (EV) chargers
alone will require more than 15 000
new connections a day.
Adding to this technically challeng-
ing transformation, comes an alarm-
ing increase in cyber threats and ex-
treme weather events. The numbers
in our study speak volumes: a six-
fold rise in cyber-attacks and a stag-
gering 13-fold increase in damage
from extreme weather events. These
numbers underscore the urgency of
the situation.
Today there is a disconnect be-
tween the politically agreed pace of
the energy transition and the incre-
mental investment growth of distri-
bution grids. It’s vital that we close
this gap swiftly and effectively.
As shown in our study, an annual
investment of €67 billion is neces-
sary from 2025 and 2050 across EU
countries and Norway. This nancial
commitment is pivotal to realising
the ambitious vision of the EU Green
Deal as well as our energy security
Despite the high price tag, this in-
vestment cost pales in comparison to
the cost of fossil fuel imports reach-
ing €451 billion in 2023. Moreover,
this commitment equates to a mere
0.4 per cent of the EU27 GDP or a
modest €150 per capita annually.
While the investment challenge is
serious, several emerging grid strate-
gies could lower costs by up to 18
per cent – to €55 billion per year – if
properly implemented. Among them,
anticipatory investments reign su-
preme. Planning and investing ahead
in a strategic way will allow grid op-
erators to not only tackle the chal-
lenges of today’s grid constraints, but
also to shorten connection queues
and reduce curtailment of renewable
production. Enabling this anticipato-
ry framework is possible only if na-
tional regulators get on board, allow-
ing grid operators to invest in a
forward-looking manner with ade-
quate remuneration schemes.
Other strategies revolve around as-
set performance excellence and grid-
friendly exibility mechanisms. This
means leveraging technologies that
monitor grid assets’ health, as well as
strategically renewing and replacing
components to maximise perfor-
mance. Grid-friendly exibility can
also help defer the need for rein-
forcement by optimising network
management efciency and reducing
grid congestions when demand
reaches its peak.
These strategies can only be en-
abled by a digitalised system. Digi-
talising the entire grid environment
would improve efciency, raise grid
capacity and partially defer the need
for grid reinforcement. Our new
study ‘Wired for Tomorrow’ shows
that digitalisation can signicantly
improve efciency when building,
operating and maintaining the elec-
tricity grid, and that the role of regu-
lation is once again key to guide in-
vestments where they are most
Neglecting this investment need
carries signicant consequences. De-
laying grid enhancement not only
hampers the speed of the energy
transition, but also imperils energy
security and the societal benets of
Without action, 74 per cent of key
decarbonisation technologies will not
materialise – resulting in missed con-
nections for 190 million heat pumps,
120 million EV chargers, 1220 GW
of distributed renewables, and 240
TWh of industrial electrication
our ‘Grids for Speed’ study conrms.
Worse yet, inaction could lead to an
additional 1800 – 2060 Mt CO
emissions by 2050 – meaning miss-
ing net zero by 37 per cent.
So how do we get the grid up to
speed? In ‘Grids for Speed’, we
highlight three key actions: planning
and investing in a strategic way, es-
tablishing a robust regulatory frame-
work and streamlining supply chain
integration for scalability.
Today, our regulatory framework
falls short of a much-needed for-
ward-looking change of mindset. As
15 European countries gear up to re-
assess remuneration frameworks by
2026, the current regulation should
be urgently reformed. This includes
dismantling national blockers and
empowering distribution system op-
erators (DSOs) to invest in anticipat-
ed capacity needs, simplifying pro-
cesses to enable quick decisions and
providing additional nancial sup-
port, in the form of non-tariff fund-
ing instruments, that provide an at-
tractive risk-reward prole while
keeping high standards of regulatory
Achieving net zero also hinges on
scalable supply chains for grids.
Even with sufcient investment, un-
resolved bottlenecks in the supply
chain can jeopardise timely deploy-
ment. By 2050, doubling transform-
ers from 4.5 to 9 million and increas-
ing conductors from 10 to 16.8 million
km will be imperative. Yet, a copper
shortage could become a bottleneck
for getting our grids up to speed. To
succeed, immediate action is vital
across material sourcing, manufactur-
ing, procurement, and permitting.
Aligning our infrastructure and
supply chains with our vision on
grids for speed is a race against time.
It is also closely tied to having a
skilled workforce capable of translat-
ing investment into tangible infra-
structure. To tackle these hurdles
head-on, we have to supercharge
supply chain efciency. From en-
hancing material supplies to stream-
lining permitting, to creating training
initiatives and education certicates,
each step is pivotal. But none of this
progress will be possible without ef-
fective collaboration among industry,
European policymakers and national
If we succeed, society stands to un-
dergo a transformative shift. En-
hanced grid speed promises ampli-
ed benets, including a resilient
electricity supply, new green jobs, a
decarbonised system and lower ener-
gy bills in the long-term. Distribution
prices are expected to remain stable
until 2050, despite increased con-
sumption, as the rate of electrica-
tion will enable investments to be
spread across more customers and
amortisation of assets will be spread
across decades.
Delivering on the EU’s net zero
and REPowerEU targets demands a
harmonious convergence of regula-
tions, collaboration, investment, tal-
ent and supply chain optimisation.
‘Grids for Speed’ serves as a road-
map for policymakers, industry play-
ers and investors, to guide them to-
wards a fair and swift transition to
clean energy. By embracing the in-
vestment needs and fast-tracking reg-
ulatory strategies outlined in our re-
port, we are condent in the potential
to turn a clean and renewable future
from possibility into reality.
Let’s not languish any longer: the
time to act is now.
Kristian Ruby is Secretary General
at Eurelectric.
Distribution is often
missing in the energy
transition discussion,
resulting in a
disconnect between
the politically agreed
pace of the transition
and the incremental
investment growth
of distribution grids.
Kristian Ruby says
it is vital that we close
this gap swiftly and
effectively. Its ‘Grids
for Speed’ report
serves as a roadmap
to guide policymakers,
industry players and
investors towards a
fair and swift transition
to clean energy.
Accelerating the clean energy
Accelerating the clean energy
revolution begins with distribution
revolution begins with distribution
Industry Perspective
Ruby says the distribution grid is often “the forgotten giant”
Renewable energy capacity in
the EU
recent years, an increasing number of
companies around the world have
been developing bi-directional or ve-
hicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies.
This allows EVs to act as small, on-
site power plants, sending unused
battery power back to the electricity
grid when needed, becoming a key
component of VPPs. This helps bal-
ance the power grid and ensures a
steady supply of energy, especially
when renewables are present in the
system. AI-led technological break-
throughs will optimise the input and
output of EV batteries and ensure
their life cycle is not overly impacted.
This is known as Vehicle Grid Inte-
gration (VGI).
In the past few years, many V2G
start-ups have been established. Over
140 were identied as V2G solutions
providers to watch in 2023 by StarUs
Insights, a database focused on start-
ups and technologies. In Portugal,
Pocityf, was set up in 2019, focusing
on energy management and smart
urban mobility, aiming to integrate
V2G with solar power. In the US,
EnergyHub, a distributed energy
management systems and software
provider, partnered with Toyota, a
major Japanese auto manufacturer, to
provide V2G services to Toyota and
Lexus cars initially in Maryland. In
the UK, renewable energy supplier
Octopus Energy launched a V2G tar-
iff for customers in February 2024. It
offers EV owners free charging if
they sell the power stored in their ve-
hicles back to Octopus Energy during
peak hours. The company plans to
expand this offering to other markets,
including France, Japan, and New
EV ownership has grown exponen-
tially in the EU during the past few
years and is expected to continue
posting strong growth. The European
Environment Agency provided de-
tailed gures from 2010 through
2022. The number of battery EVs and
he EU will be adding tens of
gigawatts of solar and wind ca-
pacity annually through 2030.
This will strain Transmission System
Operators (TSOs). The expansion will
bring the renewable energy capacity
to about 1070-1200 GW by 2030, up
from just under 400 GW in 2022. The
EU aims for renewables to account for
at least 42.5 per cent of nal energy
consumption by 2030, up from less
than 23 per cent in 2022. The tripling
of solar power and doubling of wind
energy in such a short period will fur-
ther stress the already stretched grid
infrastructure in several EU countries.
Eleven of 26 grids are not sufciently
accounting for renewables targets in
their plans, according to independent
energy think-tank Ember. The EU es-
timates that over €580 billion ($630
billion) will be invested in grid im-
provements, with a large portion
dedicated to digital solutions.
Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) are a
digital solution that can assist TSOs.
These systems combine three ele-
ments: distributed energy resources
like solar panels, batteries in EVs, and
others, utilising software-based tech-
nologies to manage and dispatch this
combined energy effectively. They
rely on information and communica-
tion technologies together with the
Internet of Things. By leveraging
VPPs, TSOs can achieve a more ef-
cient power grid, balancing the inte-
gration of intermittent renewables
and stabilising the overall grid for
better reliability. Additional advan-
tages include providing a continuous
power supply, being available quickly
or even immediately, remote control-
lability, affordability, and cost savings
for end users.
VPPs can connect millions of energy
assets across various locations, allow-
ing them to work together. Increased
computing power leads to more ef-
cient coordination, enabling assets
ranging from home air conditioning
systems to large industrial machines
to operate in unison. VPPs can handle
billions of data points in near-real
time, including weather data, con-
sumer information, electricity market
data, and other sources. All this infor-
mation feeds into the VPP system,
which constantly measures the overall
power system, forecasts energy de-
mand, and assesses available supply.
According to Origin Energy, an Aus-
tralian utility, AI makes this whole
process faster and more efcient.
For VPPs to be effective, recording
consumer energy consumption data
through smart meters is essential. The
EU is making progress but needs to
accelerate its push to add smart me-
ters, as current adoption is below
ideal levels. The EU27+3 (Norway,
Switzerland, UK) should see a pene-
tration rate of almost 80 per cent by
2028, equal to 326 million meters,
compared to just 56 per cent at the end
of 2022, notes Berg Insights, a con-
sultancy. The cost to install smart
meters averages €180-200 ($195 –
$217) per meter while saving €270
($293) per metering point in billing
and achieving an average energy sav-
ing of 2-10 per cent, according to a
study by the EU Directorate-General
for Energy in March 2020. It is worth
noting that smart meter installation is
a rolling process, as their life cycle is
between 10 and 20 years.
The interaction between VPPs,
EVs, and AI offers signicant long-
term potential for operators and in-
vestors. The quality of batteries for
EVs is rapidly improving, providing
users with longer ranges for the same
number of kilowatt-hours used. Ad-
ditionally, the cost of batteries for
EVs, as well as for other forms of
storage, has been progressively fall-
ing and many forecast it will continue
to decline.
Currently, electricity for EVs is
unidirectional, owing from the grid
to the vehicle via a charging point. In
plug-in EVs rose to almost two mil-
lion from less than 600 during this
period. Battery EVs alone increased
to 1.13 million. The share of electric
car registrations was 21.6 per cent,
including 12.2 per cent for battery
EVs, in 2022. Just ve years earlier,
in 2018, it was less than 2 per cent in
total, including just 1 per cent for
battery EVs. Preliminary estimates
indicate that in 2023, battery EVs
reached a 15 per cent market share.
There are already a large number of
companies developing VPPs, and
more are likely to join the sector. The
German electric utility company Next
Kraftwerke GmbH is present in six
EU countries and is regarded as one
of the major operators of large-scale
VPPs. It had a networked capacity of
about 13.5 GW as at the end of 2023.
It involves almost 17 000 small pro-
ducers, and energy storage facilities,
as well as commercial and industrial
Another of the many participants in
the VPP market is the German energy
producer Sonnen GmbH, owned by
Shell since 2019. The home energy
storage systems for private house-
holds and small businesses (over 125
000 thousand batteries installed), op-
erates in 11 countries across three
continents, Asia, Europe, and North
America. In Europe, Sonen’s VPP
capacity is 250 MWh, which it hopes
to grow to 1000 MWh.
A third example is Enel X, the en-
ergy supply and management services
arm of Italian utility Enel with 65
million customers and 90 GW in in-
stalled capacity. It has been highly
active in the VPP space all over the
world. For example, it won a contract
with the Australian Energy Market
Operator to supply 120 MW of exible
demand capacity in October 2023. Of
note a number of European energy
technologies manufacturers are also
involved in VPP sector, they include
ABB, Bosch, Schneider Electric, and
The growth trend of VPPs in the EU
and beyond is expected to accelerate
sharply over the next few years. Sev-
eral research rms project the market
to expand from less than $2 billion to
between $10 and $24 billion, with a
compound annual growth rate ex-
ceeding 20 per cent. Spherical Insights
& Consulting estimates the global
VPP market will grow to $13.7 billion
by 2032 from $1.8 billion. Inkwood
Research provides a more conserva-
tive estimate of $9.5 billion, while
Fortune Business Insights forecasts a
substantial increase to $24 billion.
Joseph Jacobelli heads family ofce
Bougie Impact Capital. He has over
30 years’ experience in energy markets
as an investor, executive, and analyst.
He promotes climate nance aware-
ness through publication and on the
“Asia Climate Finance Podcast.”
Note: This commentary is based on a
section of Joseph’s forthcoming book
“Empowering Clean Energy’s Succes-
sion: How Policy and Finance Are
Changing Business for the Climate”
Decarbonisation Series
Virtual Power Plants
(VPPs) will be a key
technology for the
energy transition
in the EU in the
coming years, and
the rapid growth of
electric vehicles will
aid the development
of VPPs through
technologies such as
Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G)
digital solutions. This
offers operators and
investors a great
number of investment
opportunities, writes
Joseph Jacobelli.
VPPs, AI, and EVs: a boost to the
EU energy transition
New registrations of electric cars, EU-27
Notes: columns 3,4 and 6 calculated by the author, column 7 recalculated by the author.
Source: European Environment Agency, 24 October 2023 https://www.eea.europa.eu/en/analysis/indicators/new-registrations-of-electric-
ate last year, Finnish start-up
company Polar Night Energy
(PNE) teamed up with Ilmatar,
a Nordic energy company and inde-
pendent power producer (IPP), to
start what is being dubbed as a “new
era” in clean energy production.
Their collaboration focuses on ad-
dressing critical challenges in wind
and solar power generation, with the
goal of enhancing protability and
grid stability.
In December 2023 PNE embarked
on a two-year programme to develop
and commercialise the electricity
production capabilities of a novel
sand battery that converts excess re-
newable energy into heat, then back
into electricity.
Ilmatar, one of the leading IPPs in
the Nordics, will participate in the
development and will be among the
rst to be offered the state-of-the-art
large-scale power-to-heat-to-power
(P2H2P) systems. Ilmatar will pro-
vide PNE with commercial piloting
opportunities on their wind farms
when the technology reaches an ad-
vanced stage. This will mark a sig-
nicant step toward the practical de-
ployment of this innovative solution.
“The renewable energy production
business has nally reached the vol-
ume level where we can focus more
on the cost-efcient, large-scale and
exible energy storage,” said Il-
matars New Business Development
Manager Katja Koponen.
A well-known challenge of weath-
er-dependent energy production is
that electricity market prices are of-
ten low when production is at its
peak. By developing new high-ca-
pacity energy storage solutions, the
two companies say they are building
a exible and decentralised energy
system of the future while also creat-
ing new business opportunities and
addressing bottlenecks in electricity
“Installing energy storage behind
the meter at a wind farm makes
controlling electricity output to the
national grid easier. Similar ad-
vancements will follow with solar
power as its grid presence grows.
These large-scale storage solutions
are crucial in our long-term strategy
for cleaner energy,” said Markku
Ylönen, CTO of Polar Night Ener-
gy. “Ilmatars exclusive focus on
wind and solar, without any history
of combustion-based production,
aligns with our vision.”
PNE was founded in 2018 but the
roots of the company’s sand battery
go back further. The company’s
founders Tommi Eronen and Markku
Ylönen met while studying at Tam-
pere University of Technology in
Finland and had their rst discus-
sions on the technology in 2013.
After plenty of Comsol Multiphys-
ics models and rst technology vali-
dation at Kuhmalahti, Kangasala, in
2017 they decided to focus on solid
material thermal energy storage and
PNE was born a year later.
Commenting on their motivation,
Ylönen said: “We are trying to miti-
gate climate change as it is one of the
biggest challenges of our time. To
mitigate climate change, we need so-
lutions for storing energy generated
from weather-dependent renewable
sources such as solar and wind. Also,
the trend of declining electricity
prices, increasing volatility, and the
need for energy storage all played a
part in starting the company.”
He added: “It was clear that in-
creasing renewable energy produc-
tion won’t be enough to decarbonise
the heating sector without high-ca-
pacity storage.”
PNE’s patented high-temperature
large-scale heat storage technology
is at the heart of its system. It uses
sand, or sand-like material, as the
storage medium, which leads to safe
operation and a natural balance in
the storage cycle. Additionally, sand
is a cheap and abundant material,
which can be heated up to 1000°C
and even higher.
Inside the sand is a heat transfer
system that enables effective energy
transportation to and from the stor-
age. Proper insulation between the
storage and environment ensures
long storing period, from hours to
months, with minimal heat losses.
PNE says its battery enables the
upscaling of solar or wind energy up
to 100 per cent of a facility’s heating
and electricity demand. The size and
usage of the heat storage affects its
efciency but the shorter the storage
period, the less heat is lost between
charging and discharging.
Resistive heating of sand is essen-
tially 100 per cent efcient, but the
efciency is lowered by heat loss
through the boundaries of the sys-
tem. However, there are several
ways PNE tackles this problem.
Ville Kivioja, PNE’s Lead Scien-
tist, explained: “Since sand is a solid
material heat is transferred inside the
storage only by conduction. As the
heat conductivity of sand is low, the
outer parts of the storage act effec-
tively as insulators for the core and
thus there is always a considerably
steep radial temperature prole in-
side the storage.
“Simply put, unlike for water-
based storage systems that have con-
stant temperature everywhere, the
outer layers of a sand-based heat
storage have temperatures much be-
low the average temperature of the
system and the heat does not ow ef-
fectively from core to the outer lay-
ers and nally to the ambient space.”
Although sand has self-insulating
properties, PNE uses conventional
insulation at the boundaries of the
system. A heat transfer pipe system
inside the sand allows the boundar-
ies to be prioritised when discharg-
ing the storage and prioritises the
core when charging.
“This means that even if some of
the heat is about to be conducted to
the outer layers, we can make use a
good proportion of it instead of it
getting lost. For the heat charged to
the core of the system, it takes a very
long time to reach the boundaries,”
said Kivioja.
The size of the storage therefore
affects the efciency, since a small-
er system has more surface area
compared to its volume than a big-
ger one, and the heat loss is essen-
tially proportional to the surface
“Simply put, the core of the storage
can hold the heat for a very long
time without it getting lost, and the
core is bigger for bigger storage,”
said Kivioja. PNE’s models show
that large 1 GWh systems will have
an efciency of 95 per cent.
The systems are designed based on
simulations using COMSOL Multi-
physics software, using 3-D transient
heat transport models with real-life
input and output data.
The desired storage period com-
pletely depends on the application
and the needs of the customer, and
can vary from one day to several
PNE says the physical size of its
storage systems can range from tens
to thousands of cubic metres. It is
possible to locate the storage under-
ground, therefore requiring minimal
space, which is crucial at, for exam-
ple, construction sites.
PNE is currently focusing on two
products. At the moment it can offer
a heat storage system with 2 MW
heating power with a capacity of 300
MWh or 10 MW heating power with
a capacity of 1000 MWh. However,
the heat storage system is scalable
for many different purposes and
there are plans to expand the product
range in the future.
Compared to other forms of stor-
age, PNE says the design of the sand
battery is simple, robust, and cus-
tomisable, leading to high efciency
and low cost per unit of energy ca-
pacity. This, it says, makes it suitable
for a number of potential applica-
tions since 36 per cent of all industri-
al process heat is in the temperature
range of 60-400 °C. This is the cur-
rent range of PNE’s thermal energy
storage. Relevant industry sectors in-
clude food and beverage, chemicals,
paper and pulp, textiles, and space
and district heating.
The rst commercial sand-based
thermal energy storage was for Vata-
jankoski, an energy utility based in
Western Finland. This system pro-
vides heat for Vatajankoski’s district
heating network in Kankaanpää, Fin-
land. The sand battery has 100 kW
heating power and 8 MWh capacity.
Full-scale utilisation of the storage
commenced in 2022.
A larger 1 MW sand battery in Por-
nainen will be fully operational next
spring. This is a signicant step in
scaling up the sand battery technolo-
gy, as it will also act as a primary
production plant for Loviisan
Lämpö’s district heating network.
PNE also has a 3 MWh running
test pilot in Hiedanranta, Tampere,
which is connected to a local district
heating grid to provide heat for a
couple of buildings. The pilot en-
ables testing, validation and optimi-
sation of the heat storage solution.
Here, electricity is partly supplied by
a 100 m
solar panel array with the
rest coming from the grid.
In the latest collaboration, PNE
and Ilmatar are committed to explor-
ing the most effective methods for
integrating PNE’s sand battery into
Ilmatars wind and solar installations
in order to drive the transformation
of the renewable energy landscape.
Since the sand battery will be
charged using electricity, charging
during hours where cheap and clean
electricity is available is crucial.
PNE has therefore developed algo-
rithms that optimise the charging
pattern. Using these algorithms, the
thermal energy storage can effective-
ly utilise the cheapest hours of the
electricity markets or any excess re-
newable energy production.
For Ilmatar, a sand battery could
potentially deliver extra prot by al-
lowing it to access the ancillary ser-
vice markets, whose purpose is to
balance the electric grid. Moreover,
it can offer valuable exibility to the
electricity network.
The collaboration is a major mile-
stone for development of the tech-
nology and the company. Ylönen
concluded: “After a successful seed
round, we are now growing our sales
and R&D teams to better cater to our
customers’ needs and advancing our
capabilities in converting stored heat
back to electricity.
“We are in a very good position to
realise our vision of decarbonising
energy production and establishing
Polar Night Energy as the leading
global provider of large-scale ther-
mal energy storage solutions.”
A “new era” in
battery storage is
being hailed with the
development of a
sand battery system
designed to boost the
protability of wind
and solar. TEI Times
Drawing a line in the sand
Drawing a line in the sand
Technology Focus
Polar Night Energy’s sand
battery is a large-scale high
temperature thermal energy
storage that uses sand or sand-
like materials to store energy in
sand as heat. Illustrations by Simo
Final Word
he city of Athens – the venue
for this years Eurelectric Pow-
er Summit – was a splendid
backdrop to discuss the key challeng-
es facing Europe’s power sector and
the implementation strategies that are
urgently needed.
With European elections about to
take place shortly and Hungary set to
take over the rotating presidency of
the Council of the European Union
from July, it was perfect timing for
Atilla Steiner, Hungary’s State Secre-
tary for Energy and Climate Policy
within the Ministry for Energy, to set
out what he sees as the main areas for
Steiner rst noted that Hungary was
taking over the presidency at a very
important time. “It will be the last in-
stitutional cycle before 2030,” he said.
“And we will have the privilege of
setting the tone for the next institu-
tional cycle.”
Steiner shared his thoughts on the
priorities he would like to put on the
agenda during what will be Hungary’s
second presidency semester. During
its rst presidency, back in 2011, the
motto was “stronger Europe”. Since
then, the continent has endured sev-
eral crises from nancial and im-
migration crises to war between
Russia and Ukraine, and a crippling
energy crisis.
According to Steiner, Hungary
would like to “provide a platform” for
all stakeholders to forge a much
deeper collaboration in difcult times.
For the energy sector he said a key goal
will be to reduce the gap between
policy and implementation.
“We have many ambitious goals and
good strategies but we are lagging
behind on the implementation. The
key is how we can move everybody to
implement our strategic directions.
One of the key priorities of the Hungar-
ian presidency will be the competitive-
ness of Europe… we’ve talked a lot
about sustainability and 2040/2050
targets but I think the competitiveness
of Europe now and in the coming years
has been a little bit forgotten.
“Energy is one of the key pillars of
competitiveness… Europe is a re-
source-poor continent, without much
fossil fuel, but we do have renewables.
But we need more debate on how we
master it, so I think the Energy Coun-
cil sessions will play a crucial role in
the next semester when we talk about
The plan, he says, is to organise an
informal Energy Council session in
July and a formal session in December,
with “several conferences” in between
on energy topics.
Three main priorities are on the table
for energy. The rst will be much more
focus on implementation and how it
“can be translated into EU language”.
“Theoretically National energy and
climate plans will have been nalised
and submitted to the European Com-
mission by the start of the Hungarian
presidency, said Steiner. “So we will
have an overview of where we are
standing. Is there still a signicant gap
to reach 2030 [targets]? What actions
do we need to meet our goals? Is it
feasible to meet those goals? That
debate is still missing.”
It was clear from a recently launched
Eurelectric study that there is a need
to signicantly accelerate the pace of
the energy transition, which in large
part can be achieved through electri-
cation. Stiener noted that in Hungary,
electrication “has the largest poten-
tial” to drive the transition by replacing
gas with another energy carrier,
namely electricity.
According to Eurelectric’s ‘Grids for
Speed (GfS)’ report, in order to de-
liver on plans to go green, electricity
demand, which “has only seen modest
growth in the last three decades”,
needs to rapidly accelerate. Its gures
show electricity as a percentage of
nal energy demand must grow from
20 per cent in 2015 to 60 per cent in
Such a change, however, depends on
building grids that are up to the task
of underpinning a more electried
society. According to the GfS report,
failure to invest in distribution grid
modernisation in particular will stall
much-needed connections of tech-
nologies, such as renewables, heat
pumps and electric vehicles (EVs). For
example, EVs in the EU will grow
from 8 million today to 69 million by
2030, says Eurelectric. Meanwhile
distributed renewable capacity will
grow six-fold from 2020 to 2050, with
about 70 per cent of future renewables
and storage being connected to the
distribution grid.
The report, produced with the sup-
port of EY, is informed by data from
distribution system operators (DSOs)
serving more than 60 per cent of Eu-
ropean energy users. It also includes
National Energy and Climate Plans
(NECPs), network development plans
(NDP) and proprietary EY data. The
report is modelled by EY and Impe-
rial College London (ICL) through to
2050, using ICLs representative grid
modelling methodology.
Introducing the report at the summit,
Eurelectric’s Secretary General Kris-
tian Ruby said: “We need to double
investment in distribution grids com-
pared to the last four years.” The
numbers show that €67 billion invest-
ment annually is needed to 2050, up
from €36 billion per year in 2023, to
deliver a distribution grid that will
enable the energy transition.
That money will be used to reinforce
grids to handle increasing demand;
renew ageing grids; install smart me-
ters and to make grids smarter through
automation and digitalisation.
It seems like a tall order, but as Ruby
said: “€67 billion. These gures seem
daunting but we should not panic;
after all they are a sum of what 27
countries need to do together. And it’s
not a crazy amount when compared to
the €451 billion paid for fossil fuel
imports, or other sector investments
[such as road and rail].
“And another bit of good news is, the
€67 billion can be reduced if we do
things right.” Eurelectric calculations
show this can be slashed by 18 per cent
to €55 billion by “doubling down” on
cooperation between regulators, au-
thorities and companies to invest today
in the long term future of Europe.
Ruby also noted that the promise of
new technologies such as smart
transformers, grid exibility solu-
tions, dynamic line rating, digital
twins, etc., will also contribute to
getting costs down.
“We have refrained form quantifying
the amount we can save from these
technologies because what we want to
do is work with you [the industry] as
a community to identify those tech-
nologies that can help bring down the
bill further,” said Ruby.
In another collaborative report with
Accenture called ‘Wired for tomor-
row’, Eurelectric offered six key in-
sights on DSO digitalisation – one
being balancing build-out and exibil-
Dr Sabine Erlinghagen, CEO Sie-
mens Grid Software, Siemens Smart
Infrastructure, pointed to the impor-
tance of exibility management in this
respect. “… It’s all about taking action
on exibility management,” she said.
Speaking on the sidelines of the con-
ference, she added: “You could bring
down the €67 billion cost if you made
the grid smarter. If, for example, ex-
ibility management was used, you
could avoid some of the capital invest-
ment and build-out because the grids
are used in a smarter way.”
Dr Erlinghagen noted that the low-
voltage grid is the least managed part
of the grid. “It’s like a blind spot in the
grid. Not only do you need to shed
light on that blind spot, i.e., understand
and know what’s happening in the
low-voltage grid, understand how
loaded your assets are and plan accord-
ingly. And then you need to act on it.
Because we are talking about millions
of devices and the very distributed
nature of the LV grid, it’s a task that is
humanly impossible to do.”
At the Summit, the company
launched its latest Gridscale X offer-
ing, LV Management. With additional
insights and transparency over what is
happening on the low-voltage grid,
operators can use the software as a
‘co-pilot’, helping them to deal with
the increasing complexity and chal-
lenges related to low voltage grids.
In many ways it is like help with
connecting the dots. Certainly there
are numerous points to link if the EU
is to navigate the disconnects that are
currently hampering its energy transi-
tion. Doing it in a smart way is not
only cheaper but is essential.
Staying on the grid
Junior Isles
Cartoon: jemsoar.com